PZC Minutes 04-06-2004 (2)Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission
April 6, 2004
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
There is one amendment to the agenda. Item X, Final Design Plan, Lot 42B,
Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5107 Longsun Lane, Applicant: Greg Macik, TAB
Associates, Inc., has been moved to the Consent Agenda. There were no
additions to the agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Evans disclosed a conflict of interest with Item VII, Sketch Design
Plan, Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not assigned),
Applicant: Mark Donaldson; Item VIII, Special Review Use Application, Tract Y,
Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not assigned), Resolution No.
04 -09, Applicant/Architect: Mark Donaldson and Item IX, Variance Applications,
Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not assigned),
Resolution No. 04 -10, Applicant/Architect: Mark Donaldson.
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Karow motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the
March 16, 2004, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting and Item X, Final
Design Plan, Lot 42B, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5107 Longsun Lane,
Applicant: Greg Macik, TAB Associates, Inc., on the Consent Agenda, be
approved. Commissioner Didier seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 -1
with Commissioner Him abstaining due to his absence at the last meeting.
VI. Comprehensive Plan Update and Public Input
The public is invited to attend and submit oral and written comments on what
issues they consider important to address in the Comprehensive Plan update.
The Commission will review the information submitted by the consultant team to
date, as well as discuss a proposal by staff for holding several 'neighborhood'
meetings in an effort to collect public input.
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Tambi Katieb presented the update. The second Steering Committee meeting
had just adjourned prior to the start of the Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting. Phase One part of this project is under way. Some of the economic
and build -out analyses are being drafted. The Steering Committee is being asked
questions on issue identification and forming of the vision. Mr. Katieb urged the
public to fill out the available comment cards and to visit the town's website for
information. Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Smith are both on the
Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Commissioner Evans encouraged
public input so that the plan will be the consensus of the Town of Avon's
Tamara Underwood, Hurd Lane, expressed her vision for Avon as the gateway to
Beaver Creek. She feels that to attract this visitor group to Avon would be
beneficial as Beaver Creek is an internationally known entity. She believed the
Big Box and commercial direction for Avon is not an attraction to the Beaver
Creek visitor. She felt an important feature of the Town of Avon was the
preservation of the historical aspects and believed that Open Space should be
maintained as parkland. Commissioner Didier asked what sites would Ms.
Underwood like saved. Her response was the water wheel behind Canyon Run
and the barn by the red house on the Eagle River as well as the Water and
Sanitation barn.
Kristi Ferraro, Eaglebend resident, approached the podium in agreement with
Ms. Underwood. She thought Avon should have more of a resort feel. She
believed there should be no commercial sites north of 1 -70 and Post Blvd, greater
usage of the Eagle River feature, and was concerned about dust mitigation.
Commissioner Evans suggested that she contact Town Council with her dust
Dave Svabik, Metcalf Road business owner, approached the podium. He asked
that the Planning and Zoning Commission encourage prospective business
owners to open businesses in Avon and felt Avon needs entertainment in the
evening. He felt the Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Plan was doing
a good job.
Commissioner Evans noticed Amy Phillips in the audience and advised the public
that she was on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.
Chris Ekrum, Eaglebend Drive resident, was concerned with the planning and
coordination of the Village at Avon with the Town of Avon. She would like to see
more cooperation in this development between the two entities.
Commissioner Evans brought to the attention of the public that this section would
be discussed at the beginning of each Planning and Zoning Commission
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VII. Sketch Design Plan
A. Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision
Metcalf Road (address not assigned)
Applicant: Mark Donaldson
The applicant, Victor Mark Donaldson ( "VMD ") has submitted a sketch plan
application for a business and storage facility consisting located on Tract Y,
Mountain Star Subdivision referred to as the "Wildridge Business Park & Storage
Facility" in the application dated October 1, 2003 and plans dated March 17,
There are two (2) buildings proposed, which include 88,065 esq. of self -
storage /warehouse and 43,110 sq. ft. of industrial /commercial space.
Accompanying the Sketch Design are a Special Review Use permit application
for a caretaker unit and also a parking variance application for the self- storage.
The applications being presented were a change from the original project by the
deletion of the third building, reduction of total gross floor area of roughly 10,000
square feet and the submittal of the variance application for a specific
determination for parking standards for self storage that could be applied to this
Tambi Katieb presented the Staff Reports for the Sketch Design Plan, Special
Review Use and Variance Applications for Tract Y. It was agreed that all three
applications would be presented together and it was concurred by the applicant
as acceptable. Staff requested that the Sketch Design Application be approved
as presented with stated conditions.
Special Review Use as presented in the Staff Report with its two conditions is
acceptable to staff and approval is recommended. Staff has found that there was
not a common parking standard through research with PAS and other
municipalities for self- storage facilities, as will be reviewed in detail in the
companion variance application. Staff is requesting approval of Resolution 04-
Commissioner Karow questioned the 8% grade for the access driveway and it is
allowable according to staff, and asked about the requirements for employee
housing. He continued with asking how many parking spaces are required
according to Town Code. Mr. Katieb responded that it is one parking space per
800 sq. ft. and there is a total of 78 spaces are projected. With the square
footage proposed, there should be 164 spaces provided.
VIII. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING
A. Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision
Metcalf Road (address not assigned)
Resolution No. 04 -09
Applicant/Architect: Mark Donaldson
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The applicant is requesting a Special Review Use permit for a caretaker unit on
Tract Y, Mountain Star. The request is consistent with the I/C zone district and a
caretaker unit is encouraged throughout the governing rules, regulations, and
Comprehensive Plan for the Town.
IX. Variance Applications - PUBLIC HEARING
A. Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision
Metcalf Road (address not assigned)
Resolution No. 04 -10
Applicant/Architect: Mark Donaldson
The requested variance is intended to allow fewer parking spaces than is
currently specified for the self- storage portion of the project only. All other uses
are parked as required by the Town code for "Industrial Land Uses ". Mr. Katieb
reviewed in detail the extensive background of the project and the rationale
behind assigning a specific standard and tying the use to self- storage space.
The majority of standards appear related to providing a space or two to caretaker
or management unit, with no parking provided except in the aisles.
Chris Juergens, of Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, approached the podium
and introduced the members of his team.
Michael Walter, manager of Metcalf Commercial Park Homeowner's Association,
approached the podium. He presented his concern for the parking equation of
one parking space for 800 sq. ft. and found it, in his experience, to be grossly
inadequate. He was concerned with the issue of offices that could be rented and
there would be a lack of parking available. It is a "market can handle" situation
and if there isn't sufficient parking, it will be detrimental to the project. He also
voiced his concern regarding traffic on the road.
Barbara Richardson, assistant manager of Avon Self Storage, approached the
podium with a question regarding if light bulbs are installed in the storage units.
She mentioned that it has been her experience that people use these units as
living quarters and child care locations since there is power available inside each
of the units.
Herb Richardson, Avon Self Storage, approached the podium and questioned the
necessity for additional self- storage units. He mentioned that they are greatly
discounting due to lack of interest and with more units in town, no one will be
able to make a living.
TJ Connors approached the podium as owner and developer of AAA Self
Storage, which is directly across from this proposed project. He does not have
lights in his storage units. He has 55,200 sq ft with 58 parking spaces and he
feels parking is his number one problem. He stated that this new project would
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require at least 132 parking spaces for their square footage. He said the market
is mediocre at best and that this proposed project would double the amount of
units in the Town of Avon. Mr. Connors distributed a hand out and proceeded to
explain Exhibit C of this project.
Dave Svabik approached the podium, owner of Lot 13 across from the project,
felt that if the parking requirement cannot be met, it should not be built. He
stated that Mr. Connors has a problem with semi trucks getting into his site, and
if this project is approved, it should accommodate truck loading off the street.
Commissioner Smith is concerned with traffic and believes that parking for self -
storage is different that an office building. Commissioner Neville and
Commissioner Smith are both concerned that the project would change its basic
concept and create a huge parking issue. Commissioner Him was concerned
with the parking space allocation as well as the traffic and semi truck access to
the site. Commissioner Didier thinks the use is good, he thought the project was
too big for the site, the retaining walls are too big and to make the buildings
smaller would assist to resolve the parking dilemma.
Mark Donaldson approached the podium with concerns of the distrust being
exhibited on this project. Concerns were voiced regarding heating and electric
availability in each of the units. Commissioner Trueblood was concerned with
the parking situation and thought Building #2 would be a fine location for an office
building but the parking would be inappropriate.
Commissioner Karow began his comments with the Special Review Use and that
the manager's unit is appropriate, he felt the parking issue makes the project less
valuable in the long run, he was concerned with the electrical fixtures in storage
units, and felt the Sketch Plan would benefit from a model to judge the road
Mr. Donaldson stated light would be accessible from the hallways and sprinkler
systems. All units would be tempered to approximately 60 degrees.
Commissioner Trueblood questioned the number of cages and their size.
Ms. Richardson approached the podium again to discuss a site in Westminster
that is similar to this proposed project. She mentioned that the cage situation is
not a workable situation since wire cutters would be all that is required to enter
another's unit.
Rob Wagner, president of the association since 1983, voiced traffic and
congestion concerns. He stated that parking is an issue with the lack of space
currently in the area and that this project would have even less parking spaces.
He was concerned with the definitions of retail versus warehouse. He remarked
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that entry onto the road with its blind spots is an issue and would like something
done before anyone is injured.
Tambi Katieb proceeded to read the Town Code regarding Industrial/
Commercial uses. Commissioner Trueblood questioned why staff was unaware
of the interior design of the project such as the walls and the cages. The plans
submitted by the applicant did not reveal lights or cages for the project.
Commissioner Trueblood continued with requesting the number of cages and
their types. Mr. Donaldson responded with 42 cage types with a total of 578
cages based on the preliminary layout to date and on a market study.
Commissioner Neville made motion to approve the Sketch Design Plan
Application, Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not
assigned), Applicant: Mark Donaldson, with the staff recommendations and with
a change in #2 eliminating the self storage units recommending an interior light
fixture. Commissioner Him seconded the motion. Commissioner Karow
requested that a model of the site be available at Final Design along with a
model of the retaining wall. Chris Juergen approached the commissioners with a
computer picture design to simulate a model. The motion was approved
unanimously with all staff recommendations and conditions; and the model to be
presented one week prior to Final Design for review.
Commissioner Him made motion to approve Special Review Use Application,
Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not assigned),
Resolution No. 04 -09, for a caretaker unit. Commissioner Smith seconded the
motion with recommendations as presented in the staff report. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Neville made motion for approval of the Variance Application,
Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision, Metcalf Road (address not assigned),
Resolution No. 04 -10, with staff recommendations. Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion. First motion to approve ended in a tie vote. Discussion
continued between the commissioners and included staff input that the number of
parking spaces for this project based on square footage standardized basis, but
instead, should be tied directly to the use.
Commissioner Neville motioned for approval with staff recommendations and
Commissioner Smith seconded. The motioned carried 5 to 1 for approval.
X. Final Design Plan
A. Lot 42B, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5107 Longsun Lane
Applicant: Greg Macik, TAB Associates, Inc.
Greg Macik is proposing a Final Design Plan for a duplex at 5107 Longsun Lane.
The duplex totals 9,420 square feet in size. Materials proposed include: stucco,
wood lap siding, board and batten wood siding, cultured stone, asphalt shingles,
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and wood clad windows. A duplex on the lot to the west (Lot 42C) has recently
been completed, and the lot to the east (Lot 42A) has a final design approval but
no building permit. The Sketch Design for this duplex was approved at the
March 16, 2004 Commission meeting.
Moved to Consent Agenda.
XI. Variance Application — PUBLIC HEARING
B. Lot 58, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5170 Longsun Lane
Resolution No. 04 -11
Applicant: Robert Moehring
The applicant is requesting a Variance for the placement of a structured retaining
wall and a boulder retaining wall within the front 25 -foot setback. Due to difficulty
with the existing grades of the site, the proposed site design allows driveway
access while keeping the house closer to the street.
Matt Pielsticker presented staff report and requested the Variance and
Sketch Design Applications be presented in unison similar to tonight's earlier
presentation of Tract Y above. Staff requested approval.
Robert Moehring approached the podium to present his project. Ruth Borne
requested that the boulder wall become a structural wall and was listed as one of
the conditions in the staff report to have less impact on the site.
Ruth Borne offered clarification regarding staff recommendation concerning the
retaining wall.
Commissioner deliberation began with Commissioner Neville's comments of
comfort with the variance. Commissioner Smith agrees with comments on North
Elevation difficulties and variance. Commissioner Him would like a third
dimension on the roofline. Commissioner Karow agrees with staff
recommendation. Commissioner Didier agreed with staff recommendation,
however, has a concern with parking in driveways. Applicant says that there is
ample room for a three -point turn with cars parked in front of either unit.
Commission reviewed the driveway with applicant. Commissioner Trueblood had
no comments. Chairman Evans voiced concern that the 2003 UBC was used for
this project and it has not yet been adopted and to beware of the height of this
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XII. Sketch Design Plan
A. Lot 58, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
5170 Longsun Lane
Applicant/Architect: Lynn Fritzlen
Lynn Fritzlen is proposing a duplex residence on Longsun Lane. The building
comprises a total of 9,636 square feet. A switchback driveway design gains
access to the site in an attempt to maximize the mountain views. This
application is being reviewed in conjunction with a Variance application to allow
walls to encroach into the front (25 foot) setback.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Conditions must be met prior to final
Commissioner review began with Commissioner Evans discussing with the
applicant elevations and its visual impact. Commissioner Him questioned the
type of door to be installed and the amount of stone presented.
Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of the Variance Application, Lot 58,
Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5170 Longsun Lane, Resolution No. 04- 11with
the 3 staff conditions with amendment to Condition #1 that it should be a
structured wall engineered to standard. Commissioner Karow seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of the Sketch Design Plan, Lot 58,
Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5170 Longsun Lane with 12 conditions as listed
in the staff report. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion with Condition 10
removed. The motion is approved 6 -1 with a negative vote from Commissioner
XIII. Revised Sketch /Final Design Plan
B. Lot 47, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
4791 Wildridge Road East
Applicant: Dave Dantas
The applicant, Dave Dantas, is proposing a revised Final Design Plan for his
property on Wildridge Road East. A Final Design Plan has been approved for
this lot, and a building permit has been issued for construction. The site plan for
this application (including driveway design and tiered retaining walls) has
changed little from the original approval. However, the floor plans and elevations
have been modified since the original approval. The application is proposed as
a `fast- track' of both sketch and final design review.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Staff is comfortable with approval
providing all 8 conditions are met prior to building permit submittal.
Commissioner Neville questioned Condition 4 from the staff report. Condition 5
had a typographical error. Commissioner Didier questioned drainage.
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Commissioner Neville moved for approval of Revised Sketch /Final Design Plan,
Lot 47, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, 4791 Wildridge Road East, with the
conditions as listed in the staff report. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
XIV. Other Business
A. Minor Project Approvals:
1. Lot 11, Block 1, Eaglebend Subdivision
4500 Eaglebend Drive
Material Change
Applicant: Chris Jenkins
Staff approved a change in building materials for a duplex on Eaglebend Drive.
In place of "English Ledgestone" the home will utilize a moss rock as one of the
building materials. The duplex is currently under construction.
2. Lot 18, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
330 Beaver Creek Boulevard
Material Change
Applicant: Carolyn Christ
Staff approval for a change in roofing material on the Beaver Creek Boulevard
Town homes. The application replaced the existing (wood) shingles on the south
side of the building with the same material (asphalt) as the shingles on the north
side of the building.
B. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Terms
Town Council will do the appointments for Planning and Zoning Commissioner at
the April 27, 2004, Town Council Meeting.
XV. Lighting Ordinance Town Tour
Staff and the Commission conducted a nighttime tour with a light meter to better
understand site lighting issues before reviewing recommended lighting ordinance
XVI. Other Business
Ruth Borne mentioned the advertisement in the newspaper of 4 vacancies on the
Planning and Zoning Commission with an April 15th deadline. Town Council will
make the appointments at the April 27, 2004, Town Council meeting in order for
new members to be seated by the first Planning and Zoning Commission in May.
Ruth Borne continued with the items for the next meeting of West Avon for land
swap parcel, Jay Peterson and his 11 development rights in Block 4 of Wildridge,
and final design for Mountain Center.
XVII. Adjourn
Commissioners, Staff members Tambi Katieb and Matt Pielsticker, and public
citizens, Chris Ekrum and Dave Kautz, proceeded to tour the Sheraton Mountain
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Vista, 1St Bank of Avon, Canyon Run Apartments, Eaglebend Apartments, Home
Depot, Wal Mart, Avon Crossing, Phillips 66, Metcalf Industrial Properties and the
Barrancas Apartments with a light meter to better understand lighting issues.
The meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Terry Smith 7
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