PZC Minutes 010703Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission January 7, 2003 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. II. Swear in New Planning & Zoning Commission Member Buzz Didier was sworn in by Patty McKenny, Town Clerk, Town of Avon. III. Roll Call All current Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Macik. IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There is one amendment to the agenda. Pedro Campos of Design Workshop is unable to attend due to time restraints in a previous meeting; therefore, Item E under Other Business will be rescheduled for another meeting. V. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. VI. Consent Agenda The Meeting Minutes from the December 3, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission were approved unanimously. Commissioner Karow motions for approval and Commissioner Smith seconds the motion. The motion passes unanimously. VII. Planned Unit Development Amendment (PUBLIC HEARING) A. Resolution 03-01 Lot 61, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: PUD Extension Request Applicant: Michael Hazard Staff made a brief presentation of the file. The applicant, IDG3 represented by Michael Hazard, is requesting a second extension amendment for the Lot 61 PUD approved in 1999. The request is for a 12 -month extension, however, staff is recommending a 6 -month extension. The original extension was granted in order for the applicant to explore development opportunities related to the Town Center Plan. The transportation hub and road abandonment are the major concerns, and the applicant is seeking yet additional time to resolve these issues to come to a workable PUD plan without expiring the existing PUD development rights. A two-page letter to the Commission was distributed by Mr. Hazard; however, this letter was not presented or reviewed by Staff prior to this meeting. The letter requested an 18 -month extension and recommended conditions to this approval from the applicant. Chairman Evans asked Mr. Hazard why the extension would be beneficial since the last extension did not begin any processes and did not result in any dialogue with the Town regarding a revised PUD plan. Mr. Hazard would like additional time to redirect his numbers to current data rather than 3 -year-old information contained in the original approval. The application was opened for public comment, and seeing as there was no comment, the public hearing portion of the meeting was closed. Commissioner McClinton questioned the 18 -month extension, and asked if a year would be necessary to make progress on the revised plan. The Commission deliberated on the length of the extension, noting that 12 -months appeared adequate at this time. They noted that regardless of the amount of time the original PUD was extended to allow for a revised PUD plan to comply with the adopted master plans of the Town at that time, including the Town Center Plan. Commissioner Didier made a motion to recommend approval of Resolution 03- 01, recommending that Town Council approve the Lot 61 PUD Amendment to extend the expiration deadline from February 3, 2003 to February 3, 2004 with the following conditions: 1. The Applicant must incorporate the terms and conditions of the Town Center Plan with the Lot 61 development plan; 2. No further extensions of the Lot 61 PUD will be considered; Commissioner Him seconds the motion. The motion passes unanimously. VIII. Master Sign Program Variance A. Chapel Square Sign Program Variance Tract B-2, Chapel Square PUD Sign: Vail Valley Trading & Loan Applicant: Timberline Management LLC Matt Pielsticker, planning technician, made a brief presentation. Greg Gastineau, the applicant, is requesting a variance to the Master Sign Program at Chapel Square. The program states that a tenant will be allowed to have only one identity sign and only one sign per entrance. The Master Sign program permits a total of four signs on the west elevation, one for each tenant under each archway. There are no signs on the east elevation. Vail Valley Trading and Loan (VVT&L) has a lease with Mr. Gastineau that entitles the business to two signs for this space, even though this requirement does not comply with the Chapel Square MSP. Mr. Gastineau is requesting a time specific variance for these two signs until October 31, 2003 to satisfy tenant's lease requirements. Minutes of P&Z Meeting January 7, 2003 Page 2 Staff recommends denial as the applicant is not deprived of privileges enjoyed by the other tenants in this vicinity and the Town is not subject to the terms and restrictions of the private lease arrangement with VVT&L. The Commission deliberated on the variance criteria, and found no criteria that satisfied the `hardship' requirements per the sign code. The Commission also stated the VVT&L has already been granted a previous sign code amendment to place a larger sign, and were concerned with the issuance of additional sign code amendments for this tenant. Commissioner McClinton motions for denial and Commissioner Smith seconds the motion. The motion carries 5 to 1. IX. Zoning & Design Review Proposed Fees A. Proposed Revised Fee Schedule Resolution 03-02 In November, 2002, Planning and Zoning Commission approved a revised fee schedule which was presented by Staff in Resolution 02-13. Concerns were expressed regarding how fees were derived. Resolution 03-02 addresses these concerns and is consistent with the approach being used by Engineering to revise their Right of Way and Subdivision Review fees. All fee revisions will be reviewed by Town Council on January 14, 2003. Commissioner Karow suggests that Council include annual adjustments as tied to the relevant consumer price index. Commissioner Karow moves to approve Resolution 03-02 and Commissioner Him seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously. X. Other Business A. Town of Avon Buck Creek Drainage Project Anne Martens, Assistant Town Engineer Dealing with drainage from 1-70 to Eagle River by use of a natural design as opposed to the California concrete design to handle the overflow of heavy storms. Final Design is anticipated in February 2003. This project is being done to in conformance with the Avon Town Center plan. B. Town Core Signage Project This project arose from the former Town Council and former Town Manager, Bill Efting. There are 10 signs which are half paid for at this time. This is signage that is proposed to be placed in the Town core. The signs are designed with a removable panel for updates as tenants change. Placement to occur in the spring in areas noted on the map shown to the Commission. Some are on private property. It is currently being revised due to tenant changes. Minutes of P&Z Meeting January 7, 2003 Page 3 Commissioner Karow addressed that this should be a merchants expense item and should be maintained at the expense of the merchants association and not the Town. Chairman Evans motions for the Avon Merchant Business Directory be redesigned to comply with Town design guidelines, be reviewed and approved by Planning and Zoning Commission, and solely funded by the Avon Merchants Association or other private entity and not public funds. Commissioner Karows seconds it. Motion passes unanimously. C. Planning & Zoning Schedule 2003 A meeting schedule for 2003 was distributed to the Commission. This year, no meetings are on a holiday. D. APA Membership The Town of Avon has been paying for each Commissioners membership with the American Planning Association. It is approximately $125 each. It is recommended that Staff remain members and the Commission drop its memberships in light of budget concerns. Staff will have all materials available for review by the Commission. Chairman Evans motions to stop paying membership to the American Planning Association for P & Z members with the exception of Staff. Commissioner Smith seconds the motion and the motion passes unanimously. E. Design Workshop Presentation on Convey, Collect, and Connect: Transportation Alternatives in the Colorado Rockies Pedro Campos, Design Workshop (Deleted from Agenda) — will be rescheduled. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Karow made a motion to adjourn, with Commissioner Him seconding. The motion is approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Michael McClinton Secretary Minutes of P&Z Meeting January 7, 2003 Page 4