PZC Minutes 07-06-2004 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
July 6, 2004
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Savage recused himself from Item VI. Sketch Design Plan,
Property Location: Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2631 Bear Trap Road,
Applicant: VMDA, Mark Donaldson, Owner.' Shane Bohart; and Commissioner
Karow recused himself from Item VII. Sketch Design Plan, Property: Lot 106,
Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision /3055 Wildridge Road, Applicant: Andrew Karow,
Owner. Andrew Karow.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Smith motioned for the apprc-ial of the Meeting Minutes from the
June 15th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; Commissioner
Didier seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously, with
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Trueblood abstaining due to absence at
the meeting.
VI. Sketch Design Plan
Property Location: Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2631 Bear Trap
Applicant VMDA, Mark Donaldson Owner.' Shane Bohart
Description: Victor Mark Donaldson is proposing a sketch design to add an
additional dwelling unit to an existing single - family home on Bear Trap Road.
The property is zoned duplex and this dwelling unit is the second unit. The
concept for this application was presented to the Commission during the Work
Session of the May 18th, 2004 meeting.
Mark Donaldson approached the podium to request tabling of this application due
to the omission of a "critical" portion of the packet.
Commissioner Trueblood motioned to table this item on the applicant's request.
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor.
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VI1. Sketch Design Plan
Property: Lot 106, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision /3055 Wildridge Road
Applicant. Andrew Karow Owner. Andrew Karow
Description: Andrew Karow is proposing a duplex residence on Wildridge Road
in Wildridge. Proposed materials include: stucco, wood siding, aluminum window
cladding, stone accents, and asphalt shingles. The design would require a
significant amount of fill (addition of soil) in order to locate the structure where
proposed. Each unit of the duplex totals approximately 3,800 square feet.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Andrew Karow, applicant,
approached the podium. Questions related to height restrictions were discussed.
Mr. Karow was looking for feedback from the Commission regarding design.
"Suggestions includee - upgrading the entrance, garage location, gables and
seeing soffits, unintentional post elimination, and consistent banding were
Commissioner Trueblood motioned to approve the Sketch Design Plan with the
five conditions as presented in the staff report and that the height would be
resolved at Final Design. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and all
commissioners were in favor
VIII. Amendments to Zoning Code & Design Guidelines Public Hearing
Property Location: —own of Avon
Applicant: Town Str ff
Description. In response to comments and feedback received from the building
community during Public Haarings with the Town Council, staff was directed to
clarify and improve the design review and building permit processes. Changes
proposed include clarifications to the building height definition, PUD process, and
public notice when reviewing Preliminary Subdivision plans in conjunction with
PUD applications.
Various amendments to the Design Guidelines are proposed and include: new
sketch design plan requirements, appeals process revision, consolidated final
design checklist, building height clarification to match Zoning Code, retaining wall
definition, and a revised scheduling section.
Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Memo. He began with reviewing Resolution
No. 04 -19 that recommended amending Titles 16 and 17 of the Avon Municipal
Code as it relates to review of Planned Unit Development Zone Districts,
definition of building height and parking. Mr. Katieb continued with Resolution
No. 04 -20 that recommends approval of various revisions to the Design Review
Guidelines along with clarifications of definitions, procedures and checklists.
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Chris Juergens approached the podium to discuss Resolution No. 04 -20, making
several suggestions on language proposed.
Commissioner comments included the use of the word 'generally' in the PUD
requirements as being too vague, wording for building height restrictions -
"height should be measured from any point to existing grade directly below set
point and at no point can it exceed 35 feet." The terms of "may" and "generally"
need to be focused on whether there is flexibility. Utility availability for up zoned
structures was discussed along with clarification to the building height diagram.
Revisionto tt-ie- "Acknowledgements" in the Design Guidelines was encouraged.
Commissioner Savage motioned for continued discussion at the next meeting,
with Commissioner Smith seconding and all were in favor.
IX. Other Business (Other business as may come before the Commission)
Minor Project- Deck Addition, Painting, Minor Repairs, Lot 56, Block 1,
Wildridge Subdivision, 2245 Old Trail Road: Applicant: Mark Pribramsky
Owner.' Mark Pribramsky.
Description: The Final Design for this project was approved at your February 4tn
1997 meeting. The duplex units are each approximately 1,836 square feet in
size. The applicant is propos.ig to remove the existing 6'x14' deck on Unit A and
replace it with a larger 12'x3' deck, make minor stucco repairs, facia repairs.
repairs to the flashings and attic vents, install gutters and downspouts, ana
repaint both duplex units.
Ken Kovalchik presented the staff report. Colors were distributed for
Commission review and guidance. Questions were asked regarding the original
(1997) landscape plan and the existing plan. Irrigation requirements were the
primary focus of staff. The current owner stated that not much of the original
landscaping plan still existed on the property.
Commissioner review included discussion of colors, a color to break up the
massing, color scheme to be used, what type of gutter and its coloring, and
fascia color. The current landscaping of the lot was a focus, but, since the
owner was not the original owner, it was deemed unfair to force him to fix an
issue especially as the project was issued a Certificate of Occupancy.
Commissioner Trueblood moved to approve the Application for the deck only,
and tabling of painting and landscaping for additional information. Commissioner
Didier seconded with all in favor.
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The next Planning and Zoning Commissioner meeting will be held in Wildridge on
July 20th, 2004, and the following meeting will be held in Eaglebend (August 3rd)
to allow for Comprehensive Plan public input.
Tambi Katieb was acknowledged and congratulated as the new director of
Community Development for the Town of Avon.
X. Adjourn
Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Didier
seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans C
Terry Smith
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