PZC Minutes 060606Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
AVON Meeting Minutes
COL0R.AD5 June 6, 2006
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Green and
Commissioner Goulding.
Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Approval of Resolution 06-12, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510
Old Trail, Applicant/ Owner Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VI, Special Review Use
Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivison/451
Metcalf Rd, Applicant/ Owner: Quest Communications.
VI. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the May 16, 2006 Meeting Minutes
B. Approval of Resolution 06-12,
Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510 Old Trail
Applicant/ Owner.' Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach
Description: A Special Review Use Application was approved for a children's daycare at the
Commission's July 5, 2005 meeting. A condition of approval was that the permit be re-
reviewed in 12 months. Staff has received no complaints and is recommending a 3 -year
extension of the permit.
Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Struve
seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
VI. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING
Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd
Applicant/Owner: Qwest Communications
Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The
property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor
storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit
approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commission.
Dave Svabik, owner of property two doors to the south of this property, approached the podium and
began with comments regarding truck turnaround issues for the site, and continued with the 5
employees and their parking needs with only 10 spaces on the property, the lack of snow storage on
the site, the need for a nicer job of a landscaping plan, the area was for light industrial commercial,
and has issue with traffic and trucks.
Mr. Andrew Mitchell approached the podium as employee of Reddy and Reddy Architects, architects
for this project, and addressed landscaping. Commissioner Struve asked for clarification on the fence
as it will be straighten and not replaced; was the fence high enough to screen cable spools and
boxes. Mr. Mitchell replied that it storage was low level. Commissioner Struve asked what area client
was servicing and Mr. Mitchell didn't know the response.
Parking on site was one per employee; Commissioner Struve questioned trucks parking overnight and
the number of technicians to service Eagle County. Clarification was required on the number of
proposed technicians on site and how the parking would be allocated. Commissioner Struve queried
if construction equipment is to be stored in the yard and Mr. Mitchell did not know answer.
Commissioner Foster questioned truck turning radius and site storage and would storage need to be
clear for trucks. Mr. Mitchell responded that it should not be a conflict. Commissioner Lane requested
review of a landscaping plan and Mr. Mitchell responded that it was an existing site and that it didn't
require additional landscaping per code. Commissioner Struve voiced that a SRU allowed for
changes to the site. Eric Heidemann commented that the new Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan
allowed for changes to an original SRU. Matt Pielsticker asked for clarification on truck movements
on site was necessary. Mr. Mitchell revealed that trucks would pull up past intersection entry and
would back into site.
Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot
11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd, Applicant / Owner.- Qwest
Communications, to seek answers to snow storage, landscaping, fencing, parking (are techs included
in the five in terms of parking?), signage and storage of construction equipment. Commissioner
Foster seconded the motion to table. The motion passed unanimously with all commissioners in
Mr. Svabik returned the podium to comment that the Eagle -Vail Qwest location was twice the size of
the Avon location and suggested the Commission be careful with this application.
VII. Minor Projects
A. Wildridge Fence
Property Location. Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane
Applicant/Owner: Sam Ecker
Description: A rounded wood rail fence located in the rear/side yard of this Longsun Lane property.
The fence is 4' tall and would have a wire mesh to contain dogs. The Planning Commission must
review all fences not meeting specific staff approval criteria.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report
Commissioner Evans asked staff to discuss the reasons why it does not comply with the conditions for
staff approval of a fence application. Mr. Pielsticker responded that it does delineate a property line,
the fence area is more than 2,000 square feet, it is more than a two -rail design — it is a three -rail
horizontal rail design. Mr. Pielsticker continued that the application meets the intent of the guidelines
but not the literal.
Commissioner Struve commented on the height and round rails versus split rails. Commissioner
Evans was concerned with the area size by moving fence in by bringing into compliance
Commissioner Smith pull in the fence to setback line. Commissioner Lane responded that size was
an issue
Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — A, Wildridge Fence, Property
Location: Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane, Applicant/Owner. Sam Ecker
as submitted with the condition that the fence be moved from the southeastern side property line to
the setback and that the area inside not be more than 2,000 square feet. Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
B. Eaglebend Fence
Property Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive
Applicants/Owners: Amy & Bill Phillips and Joan Sorensen
Description:- A request for multiple lengths of 6' tall dog-eared cedar fencing on these Eaglebend Drive
properties. Since the fencing does not meet the required staff approval criteria, it can only be
reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Matt Pielsticker addressed the staff report to the Commission.
Amy and Bill Phillips, owners, approached the podium to discuss the fence. They began that there
are 6 or 7 properties in the neighborhood with similar picket fences. Ms. Phillips continued that the
Eaglebend area was different from Wildridge for which the fence guidelines were created. An 8 -foot
fence is situated to the north of the property by the railroad tracks. The fence is for privacy and their
Kathleen Walsh, owner of Lot 7, approached the podium to address this application. Her one concern
was the 8 foot fence in her rear, the fence on Lots 6 and 7 are different styles, and when she fences in
the remainder of her property which style of fence does she follow and that her yard would exceed the
2,000 square foot guideline criteria. Commissioner Evans said the commission strove for consistency
and the guidelines are written more towards Wildridge and Wildwood. Ms. Walsh was also concerned
with the three pit bulls on the Phillips' property and the fence's ability to hold in the animals. Mr.
Phillips continued that the dogs were chained and Thomas, Ms. Walsh's son, has played with the
Commissioner Smith motioned to approve, Item VII, Minor Projects — B, Eaglebend Fence, Property
Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive. Commissioner Foster
seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Christie Lodge Color Change
Property Location., Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge)
Applicants/Owners: Charles Frey, Manager
Description: A request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current rust color to a forest
green color. The applicant also requested to paint the standing seam metal roof along the first level of
the building a matching forest green color.
Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the commission.
Charles Frey, director of operations for the Christie Lodge, approached the podium for application
review. Commissioner Evans questioned the durability of the product so that a high quality durable
fade resistant was used. Mr. Frey quoted the manufacturer's spec sheet with 8 -year warranty against
fading. Commissioner Struve asked about the change of color and Mr. Frey responded that the last
color was for 25 years. Mr. Frey commented on the lighting that no changes were planned.
Commissioner Evans was concerned with the color fastness of the product.
Commissioner Evans voiced concern for the long-term durability of all the products proposed.
Commissioner Lane would be more comfortable with a cut sheet of the product.
Mr. Frey first came to a work session for input by the commission, and then tabled at the last meeting,
Commissioner Evans would be fine to leave durability up to staff.
Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — C, Christie Lodge Color Change,
Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge), subject
to the following conditions; Condition #1 - the applicant submit an updated lighting plan within 60
days, Condition #2 of the Staff Report, Staff review the products that are going to be applied and
agree or disagree to their durability, and include the first choice color. Commissioner Smith
seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility
Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road
Applicant: Corporate Identity Solutions /Owner: U -Store -It
Description: Sign Design application to replace the existing "Self Storage" pan channel sign with a
new pan channel "U -Store -It" sign on Nottingham Road. Town Code requires that all signs not part of
an approved Master Sign Program be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commissioners.
Commissioner Struve questioned the large tree and if it would be damaged. Matt Pielsticker
responded that he was not aware of any action towards the tree and that the sign would be "pretty
Commissioner Smith motioned to deny Item VIII, Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility,
Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road, with findings
in staff's report. Commissioner Struve seconded and the motion for denial passed unanimously by the
IX. Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex
A. Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East
Applicant/Owner: Jim Jose
Description: Final Design review for an 8,400 square foot duplex residence proposed on Wildridge
Road East property. The proposed materials include stone, vertical and horizontal siding, and timber
detailing. The lot contains steep existing grades and limited access opportunities. A sketch design
application for this project was reviewed at the Commission's February 21, 2006 meeting.
Eric Heidemann provided the staff report.
Jim Jose, representing Holy Cross Building and Design, spoke from the podium on commissioner
concerns regarding height, driveway approach, square footage, and neighbor concerns.
Commissioner Struve commented on the lot and its steepness. Commissioner Foster voiced concern
with height. Commissioner Smith concerned with driveway, garage and parking situation.
Commissioner Lane acknowledged that the site was a challenge and good job of architecture was
done but parking and driveway design was an issue. Commissioner Evans had concern with the
landscaping plan for buffering and softening the site.
Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — A,
Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East with the condition
that lighting cut sheets and a revised landscape plan are provided for staff approval. Commissioner
Foster seconded and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Applicant/Owner: George ("Tripp") Plavec
Description: Final Design review for a new duplex structure on Wildridge Road East in the Wildridge
Subdivision. Proposed materials include stucco, bev lap siding, stone, and heavy timbers. The
sketch design review for this duplex was reviewed at the Planning and Zoning Commission's May 16,
2006 meeting.
Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report.
Tripp Plavec showed a visual demonstration of his project to the commissioners to include the
landscape design. Commissioner Struve questioned the trees on the adjacent lot line and asked for
them to be protected and spruces to be moved as screening.
Commissioner Foster motioned for approval of Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — B,
Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Applicant/Owner: George ("Tripp") Plavec
with following conditions to be resolved prior to the building permit submittal: 1 - positive drainage
must be demonstrated; 2 — a revised landscape will be provided with the irrigated area not more than
20% of the landscaped area, sage plantings will blend with the lot to eliminate a harsh cut line, 3 — all
technical corrections are addressed as identified by Staff; and 4 — Except as otherwise modified by
this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s)
in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of
approval. Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed
XII. Other Business
A. Update of Various Projects
a. Comcast Cable: Matt Pielsticker will be riding with technician to do locates
b. Gates will be staging on the adjacent Folsom property
c. Widening of Wildridge Road between Old Trail and Bear Trap
d. Next meeting — Final Design of the Westin
e. Lot 6 Block 4 Wildridge - check landscape plan
f. 520 Nottingham Road - siding issues
XIII. Adjourn
Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn
adjourned at approximately 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Phil Struve
All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was