PZC Minutes 020706Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting kv' 0 N Minutes 0 L 0 R A D O February 7, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Green. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Eric Heidemann brought a few items to the attention of the Commission with the site tour at Noon today regarding the Tract Y, Mountain Center Subdivision Filing, with two commissioners present, Commissioner Struve and Commissioner D'Agostino. He continued with a change to the agenda beginning with Item VIII that stated the Applicant requested that this item be tabled and that was in error, as the item was not requested to be tabled; and Item X referenced Items IX and X and should reference Items VIII and IX. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Items VIII, IX and X, regarding Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3/0382 Metcalf Road, Applicant: Mark Donaldson/Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC. V. Consent Agenda: ■ Approval of the January 17, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Smith motioned for the approval of the Minutes from the January 17, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings; Commissioner Savage seconded and the motion passed unanimously. V1. Riverfront Subdivision Minimum Design Standards Review Property Location: Confluence PUD/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts /Owner: Vail Associates Description: A request for an amendment to the Confluence PUD to modify the existing development rights and zoning for the entire property was forwarded by the Commission to Town Council on January 17, 2006. The recommended approval requested that minimum architectural design standards be submitted to the Commission and, after review, be forwarded to Town Council and incorporated into the PUD Development plan. The Commission will review the first draft of proposed design standards. Tambi Katieb refreshed the Commission on conditions for site-specific standards regarding approved Resolution 06-01 and the applicant's submittal was not provided in time for Staff review. Mr. Katieb requested a discussion of the proposed changes Andy Gunion, East West Partners, approached the podium to begin discussion on the Riverfront Village. David Kaselak, Zehren and Associates, introduced the Riverfront Village Design Guidelines as submitted to Staff on a bullet point by bullet point presentation. He highlighted the primary concerns of the Commission. Commissioner Struve questioned where the concrete blocks and walks were proposed. Mr. Kaslack continued with discussing massing and how details were in line with the Town of Avon guidelines, building bases, massing, roof pitches, building heights. The Commission expressed concern regarding the broad language used in these guidelines and requested more detailed language be used in the next draft. Also suggested by the Commission was the replacement of the word "should be" with "shall". Commissioner Evans questioned if the development standards or the design guidelines were being addressed, and continued by commenting that the guidelines were more like standards that define the project. Andy Gunion replied that design standards were a mid point for discussion. Commissioner Evans commented that it was items of the development for the site. Chuck Madison commented that the hotel was a couple of weeks from sketch design submittal and Commissioner Evans responded that an actual design standard with specific design guidelines which were above and beyond the Town Core Design Guidelines, would give the Commission parameters to approve within the PUD. Mr. Madison commented that sketch for the hotel was unique to the site. Mr. Katieb commented that a sketch design for the hotel would benefit from being a separate set of guidelines. Mr. Madison commented that massing ridgelines materials were addressed. It was determined by the Commission and by Staff that the hotel would not be applicable to the guidelines and that reviewing the hotel concurrent with the guidelines would help in the drafting of the guidelines. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the guideline review of the formal planting at the riparian area at the rivers edge and Mr. Madison responded that the intention was to leave the area natural as well as creating put in points for the river's access but to designate areas for this use to direct the public away from trampling the river's edge natural vegetation. Commissioner Buckner commented that bringing stucco to ground level was a issue and the use of the term "similar materials" leaves an inappropriate opening for interpretation. Commissioner D'Agostino made a motion to table Item VI, Riverfront Subdivision Minimum Design Standards Review, Property Location: Confluence PUD/95 Avon Road, with Commissioner Smith seconding. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously to table to the next meeting. VII. Final Design Plan Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdvision/4010 Wildridge Road West Applicant: Daniel Ritsch Description: The applicant is proposing a Final Design application for a 9,400 square foot duplex residence on the subject property. The property is a relatively steep uphill lot located at the intersection of Bear Trap and Wildridge Road. The proposed materials include stone veneer, cedar siding, and asphalt shingles. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Stuart Brummett, architect, approached the podium to address commissioner concern from sketch plan and presented the commissioners a cut sheet and retaining wall details to review. Commissioner Smith favored the driveway design and parking; Commissioner Savage discussed the pavers along with lighting fixtures and their locations. Commissioner Evans questioned the Cor-ten AZP, a new product from US Steel, which doesn't allow for rust. Commissioner Struve moved for approval of Item VII, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdvision/4010 Wildridge Road West with conditions listed in the staff report and Commissioner Buckner seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6 - 0. VIII. Parking Variance - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road Applicant: Mark Donaldson /Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC Description: A request for a Variance from section 17.24.020-11 (b) of the Avon Municipal Code, to reduce (from 1/800 GFA to 1/1300 GFA) the parking required for a self -storage land use. Additionally, relief is being sought from section 17.24.030 of the Municipal Code to eliminate the requirement for more than one 12' x 35' loading berth for self -storage and warehousing land uses. This application is being reviewed concurrently with a Special Review Use application as well as a sketch design plan review. The applicant has requested that this agenda item be tabled until a later meeting date. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report. Mark Donaldson approached the podium for Commissioner comments and voiced that the parking code definitely needed to be amended. Mr. Donaldson read the staff report and reviewed the criteria and the findings of this report. Past variances and their nature were then outlined. Staff advised the Applicant that a variance was the wrong road about a week ago. Mr. Donaldson read from the Avon Municipal Code and the fundamental differences in interpretation. Mr. Donaldson read each of the variance criteria as presented in the Staff Report. Findings required were read next and responded to Item A with the AAA Self Storage having 22 spaces through a variance. Mr. Donaldson maintained that the project conformed to the letter of criteria. Chris Jurgens, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, approached the podium to discuss the parking issue with 1 to 1300 sq ft and stated it paralleled what was currently provided at the AAA Mini - Storage and Mountain Center project on Nottingham Road. Mr. Donaldson distributed an Exhibit A - "Self Storage Standards and the Modern Community', Self Storage Association, undated. Mr. Jurgens began to site similarities with the provided analysis in Exhibit B — "Land Use: 151 Mini Warehouse", Trip Generation, January 1991, Institute of Transportation Engineers, newly provided to the Commission. Commissioner Savage requested that these materials should have been provided to the Commission for their review prior to the Meeting. Commissioner Buckner questioned where the 1 to 1300 was formulated. Chris Jurgens responded that it was the most restrictive with AAA Mini Storage's granted variance of 1 to 1300 sq ft, Mountain Center, previously had zero, Avon Self Storage has 7 spaces to 44000 sq ft as it appeared by a site visit. Eric Heidemann interjected that Staff was not disputing that 1300 sq ft per space doesn't work. Staff commented that the variance process was not the proper venue for this issue. Staff has initiated a zoning code amendment for a new parking standard and a draft ordinance would be prepared for the Commission at the next meeting. Staff would like to come back to the Commission with researched findings as well. Bob Preeo, attorney for one of the applicants in this project, addressed the issue of the parking code and he was told that the variance process was the proper approach to the issue. He continued that process was previously approved. Commissioner Savage commented that the variance was done in error in the past, to continue in error does not make it right. Commissioner Buckner asked what the basis for the reversal was last time. Mr. Preeo responded that it was the result of the number of cars on the roadway with denial by one vote from Town Council on appeal. Mr. Donaldson asked if staff had the Town Attorney opinion on this matter. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING TJ Connors, appellant on the variance for 1 for 5000, approached the podium for comment. Mr. Connors believed that Town Council overturned Planning and Zoning on the last variance because they felt it violated most of the requirements in the Code. Mr. Connors continued by stating that this is a different type of self -storage in that it is multi -storied and continued that as owner of AAA Mini Storage, parking at 1 per 800 sq ft in the I/C or parking on their site is the biggest problem they have. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Buckner began commissioner review by commenting that a four-story unit would be less likely to have cars remaining than a one-story unit. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned what was the commission being asked to decide: a variance or the legal issue of the variance process? Mr. Heidemann apologized for the lack of legal counsel and requested the Commission to address the application as presented. Commissioner Savage commented that other issue decisions were made in error and to make additional error doesn't make it right. Commissioner Smith concurred with Commissioner D'Agostino that other buildings have transitioned to other uses thus causing parking and traffic issues and that without a guarantee that this building would forever remain self -storage, it could not be supported to cutting the parking requirement. Mr. Jurgens suggested the town attorney's input was necessary and requested tabling the application to the next meeting. Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VIII, Parking Variance, Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road, request for a variance. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion with all Commissioners in favor with a 5 — 0 vote. IX. Special Review Use Application - Caretaker Unit - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road Applicant: Mark Donaldson /Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC Description: A request for a Special Review Use Permit, pursuant to section 17.20.010 (c) of the Avon Municipal Code, to establish one residential caretaker unit on the subject property. Up to four (4) accessory apartments are allowed in this zone district, if approved with a Special Review Use permit. Matt Pielsticker requested to open the Item IX — Special Review Use and Item X — Sketch Plan Application at the same time and was approved by the Applicant. Mr. Pielsticker continued by presenting the Staff Reports to the Commission. The benefit of an on-site manager unit was discussed. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No public input was provided. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Savage motioned for approval of Item IX, Special Review Use Application - Caretaker Unit, Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road, with Commissioner Struve seconding the motion. The motion passed 5 - 0. X. Sketch Design Plan - Industrial/Commercial Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road Applicant., Mark Donaldson /Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC Description: The applicant is proposing this sketch plan review for two buildings on Metcalf Road. This application is being reviewed in conjunction with the above agenda items IX and X. The project proposes a mixture of vertically mixed "I/C" and self -storage land uses. The buildings are constructed primarily with pre cast concrete siding and EIFS materials. Commissioner Struve suggested more use of the arched windows on the building. Commissioner Savage was fine with the sketch design and Commissioner D'Agostino commented on the amount of site disturbance as excessive and requested to see a building envelope by final design and the use of more mixed materials. Commissioner Buckner suggested focusing on west elevation of Building One, commented on the lower entry with gable and the columns might be more outward to pronounce it. Commissioner Struve questioned residential unit and its total separation from the commercial uses of the project, and commented on fencing of the project with Mr. Donaldson responding that it was unnecessary. No public input was provided. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING A sketch design application does not require a motion by the Commission. XI. Special Review Use Application - Tree Sales - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 3 & 6 McGrady Acres Subdivision / 86 & 95 Nottingham Ranch Road Applicant: Paul Doughty /Owners: Traer Creek, LLC - Magnus Lindholm Description: A request for a Special Review Use Permit, pursuant to Section 17.48.020B of the Avon Municipal Code, to establish a landscaping nursery for retail sales in the McGrady Acres Subdivision off Post Boulevard. Staff is requesting that this item be tabled until the March 7, 2006 Commission meeting. Additional information has been requested from the applicants in order to review this application. Commissioner Smith motioned to table this item until a later meeting. Commissioner Buckner seconded the motion and all Commissioners were in favor with a 6 — 0 vote. XII. Other Business A. RR crossings were approved and Town is waiting for the approval in writing. B. The Gates project is working on reissuance of its CDOT access easement and a mock up is due to the Commission before continuing. April 27`n, 2006, is the date of resolution of outstanding issues. C. Affordable Housing Corporation for the Village at Avon — Buffalo Ridge was discussed. D. Comprehensive Plan to be distributed for final plan review on 2/28/06 Town Council Meeting. A joint work session with the Commission and Town Council is anticipated. E. Cottonwood lot, furthest north lot on site, designated for Gore Range Science School. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary