PZC Minutes 07-20-2004 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
July 20, 2004
Wildridge Fire Station
2110 Saddleridge Loop
Avon, Colorado
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5 :35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There was one amendment to the Agenda to move Item VI, Sketch Design Plan,
Property Location. Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision /1031 West Wildwood
Road, to the Consent Agenda. Chairman Evans requested moving the
discussion of the Comprehensive Plan to the last item on the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Savage recused himself from Item VI. Sketch Design Plan,
Property Location. Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2631 Bear Trap Road,
Applicant: VMDA, Mark Donaldson, Owner: Shane Bohart.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Smith motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the
July 6th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; and Item VI, Sketch
Design Plan, Property Location. Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision /1031 West
Wildwood Road, Applicant: Stephen Richards, Owner: Steven McDonald, be
approved on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion
and the motion passed unanimously.
VI. Sketch Design Plan
Property Location: Lot 8, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision /1031 West
Wildwood Road, Applicant. Stephen Richards, Owner: Steven
Description: Stephen Richards is proposing a sketch design for two triplex units
on West Wildwood Road. This lot is zoned for six units. Proposed materials
include: wood siding and stucco. Each unit will be approximately 2,500 sq. ft.,
including garage space.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
VII. Sketch Design Plan
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Property Location: Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2631 Bear Trap
Road, Applicant. VMDA, Mark Donaldson, Owner. Shane Bohart,
Description., Victor Mark Donaldson is proposing a sketch design to add an
additional dwelling unit to an existing single - family home on Bear Trap Road.
The property is zoned duplex and this dwelling unit is the second unit. The
concept for this application was presented to the Commission during the Work
Session of the May 18th, 2004 meeting, and the application was tabled to this
meeting from the July 20, 2004 meeting.
Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report. Mark Donaldson and Chris Juergens,
applicant representatives, discussed the application, as complying with all Design
Guidelines, designed to grade for building height, and the plan was a "site
responsive driven design ".
Commissioner Evans noticed and permitted a member of the public to make
comment. Greta Blamire, neighbor, advised the commissioners of the impact the
plan would have on her home with the obstruction of the view corridor.
Commissioner review began with Commissioner Struve commenting on the
design, to attach the new duplex portion to the existing structure, did not look
connected or cohesive but resembles a breezeway. Commissioner Smith
concurred with Commissioner Struve's comments. Commissioner Karow agreed
that the design responds well to the site and technical issues could be resolved,
however, the integrated design is difficult w&- an existing single- family house and
it fell short of the Design guidelines, as it resembled a breezeway.
Commissioner Didier and Chairman Evans -agreed with Commissioner Karow's
comments. Commissioner Trueblood suggested a PUD to create two single -
family lots, as the design is too dissimilar however close to meeting the
Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Juergens questioned the criteria to be used for connected
and unified. They were looking for guidance, as there were no definitions and
believed they had complied with the guidelines. Chairman Evans responded that
the design guidelines provided guidance to the "bridging" of duplexes.
Commssioner Karow moved for denial of Item VII. Sketch Design Plan, Property
Location: Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2631 Bear Trap Road,
Applicant VMDA, Mark Donaldson, Owner.- Shane Bohart, with Commissioner
Struve seconding the motion. The motion for denial passed 5 —1 with
Commissioner Trueblood opposing denial of the application.
VIII. Comprehensive Plan Public Input - Public Hearing
Topic: Comprehensive Plan Update
Applicant: Town of Avon
Description. The public is invited to this special neighborhood meeting to provide
input and feedback on the proposed update to the Town Comprehensive Plan.
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This is a special neighborhood meeting where the mapping and story boards
provided at the first public open house will be available for review and comment.
Commissioner Evans gave a quick overview of the Comp Plan to the attendees
and introduced Commissioner Smith and Brian Sipes, Town Councilman, along
with Tambi Katieb, staff member, as members of the Comp Plan Steering
Committee. Dialogue regarding the fire station location, traffic, parking
convenience, and commercial drawing ability resulted.
IX. Special Review Use - Public Hearing
Property: Lot 61 PUD, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision /75 Benchmark Road. Applicant: Skyhawk Rugs, Owner. IDG3 LLC,
Description: Skyhawk Rugs is proposing to operate a temporary retail rug sales
business on this lot from August 5th — 15th. The hours of operation will be from
9:00am to 7:30pm daily. The applicant will have a cargo trailer and display racks
on -site and parking will be provided within the lot.
Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report.
No public comment.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the application with Commissioner
Smith seconding the motion. The motion passed with all commissioners in favor.
X. Minor Project - Fence
Property. Lot 107B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision /306313 Wildridge Road,
Applicant: Michael & Sandy Horning, Owner. Michael & Sandy Horning,
Description: The applicant is proposing to construct two new decks and install a
split rail fence for dogs. Staff approved the deck portion of this application and
the fence requires approval by the Planning Commission. The applicant is
proposing to install a split rail fence 4 feet in height on the north side of their
property for their two dogs. The length of the fence appears to be greater than '/4
of the length of the perimeter of the property by approximately 10 feet.
Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report. Sandy Horning, applicant, stated this
was a resubmission from her original plans and the fence would be less than 4
feet in height and would be used to contain her dogs. She presented two options
for the commissioners to review.
Commissioner review focused primarily on the premise that "fencing was
discouraged" in the Design Guidelines. Rick Walter, Wildridge resident, stated
that trees surrounded the fence location.
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Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Option #2 and approval was
contingent that no chicken wire or chain link be used and staff must approve the
materials to be used. Commissioner Didier seconded the motion and the motion
passed 6 to 1 with Commissioner Karow opposing approval.
XI. Design Modification
Property. Lot 22, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision /5588 Coyote Ridge,
Applicant., Ruth Miller, Owner. Ruth Miller, Description. The applicant is
proposing to add an additional dwelling unit to this duplex -zoned lot. On June
14th, 2004 the applicant submitted a minor project application proposing to
construct a detached two -car garage with an apartment below. On June 18th
2004 Staff notified the applicant that the application was denied because the
application does not meet the definition of a duplex per section 17.08.240 of the
Avon Municipal Code. The applicant is appealing the Staff decision.
Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Report. Ruth Miller, applicant, stated that her
desired plan was not presented and the addition was an extra bedroom and a
second garage, and not a dwelling unit and without a kitchen.
Commissioner review revolved on the issues of lock off unit, definition of a
dwelling unit and the impact of a kitchen install at a later date. Chairman Evans
questioned the for -sale sign on her property and Ms. Miller responded that the
house would have greater sales dollars with the ac iition planned.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned for approval of this Design Modification for a
second bedroom, second garage and no kitchen installation. Commissioner
Savage seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor.
XII. Amendments to Zoning Code & Design Guidelines - Public Hearing
Property Location. Town of Avon, Applicant: Town Staff
Description. In response to comments and feedback received from the building
community during Public Hearings with the Town Council, staff was directed to
clarify and improve the design review and building permit processes. Changes
proposed include clarifications to the building height definition, PUD process, and
public notice when reviewing Preliminary Subdivision plans in conjunction with
PUD applications.
Various amendments to the Design Guidelines are proposed and include: new
sketch design plan requirements, appeals process revision, consolidated final
design checklist, building height clarification to match Zoning Code, retaining wall
definition, and a revised scheduling section. The amendments were reviewed at
the July 6, 2004 meeting and continued to this hearing.
Tambi Katieb discussed the revisions to the Zoning Code and Design Guidelines.
Approval was sought to move the Amendments to Town Council for final
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approval. Commissioner review questioned the compliance of existing submitted
applications and Mr. Katieb voiced that it shouldn't be an issue as the new
guidelines are less restrictive. Commissioner Smith asked if there is a limit to
the number of rows of retaining walls permitted and Staff stated that if there were
over three rows of walls it would become a structural wall. Commissioner
Savage complimented Staff on a job well done.
Greta Blamire commented she would like to see the height requirement prevent
excessive heights.
Commissioner Karow motioned to approve Resolution No. 04 -20 and Resolution
No. 04 -21 for the Amendments to the Zoning Code and the Design Guidelines as
presented by Staff. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and all were in
IX. Other Business (Other business as may come before the Commission)
Commissioner Trueblood brought up concerns for a Maintenance Ordinance for
the Town of Avon to encourage ongoing preservation.
X: Adjourn
Commissioner Didier made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Struve
seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Andrew Karow
Vice Chairman
Terry Smith
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