PZC Minutes 05-04-2004 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission May 4, 2004 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of newly appointed Commissioner Struve. Patty McKenny, Town Clerk, swore in Chris Evans, Terry Smith, and Tim Savage as Planning and Zoning Commissioners. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There was one addition to the agenda for the election of officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The election results were: Chris Evans was nominated for Chairman and passed unanimously with Commissioner Karow making the motion and Commissioner Didier seconding. Commissioner Trueblood motioned for the nomination of Commissioner Karow as Vice Chairman, Commissioner Didier seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Evans made the motion and Commissioner Didier seconded the nomination of Commissioner Smith for secretary and the motioned passed unanimously. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interests. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Karow motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the April 20, 2004, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Didier and Commissioner Savage abstaining. VII. Special Review Use Application 2004 Beaver Creek Rodeo Series Owner: Vail Associates Investments, Inc. Applicant: Beaver Creek Resort Company of Colorado Resolution No. 04 -13 The applicant, Beaver Creek Resort Company, is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit for the operation of a temporary rodeo on the property known as "The Confluence ". This use is proposed for a temporary basis (9 nights) beginning on the evening of June 24, 2004 and running until August 26, 2004. The site is proposed with a rodeo arena surrounded by grand stands on the north and south side as well as extra chutes and pens for the livestock on the east FAPlanning & Zoning Commission \Minutes\2004 \050404.doc Page 1 of 5 side. Parking is provided on -site for: participants, food vendors, retail vendors, special event staff and volunteers, and a limited number (25) of VIP guests. This application is similar to the SRU permit approved last year for the Rodeo Series on the same property. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Commissioner Evans asked if alcohol is served and they will be coming before the liquor board for their license. PUBLIC HEARING OPENS No members of the public made comment. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Savage questioned the pedestrian and vehicle access across Highway 6 and was informed by staff as to the conditions. Commissioner Evans asked if the SRU was for one year and was advised that was correct. Lighting issue was raised and the same lighting as last year would be present. Commissioner Trueblood motioned to approved the Item VII, Special Review Use Application, 2004 Beaver Creek Rodeo Series, Owner: Vail Associates, Investments, Inc., Applicant: Beaver Creek Resort Company of Colorado, Resolution No. 04 -13, with the conditions as presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Sketch Design Plan A. Lots 86, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 5749 Wildridge Road East Meremonte Duplex Applicant: Gerald Meremonte Gerald Meremonte is proposing a duplex residence on Wildridge Road East. The building is approximately 7,150 square feet in size and each unit features an attached 2 -car garage. The West unit totals 3,812 square feet and the East unit is 3,337 square feet. This design will require a Variance application for boulder walls in the front setback. Access to the property is difficult, with existing grades equal to 25% along the entrance to the site. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. All technical impacts of the site have been addressed and are in compliance with Town standards. Staff is recommending approval with the five conditions as presented in the staff report. A variance will be required for the boulder wall in the setback. Boulder walls over 4 feet must be engineered. F:\Planning & Zoning Commission \Minutes\2004 \050404.doc Page 2 of 5 Gerald Meremonte, applicant, approached the podium. He discussed the difficulty with the grading. He mentioned that the boulder walls would financially impact his client. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Trueblood who mentioned that the only issue was the boulder walls and its driveway. Commissioner Didier mentioned that the home looked larger than 70 feet wide and thought the building and south elevation were great. Mr. Meremonte stated that certain parts of the building are only 18 feet tall. Commissioner Karow thought it met all the design review criteria and he recommended approval with the staff conditions. Commissioner Smith was in favor. Commissioner Savage questioned the snow storage. Mr. Meremonte mentioned the east side and around Unit H for snow storage. Commissioner Didier asked about snowmelt plans and Mr. Meremonte responded that Unit H is a Local and Unit P is an out of Towner. Chairman Evans mentioned his concern of the size on the south elevation and thought the applicant may want to revisit his ridge heights because of impending building code requirements. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item VIII, Sketch Design Plan, Lot 86, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5749 Wildridge Road East, Meremonte Duplex, Applicant: Gerald Meremonte, with the five conditions as presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Trueblood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. IX. Sketch & Final Design Plan A. Lot 24, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 2100 Longspur & 2250 Saddle Ridge Loop Matsen Duplex Applicant: Phillip Matsen Phil Matsen has submitted a sketch & final design ( "fast track ") review for a duplex located on the corner of Saddle Ridge Loop and Long Spur roads in Wildridge. The design features two driveway access points and the lot is relatively flat, as it exists today. Proposed materials include stucco, stone, and wood siding. The two - driveway concept was approved at the April 20, 2004 Commission meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Rich Carroll, Long Spur neighbor, approached the podium with questions regarding the driveway. Commissioner Karow mentioned that the floor plan and elevations were similar to several homes in Wildridge. He questioned how many times the same floor plans and home elevations would be permitted in the area. The house directly across the street is the same design. Commissioner Karow mentioned that he felt this did not conform to the guidelines as in Condition Number 7 of the Staff Report and he was concerned with the "track home" image. Commissioner FAPIanning & Zoning Commission \Minutes\2004 \050404.doc Page 3 of 5 Savage agreed with Commissioner Karow but didn't think it would financially impact the neighborhood, however, he didn't like the roof color. Commissioner Didier commented on the entryway as not gracious looking and Commissioner Savage commented that he felt it was weak. Commissioner Trueblood mentioned that he didn't like sketch and final design being submitted and presented together. Commissioner Karow discussed Recommendation Number 6 with his encroachment. Chairman Evans felt the drawings were totally uninspired and technically incorrect, and he felt the landscaping was inadequate. Chairman Evans voiced Condition Number 7 and felt the project was blah and the massing was inferior. Commissioner Savage mentioned the east elevations were the best part of the project. Commissioner Evans mentioned that the site could have many other designs that would be better for the lot. Commissioner Karow motioned to deny Item IX, Sketch & Final Design Plan, Lot 24, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, 2100 Longspur & 2250 Saddle Ridge Loop, Matsen Duplex, based on Design Review Considerations Criteria 6 - The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors and Criteria 7 - The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. X. Other Business A. Lighting Ordinance Draft Review Staff has prepared a draft Lighting Ordinance for the Town. The Ordinance will be incorporated into Avon Municipal Code. The draft for review includes the following sections: Intent and Purpose, Applicability, Lighting Plan, Violations, and Definitions. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed lighting standards. Matt Pielsticker began the discussion on the lighting ordinance as it was presented to the Commissioners. He mentioned the feedback from the Town Attorney and that we were not legally bound to time periods and that perhaps using different time periods would not be simple. Staff suggested that a one -time changeover would be easiest. Tambi Katieb discussed the Lighting Plan and its approval process. He mentioned that the Village of Avon has their own design review guidelines and that they will still be subject to this ordinance as a Town Code. Mr. Katieb suggested that a User Guide on the lighting would be beneficial for the correct product to be used for residential builders. Five to seven years was too long for this conversion but the Commissioners recommended three years straight across the board for both residential and commercial entities. Mentioned by the commissioners was the curfew of one FAPlanning & Zoning Commission \Minutes\2004 \050404.doc Page 4 of 5 hour after a sporting event at the public schools. The issue of safety and enforceability would need to be encouraged. Commissioner Evans mentioned Condition Number 7 and it should include a note that for special event lighting may require an exception for the glare package and skating should have glare lighting as a sport use. Commissioner Savage mentioned that 4.5 months of winter holiday lighting was a bit long. The discussion continued amongst the Commissioners regarding the need for greater control to close lights, three years for conversion to plan and permit the Town certain exemptions on restrictive devices used regarding rental of flood lights, permanent installations must have glare cut offs and more examples for residential and commercial acceptable devises. The public needs to see that they have many choices. The Lighting Ordinance will be discussed again at next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Didier would like to see more businesses involved in the Lighting Ordinance process. Commissioner Karow mentioned the need to look at the Lighting Plan for new construction and guidelines of elevations for the lights. B. Comprehensive Plan Update Staff will update the Commission and public on the status of the update. Tambi Katieb has put a slide show together of the pictures provided by the Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Plan and put it on the Town's web page. Next Tuesday, May 11, 2004, at the Town Council Work Session, there will be a Building Community discussion. The building community is invited to provide input on improving the building review and permit process for the Town. Planning and Zoning Commissioners were encouraged to attend this meeting. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Karow seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Terry Smith Secretary FAPlanning & Zoning Commission \Minutes\2004 \050404.doc Page 5 of 5