TC Council Packet 08-04-2015IL�1 Avo rl I OWN OF AVON, t-OLORADO SPECIAL COUNOL MEETIN4 FOR TUESDAY, AU(,UST 4, 2015 bPECIAL MEETING BEGINS mi :):t�j PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE DIKE STREET PRESIDING OFFICERS IVIArOR7ElgNIE raNCRER MAT OR PKO i Em jARE wuCF ;-uu1aC1cv-R5 MEGAN BURCH, MATT GENNE i i, Sw i i PRINCE, ACBER I "Bvz" REYIQupCDS, SARAH SIVA I R RYMES SPECIAL MEETINv BEGINS AT 5:15 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER & RULL CALL 2. APPROVAL UF AuENDA j. PUBLIL COMMENT — CUMMENTS ARE WELCVME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA g. ACTION ITEM5 PUBLIC HEARING AMPLIFIED SOUND PERMITAPPLIIHTIUN FOR PEAK PERFORMANCES, INC. DIRECTOR OF FESTIwArS mND SPECIAL EVENTS DANITA DEMP5EY) 5. WORK SESSION 5.1. REVIEW OF DURABILITY OF KOUM13ABOUT #�} & DIRECTION REuARDING REPLACEMENT IN 2016 I OWN MANAGER VIRGINIA EGGER) b. ADJOURNMENT MEETING AGENDAS & PACKETS: HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON I OWN MALL, RECREATION CENTER, Sc CIQRHRT. Page t Avon L TOWN COUNCIL REPORT io: mayor& Town Council From: Danita Demrsey, Dig Mo, of Festivals Date: July 27, 2015 Ke: Public Hearings for Outdoor Use of Amplified Sound Application rermit The Town Council is asked to consider approving an Amplified pound Pe....;t 0., AagaA 5"', 12" and 19', as eyae.,ted by PeaK Perffo....ances for the Avon LIVE! Summer Concerts in the Park. A public hearing is required on Outdoor Use of Amplified �)ound foF eve, its that WiII Be using amplified sound 3y3te.113 Def:,. a 9:00 a.m. or after 8:oo p.m. in Nottingham Park, including Avon Performance Pavilio. j, 0.. -`)01 days through Wednesdays (Avon Municipal Code Chapter 5.zZi.02o). The Avon LIVE Summer Concerts in the Park start time for August 5°',12' and 19' is 5:00 p.m. and end time is 8:45 P-1 11. Now .d cnecKs start at not earlier than 2:30 p.m. v„itn live music starting at 6:oo p.m. each evening. The applicant states there will be no mme tnan 88db (decibels) with a C -frequency vveight;..g, inte, nat;o. gal standards of measurement of sound pressure levels, at approximately 200 feet from the origination of the amplified sound. Please note the public notice vvaz vublizhe8 a:, . equired in Avon Municipal Code for public hearing on i uesday, August 4, 2015. The $25 processing fee for the amplified son, id pe, ...it fia� Bee.. Waived per Festival Agreement 6etwee., tMe i o Wn of Avon and Peak Performances. The applicant has been invited to atte..d the . �.eetn .g. Background Information for Issuing Amplified hound re. � � ,;ts: i Mie O. dinance 15-0i amending AMC 5.24, Section 9.12.o8o provides the framework fov i»ui..g Thi-, type of permit. The Council, in making its decision to issue the Amplified Nound Pe... It, ...ay consider the following: 1.1. Comments by the public. 1.2. Neceswity of the pe. Jt for tMe cultural, historical or social benefit of the community. 1.3. Proximity of the proposed location t0 re.,idential ..eign5n, noods. 1.zi. Proposed direction of sound projection. 1.5. Nn eei-iii.g 0f -,ouna rrom neighboring properties. 1.6. Compatibility with other uses a, id aetivitie:) 1.. tMe vicinity. i he i ovv.. CUM iCil ...ay prescribe any conditions or requirements deemed necessary to ...irii...ite adverse effects upon the community u. 3a.. ou..8i..g ..eighborhood. Attachments: ✓ Applicmio.., fe, uatd00, use UT Amplified Sound Equipment Diagram of Event in Nottingham Park shc;vv;..g a...plified sound projections a A i/ O n PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OUTDOORS USE OF SOUND AMPLIFIER i iOry ST3 cm 1. MAME OF APPLICANT P� F 72 f= P A- Nl FP�C-C�.37 /i✓G . C/O 7,7r [�elleTew 2. REPRESENTING B/UtSINESS//O,RGANIZATION �+ ADDRESS: 7 V Y �Tr�� � (moo L7J2�J� , �� L7 ilO / S. ADDRESS OF PREPIpe OR LOCAs IOM WHERE SOUND IS TO BE PRODUCED V& %% / A7 d1-jq /" l .4 v o xi ri i 4. TELEPHONE NUMBER S. PURFOaE FOR OUTDOOR USE OF SOvICD AMIFEMCATION SYSTEM CVA/r-.--X7 S65:XI Z5S' 6. DATE/S OF PROPOSED USE TIME/S OF PROPOSED USE _ P M ( "TA /. ATTACH A DRAWING OF PROPERTY AND PREMc=a.3FlVmIgG PRvrMEu LOCATION OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT AICD DIRECTION OF SOUND PROJECTIOM. 7 14 //j - SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE MAILING ADDRESS OF APPLICANT THE PERMIT APPLICATION IS APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF AVON AS NOTED BY THE SIGNATURES BELOW. THE APPLICANT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER S.24 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE AS OUTLINED ON THE BACK OF THIS APPLICATION. TOWN CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE DATE rlease aaRnowieage mar each page is understood b, imitizATigg: Speekil Ev�mts Application/PcTm9t 10A Spa, -,s -r pligu 9 aJ r r41P I d m O LL F s 1 ---------------- .I j n' r t r - P4 N o 1i'W 51 _ Z �, •''MORO •!__ W' LU � `'�•� �/ � � M C m it r R N 3 Wo dam (A Cc FC r. ti O O • •a';r`_' } � 61 ;.. ' Q d =� r m 2 f� J G 6 P. Li W LU > . ■ d m O LL F Avon GOLDRADO TOWN COUNCIL REPORT 10: Flonorable mayor a, id I uvvi, Council From: Virginia Egger, Town Manager nate: July 3,, 215 Agenda Topic: Keview of the Durability of Rau, Oabout #,f- and Direction Regarding Replacement in 2016 SUMMHRr: The Avon Planning and Zoning Commission approved the co,, e.,t i ovvn Ce„ter structure in Koundaboot #4 in 2014, vvitn a condition that the installation be replaced by not later than June, 201b. The current structure, while not requiring i ovv,, Coun6i app, oval, also received the Council's approval and funding in the amount of $75,000. It was designed specifically of beetle kill blue pi,,e to match other structures ben ,g con3t, uctea for tRe 2015 World Alpine Ski Championships in Vail and Beaver Creek resorts. The decision was part of a larger masts, pla,, fo, the development of Possibility Plaza and the Main Street Mall, which included the relocation of the dominant bronze from Roundabvot #4 1„ order to bring a,, Aeritifiable vvayfi,ai,,g monument to the Plaza. The direction of the plan called fo, Roundabout #4 to be differentiated from the othe, b, on, -e , ou,,8about statues in order for the -ce„ter OT town" to be known by a unique and interesting art piece. i he Council has adopte8 in its Five-year Capital Improvement.3 Pla,,, a fanai„ g allocation of $250,000 for the replacement work, including design fees. Over the past few months, staff, with an ad hoc co,,„comp, iced OT Council, Planning and Zoning Co, ,„,,ission, architect and art dealer representation, issued an RFP for artists to design the pe, manent structure. From the re3po„aea, the committee selected four (4) qualified proposals to complete a detailed design for Roundabout #4, with final selection of the aucre»fol artist to be decided by the Looncil. Eaff! artist Mas been granted a stipend of $2,500 for the work and travel to Avon fo, presentation at Council on �,eptembe, 8`h. DuRAesili i r OF CURREN 1 51 KUCTURE Town staff recently reviewed the durability of the Cup , e,,t tet, uLtu, a vvith John Kelly, EPS -Doublet, who ,nanuractu,ed and installed the art piece. Mr. Kelly shared with staff that the 3tvacture was engineered as a permanent i, iatallation a,,8 can be expected to last 10 -15 year with no upkeep. i he timbers can be stained over time to maintain a fresher look. COUNCIE REvIEw Mayor Jennie Fancher has asked for this item to be vi, Loo,,6i'� vvo, K session. With the new Fc„ovvleage OT the long term nature of the current installation, the discussion before Cou„cii is to consider whether the prose» to deign a airre, ent installation should continue to proceed at this time.