PZC Minutes 09-07-2004 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
September 7, 2004
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Evans.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were two amendments to the Agenda. Item VI, Final Design Plan - 2
Triplex Units, Property Location: Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision /1031 West
Wildwood Road and Item VII, Final Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot
18, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5650 Wildridge Road East, to the Consent
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Trueblood noted a change to the Meeting Minutes from the
August 17th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, Item IX, Final
Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot r 5, Block 3, Wildridge
Subdivision /5039 Wildridge Road East, that he was referencing a previous
meeting's denied project, Shane Bohart, and not this Application being reviewed.
The Meeting Minutes were corrected. Vice Chairman Karow stated a correction
to the Meeting Minutes regarding Item VI, PUD Amendment — Public Hearing,
Property Location: Lots 54, 55, 89 & 90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5190 &
5196 Longsun Lane/ 5767 & 5775 Wildridge Road East, that he disagreed with
the 4,000 square foot living space limitation. The executed Meeting Minutes
reflected all corrections.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from
the August 17th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; Item VI, Final
Design Plan - 2 Triplex Units, Property Location: Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge
Subdivision /1031 West Wildwood Road and Item VII, Final Design Plan — Duplex,
Property Location: Lot 18, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5650 Wildridge Road
East, be approved on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
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VI. Final Design Plan - 2 Triplex Units
Property Location: Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision /1031 West
Wildwood Road, Applicant. Stephen Richards, Owner. Steven McDonald
Description: Stephen Richards is proposing a final design for two triplex units on
West Wildwood Road. This lot is zoned for six units. Proposed materials
include: wood siding and stucco. Each unit will be approximately 2,500 sq. ft.,
including garage space. The sketch design was approved at your July 20, 2004
Moved to Consent Agenda.
VII. Final Design Plan — Duplex
Property Location: Lot 18, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5650 Wildridge
Road East, Applicant/Owner Tripp Plavec
Description: Tripp Plavec is proposing a 6,000 sq. ft. alpine style duplex. This
duplex will be accessed via two driveway entrances. The north unit of this duplex
will share a driveway entrance with Lot 17. Proposed materials include: asphalt
shingle roof, cedar siding and trim, stucco and stone. The sketch design was
approved at your August 17, 2004, meeting.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
VIII. Sketch Design — Duplex
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision /580 Nottingham Road, Applicant Jerald L. Wuhrman,
Owner: Jux and DW Family Trust
Description: Jerald Wurhman is proposing two alpine style side -by -side town
homes with a central corridor entry. Each unit is proposed to contain 3 bedrooms
and 31/2 baths. Each unit will have a single car garage and surface parking.
Proposed materials include rough sawn natural cedar trim and textured white
stucco exterior and cedar shake shingles for the roof. The proposed maximum
height is 35' and each unit will be approximately 3,000 sq. ft.
Vice Chairman Karow commented that Staff indicated the Applicant had not met
the requirement of attending the meeting personally and recommended tabling
this Application.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned to table Item VI II, Sketch Design — Duplex,
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision /580 Nottingham Road, Applicant Jerald L. Wuhrman, Owner. Jux
and DW Family Trust. Commissioner Didier seconded the motion. All
Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously, also
requesting staff inform the applicant about concerns of the Commission mirroring
those of staff.
IX. Minor Project — Fence
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Property Location: Lot 25B, Block 1, Wildridge /2110 Long Spur
Applicant/Owner. Matthew Kamper
Description: The applicant is proposing a 4' high split rail fence on the rear and
side property lines. All fences require specific approval of the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Matthew Kamper, applicant/owner, approached the podium to discuss his
reasons for a fence. The fence was to contain the dog and his child rather than
tether both. He would install a split rail with chicken wire to contain dog.
Commissioner Savage asked about the home's coloring and mentioned that
colored wire was available. The applicant responded that the fence would not be
noticeable from the road. It was determined that the existing fence was
weathered. Commissioner Savage mentioned that he saw no good reason for
denial. Commissioner Struve and Commissioner Smith both agreed there was a
property line issue and this was a problem. Commissioner Didier had issues with
the chicken wire. Commissioner Trueblood understood the applicant's concerns
with containing the dog and child, but the property line issue was definitive.
Commissioner Trueblood continued by mentioning that the use of an easement
must be signed off its owner and to approve building on the easement was an
ownership issue. Commissioner Karow understood the dog and child issue,
mentioned that the design guidelines' wording for fences was to discourage
them. Mr. Kamper mentioned that he would move the fence to the Town's
desired location. Commissioner Didier suggested a different type of fence,
smaller one, and have it moved to another location on the property away from the
property line. Commissioner Struve mentioned that should the fence be moved
to the easement line as a solution. Commissioner Savage suggested to move
the fence back ten feet, along the building set back line
Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Item IX, Minor Project — Fence,
Property Location: Lot 25B, Block 1, Wildridge /2110 Long Spur, Applicant/Owner:
Matthew Kamper, with the conditions that the fence be moved to the building
setback line and to move the proposed Northwest section of the fence further
east, as indicated on the large site plans. Commissioner Smith seconded this
motion. The motion was amended to reflect that a split rail fence with no chicken
wire would be installed. The motion carried 5 to 1 with Commissioner Karow
X. Minor Project — Landscaping
Property Location: Lot 45, Block 1, Wildridge /2400 Saddle Ridge Loop
Applicant/Owner. Vera Miller
Description: A minor project was approved in July 2003 for landscaping
improvements and a new deck and stairs. All improvements have been
completed and 10 aspens trees have been planted along the rear property line in
Spring 2004. The trees were not indicated or approved on the original plan. A
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site plan was submitted to Staff with the location of the trees and will be available
review at your meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Dave Yoder, east neighbor of the property, approached the podium and found
the trees objectionable. Sue Fontanese, another neighbor east of the property,
voiced concern that her view would be blocked, how the trees were planted in a
row and was concerned that her property value would decline since the view
would be eliminated. The trees were not part of an approved Landscaping Plan
for the subject property.
Commissioner review began with Commissioner Trueblood commenting that
landscaping in an easement was unapproved and was opposed to the location of
the trees. Commissioner Didier asked if the applicant contacted the neighbors
regarding the trees. Mr. Yoder said that the trees were planted in the Spring
when he was in Florida. Ms. Fontanese stated that the Cottonwoods were
planted while she was gone and were in the direct line with her picture windows.
The Landscaping Plan was approved for 3 -foot wild flowers and not trees.
Commissioner Struve visited the site and mentioned that the trees were lined up
like telephone poles and preferred the trees be grouped. Commissioner Savage
agreed with Commissioner Trueblood and, technically as an appraiser, voiced
that views are part of property value and the trees should be removed.
Commissioner Smith mentioned that the plan called for wildflowers and not view
blocking trees. Commissioner Karow mentioned that the Commission respects
the views of the property owners and that trees are an enhancement but not in
an easement. Commissioner Trueblood mentioned that a letter from the
applicant was distributed requesting a delay of a motion of this application.
Commissioner Didier commented that the placement of the trees should be more
neighbor friendly.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned to table Item X, Minor Project — Landscaping,
Property Location: Lot 45, Block 1, Wildridge /2400 Saddle Ridge Loop,
Applicant/Owner. Vera Miller, until the Applicant could be present.
Commissioner Didier seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor.
Mr. Yoder hoped that the applicant would come in and discuss the issues.
IX. Other Business
Tambi Katieb discussed that Lot 61 was an item on the upcoming Town Council
Work Session on September 14th, 2004, at 3:30pm and he encouraged all
Planning and Zoning Commissioners to attend. Mr. Katieb continued with an
update on the Comp Plan and commented that a draft of the Comprehensive
Plan was distributed to the Steering Committee. He mentioned the discussion at
the Comp Plan meeting related to completion of the document by November,
and that the Steering Committee requested more time of Council in order to
produce a document that would truly benefit the Town in the long term.
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Commissioner Struve questioned the Chateau (The Geneva Crown Club and
currently named "The Gates ") and was it moving forward? The developer
intends to come back to discuss the deed restricted housing on the site through a
PUD amendment. The Car Wash was mentioned with its expiration date of
12/10/2004 and that nothing has been heard to date regarding the project. The
Lighting Ordinance has been bogged down due to the compliance deadline and
several other business points, however, staff was hoping to bring this back to
Council soon to pick up where it was left off.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Didier
seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
6:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Andrew Karow
Vice Chairman `
Terry Smith
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