PZC Minutes 04-05-2005Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
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COLORADO April 5, 2005
5:00 pm — 5:30 pm Commission Work Session
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were in attendance.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Commissioners requested that Item B under Consent Agent be placed on the Regular Agenda
for discussion.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Savage disclosed a conflict with Item B on the Consent Agenda, Final Design —
Duplex, Property Location: Lot 68, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision /4223 Wildridge Road West,
Applicant/Owner. Stephen Turner. Commissioner Evans revealed conflict with Item #10;
Minor Project — Satellite Antennae, Property Location: Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek Subdivision /1060 W. BC Blvd; Item #12; Variance — Front Setback Encroachments,
Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /77 Metcalf Rd;
and Item #13; Sketch Plan — Commercial Remodel, Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /77 Metcalf Rd.
V. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of the March 15th, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Karow motioned for approval of Item A and Commissioner Didier seconded the motion.
All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
VI. Comprehensive Plan Update — (Public Hearing)
Description: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Land Use and Community
Framework section of the draft plan. This section includes: Existing Land Use Pattern, Opportunity
and Constraints, Future Land Use Plan, and Community Framework/Key Goals and Policies of the
Eric Heidemann began by introducing Pat Dawe from RNL Design and continued with the
presentation of the Staff Memo.
Pat Dawe presented to the Commission background and comments on the critical need of vision to
produce a Comprehensive Plan. He continued with his analysis of the maps, discussing historical
opportunities, emphasis on public access, and the input of public comment.
Lynn Morgan, 3755 Wildridge Road East, approached the podium and complimented the staff on the
work to date performed. He mentioned the need of public use "pocket parks ", connection of Avon to
Wildridge via bike lanes between the two areas, installing a road behind the Pet Center to access
Metcalf by the sub station to avoid commercial traffic, and thought it was a great job so far.
Dominic Mauriello, as a Wildridge resident, voiced from the podium that he appreciated the
opportunity to participate. As a representative of Vail Resorts, he commented that the "Red House"
wasn't a historical structure. As Barney 1204, LLC representative, Mr. Mauriello commented that his
client was concerned with the area allocated for residential /low density and he read the statement in
the Comp Plan along Nottingham Road, parallel to 1 -70. He felt that the Comp Plan should encourage
and give incentive to rezone and up zone the area in order to upgrade the properties thus giving the
area an opportunity to improve visually, financially and be rehabilitated. He continued with the
character and road improvements of Nottingham Road should have curb and gutter, drainage
underground, swales removed to provide an aesthetic value.
Commissioner Evans began with Page 7 for comments by the commission. Page 8 comments, Page
9 comments, Map comments were brought up by Commissioner Didier on the Existing Land Use Map
and the changes already implemented such as the school site issue. Commissioner Evans
responded that the maps needed to demonstrate the agreement of land use and what does the Town
really want the land uses to be and how does one get around it all. Eric Heidemann voiced that the
comments and notations of change would be best voiced now so changes can be initiated.
Commissioner Evans thought that identification of pocket parks and open space would be helpful on
the maps and that Avon's neighbors should be identified on the maps along with their land uses well.
George McCausey, representative of the Avon Center, questioned if it were appropriate to discuss Lot
61. Commissioner Evans responded that a future meeting would be better.
Commissioner Evans mentioned the cultural heritage and historical significance does not reflect the
direction of the Town. Commissioner Karow agreed along with Commissioner Didier that defining
Avon as unique via its heritage hasn't been figured out.
Commissioner Evans voiced the need in the Comp Plan for an alternate route out of Wildridge via
June Creek road in the event of fire as a secondary access. Larry Brooks agreed that it should be
included in the plan. As well, a preferred access to Bachelor Gulch by a lift
Page 13, wish list. Commissioner Didier commented that the Forest Service lands by Metcalf Road
should be identified for its potential use since there always exists the a probability of land swap. Eric
Heidemann suggested that mapping work could address and present those parcels not identified by
ownership. Page 15 and 16 are definitions. Page 17 and 18 are key roles and community framework
Larry Brooks, Town Manager, approached the podium and questioned Planning Area M. Mr. Brooks
commented that consideration should be given to access modes to parcels such as directing
commercial vehicles through residential areas.
B. Final Design — Duplex (Item originally on Consent Agenda)
Property Location: Lot 68, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision /4223 Wildridge Road West
Applicant/Owner. Stephen Turner
Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex on this 5.24 -acre property. The lot is a steep
downhill lot on Wildridge Road West and faces the June Creek Drainage on the western border of the
Wildridge PUD. As proposed, the property would be accessed through an access easement on the
developed property to the south (Lot 69). Building materials include stone, timber, and stucco. The
sketch design was reviewed at the Commission's March 1, 2005 meeting.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission.
Bernie Weber, project contractor, approached the podium to respond to commissioner concerns. He
questioned the drainage issues and Mr. Pielsticker commented that the drainage needs to remain on
Lot 68 and it is not to impact Lot 69. Commissioner Struve questioned the exercise room as a
potential lock off. Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Struve. Commissioner Karow was
concerned with the appearance of the potential lock off but voiced that it conforms to Town Code.
Commissioner Evans commented on several windows being off center from the exterior viewpoint and
suggested centering would give better rhythm to home. Steve Turner, owner, questioned nanny
quarters and the design review guidelines.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the Final Design — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 68, Block
3, Wildridge Subdivision /4223 Wildridge Road West, subject to staff's approval conditions.
Commissioner Didier seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed
VII. Sign Design — Pizza Hut
Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /20 Nottingham
Applicant. Tom Hronek, Sign Safari
Description: The applicant, Tom Hronek of Sign Safari, is proposing two signs to replace the existing
two building mounted Pizza Hut signs. The signs measure approximately 45 square feet (35.56" x
179.84 ") each and would be interior lit with fluorescents. Sign construction consists of polycarbonate
faces and silk- screened graphics. Both proposed signs would be the same size and in the same
locations as the existing signage.
Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report and commented that the application was for two signs to be
constructed, one on the north side and the other on the south side.
A representative for Pizza Hut voiced her manager's opinion that additional lighting by the sign on the
north side of the building would deter negative behavior in the parking lot. Commissioner Didier
thought the sign was too large; Commissioner Karow and Commissioner Smith agreed with staff
recommendations. Commissioner Struve and Commissioner Savage, Commissioner Evans
supported staff recommendation. Commissioner Evans continued that there are alternative methods
to increase lighting in the parking lot and questioned the sign code's allowance standards and thought
they may bee too much.
Commissioner Smith motioned for approval of Item VII, Sign Design — Pizza Hut, Property Location:
Lot 67/68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /20 Nottingham Rd, Applicant. Dave
Betts, Store Manager, with staff recommendations. Commissioner Karow seconded and the motioned
carried unanimously.
VIII. Sketch Design —13 Residential Units
Property Location: Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /540 Beaver Creek
Applicant/Owner. Davis Partnership Architects /Daniel Ritsch
Description: The applicant, Davis Partnership Architects, is proposing a 13 unit residential project on
this lot. The proposed materials include a combination of stone veneer and wood siding with a
maximum building height of 60' and maximum lot coverage of approximately 41%. The subject
property measures approximately .69 acres and is currently undeveloped.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Didier commented on the lot size and Mr. Heidemann commented that this lot was
grandfathered in. Scott Nevin approached the podium to comment on staff's concern with the project
and request direction on the split building view.
Commissioner Evans questioned Commissioner Savage as an appraiser regarding the financial
impact of this project. He continued that the issue is not multi family but multi structure. The
Commission made a determination that the duplex building met the intent of the RHD Zoning
category. Commissioner Struve approved the project; Commissioner Smith wanted to know from the
owner why two structures were warranted. Mr. Ritsch felt it adds to the view corridor and provided
more windows to the dwellers. Commissioner Karow queried the maximum height of 60 ft; the project
is 54 feet in height. Commissioner Karow was concerned with the massing of the project and
commented that the two structures worked. Commissioner Didier saw no problem with multiple units,
seemed big, but voiced that future redevelopment in the area might consist of similar structure design.
Commissioner Evans felt the two footprints were a good solution to the site but voiced concerned with
the massing in the neighborhood.
IX. Minor Project — Satellite Dishes
Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /281 Metcalf
Applicant. Bill Varecha
Description: William Varecha is proposing the installation of four (4) satellite dishes in the `common
area' of the Metcalf Commercial Park property. The Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines
have specific requirements for all satellite dishes. The Town has received a letter from the property
manager granting approval of the dishes by the owners association.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
William Varecha, applicant, approached the podium. He began with defining the dish use for
broadcasting and receiving, and that they are situated in a location, staggered in placement, for ease
of maintenance and signal reception. Mr. Varecha continued that he would be willing to move as far
south as possible on the site if required. Commissioner Didier commented on the painting of the
dishes and Mr. Varecha commented that they were available in a variety of colors but white was most
common. Mr. Varecha circulated some photographs taken of the area and commented on the other
dishes in the vicinity.
Commissioner Didier suggested that pine trees would provide greater coverage and Mr. Varecha
responded that there is an easement and a retaining wall and the width of pine trees might inhibit
access. Commissioner Karow agreed with Commissioner Didier and staff's recommendation.
Commissioner Evans suggested the movement southward was warranted and pine trees were
appropriate, and that a compliance deposit for landscaping would be appropriate. Commissioner
Savage commented that the residents of Wildridge would appreciate the secluded view of the dishes.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve Item IX, Minor Project — Satellite Dishes, Property Location:
Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /281 Metcalf, with the following conditions
that the dishes be moved as fair south as possible, trees will be planted no later than 30 days
following installation of dishes, painted to match adjacent vegetation, trees will consist of a minimum
of 12 with at least 50% pine, and a bond of 125% of the project. Commissioner Struve seconded the
motion and all commissioners were in favor.
X. Minor Project — Satellite Antennae
Property Location: Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /1060 W. BC Blvd
Applicant. Jim Clancy — Vail Resorts
Description: Jim Clancy is proposing the installation of three rooftop communication devices on the
Westgate Building including: one pole with two directional transmit antennas, one pole with receiving
antenna, and one pole with a web camera pointed towards the mountain. The new equipment would
accommodate the new 2nd story tenant's (TV8) needs for transmitting information. The design
guidelines have specific requirements for all antennas and satellite dishes.
Matt Pielsticker presented to the Commission the Staff Report.
Dominic Mauriello, applicant representative for TV8 and Vail Resorts, approached the podium for
comment and questions. He voiced the ideal location, ease of signals via line of sight and continued
by distributing photos to the commission and reviewing each. He continued that these antennae
could be painted to mask their appearance and height will be determined by the probability of
interference of the signal.
Commissioner Savage questioned how were all the presented antennae installed. Response was
that it occurred due to the lack of criteria in the guidelines prior to 2001. Commissioner Struve
commented that it should be not over four feet tall and on the north side of the parapet.
Commissioner Smith concurred with Commissioner Struve. Mike Olson, TV8 engineer, responded
with the specs of the antennae and how it receives signals. Commissioner Karow voiced that it must
be screened per guidelines.
Mr. Varecha commented on the accuracy of the information being that TV8 is not the owners of the
antennae and Commissioner Karow voiced that the application is for the design review of the
antennae and the ownership of such was not under review.
Commissioner Didier moved to approve Item X, Minor Project — Satellite Antennae, Property Location:
Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /1060 W. BC Blvd, with conditions of painting
the antennae, placement so that they can not be seen from highway 6 and if they are seen, will be
immediately removed, that it does not exceed 4 feet in height, and it can not be seen from the
viewpoint as demonstrated on page 8 of the applicant's provided picture booklet. Commissioner
Struve seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor.
XI. Sketch Design — Duplex
Property Location: Lot 96, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision /2360 Old Trail
Applicant/Owner. Philip Matsen
Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex on a .46 -acre property. The lot is uphill and
accessed off of Old Trail Road. All bordering properties are developed or currently under
construction. This application proposes two units, both measuring approximately 2,800 square feet.
Building materials for this duplex include: stucco body, horizontal and vertical board on batten siding,
stone base, and asphalt shingles.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Philip Matsen, applicant, approached the podium to address commissioner inquiry. He voiced that the
concerns of staff would be addressed in final design. Commissioner Didier began commissioner
review by questioning the popouts on the front elevation and its grounding. Commissioner Karow
commented that these plans were similar to 4 other units in Wildridge, voiced that the backside
seemed a mirror image, and that landscaping could address the issue. Commissioner Smith stated
that the mirror image in the rear needs to be addressed. Commissioner Struve expressed that the
south entrance needed to be stronger and questioned the use of stucco. Mr. Matsen replied that
stucco was more durable and the cedar was getting torn up. Commissioner Savage suggested
moving the windows and changing their sizes.
XII. Variance — Front Setback Encroachments — Public Hearing
Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /77 Metcalf Rd
Applicant. Evans Chaffee Construction
Description: Evans Chaffee Construction Group Inc. is requesting a Variance from the minimum 25'
setback requirement to allow for the encroachment of the building structure (enclosed stairway and
portion of proposed 3rd story addition). A portion of the structure (stairs) currently encroaches into the
25' setback; however, the structure is considered legal non - conforming as it was built prior to the
adoption of the zoning code. The applicant's proposal is to enclose the stairs and add a 3`d story to
the building, which will also encroach into the 25' setback. The encroachment would place the building
approximately 17' from the front property line.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. All commissioners agreed with the staff report.
No public comment was offered.
Commissioner Didier motioned for approval of Item XII, Variance — Front Setback Encroachments
Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 77 Metcalf Road
Applicant: Evans Chaffee Construction. Commissioner Smith seconded. The motion passed
XIII. Sketch Plan — Commercial Remodel
Property Location: Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /77 Metcalf Rd
Applicant: Evans Chaffee Construction
Description: In conjunction with a Variance application for front yard setback encroachments, the
applicant is proposing a sketch design plan for a complete remodel of the exterior of the building. The
remodel is extensive and includes the addition of another floor to the building making the building 3
stories in height. The existing stairwell on the east elevation would be enclosed with corrugated metal
siding and the exterior of the building would take on a new look with new materials including: lap
siding, cementitious siding, and cedar timbers.
Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report.
Michelle Evans approached the podium to comment on staff's concerns. She mentioned that the
gable roof would dump snow to the rear where the Montessori School playground is located and it
would drain snow to the front and could be dangerous. Commissioner Didier questioned the second
access to the site and comment was made that delivery would be easier. Commissioner Smith
commented that the building had a better appearance.
XIV. Zoning Code Amendments — (Public Hearing)
Applicant. Town of Avon — Community Development
Description: The proposed ordinance would add a public benefit review criteria for all
rezoning, Special Review Use (SRU), Planned Unit Development (PUD), and Variance applications.
Additionally, the ordinance would repeal and re -enact several supplemental regulations from the
Zoning chapter of the Municipal Code.
Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Memo to the Commissioners.
Dominic Mauriello approached the podium to voice his concern regarding the setback. He suggested
rewording of the term `public benefit' as it is too vague and should be dealt with in the PUD process.
He suggested that staff should attempt to define "public benefit' so there would be no question in
determining compliance. He continued with opening a discussion on the water feature issue.
Commissioner Evans motioned for approval of the Zoning Amendments subject to removal of the
"public benefit" criteria from the variance, SRU, and general rezoning applications. Commissioner
Didier seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and it passed unanimously.
XV. Amendments to the Town of Avon Residential Commercial, and Industrial Design
Review Guidelines — (Public Hearing)
Applicant: Town of Avon — Community Development
Description: The proposed resolution would amend the residential fencing requirements as
well as many of the Commercial and Industrial Site Design and Building Design requirements (i.e. site
access, building height, building materials and colors, roofs, etc). The proposed amendments would
also add review criteria for all Commercial and Industrial design applications including 'building
massing' and 'pedestrian frontages.' The proposed amendments were developed primarily by the
Community Development Committee.
Eric Heidemann discussed the staff memo with the commission and advised that it will be presented
at the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Smith made motion to accept the Amendments as presented to the Town of
Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines with two modifications to the
Fencing and Screening requirements; 1) Item #2 will state that the split rail design will have no more
than 3 horizontal rails, and; 2) sub -line #4 should read 'areas enclosed by fencing can be no more
than 2,000 square feet'. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and the motion passed
Commissioner Evans motioned to adjourn; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The meeting
was adjourned at 9:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Weiss
Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Terry Smith