PZC Minutes 060402Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 4, 2002 I. Call to Order The Meeting is called to order at 6:05 p.m. II. Roll Call All commissioners are present. A. Election of Secretary Commissioner Karow nominates Commissioner McClinton as secretary, Commissioner Wolfe seconds the motion and the vote is approved unanimously. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VII, Lot 8, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek is moved to the consent agenda. Tambi Katieb, Planner II, reads into the record the content of the Site Tour and Worksession meetings. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Macik has a conflict with Item VII of the agenda. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Karow motions to approve the minutes from the May 21, 2002 meeting, and that Item VII, Split Rail Fence is approved. Commissioner Macik abstains from this vote. Commissioner Smith seconds the motion, the motion carries unanimously. VI. Sketch Plan A. Lots 40, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 4540 Flat Point Single Family Residence Applicant: Michael Farr Eric Johnson, Planning Technician, made a brief staff presentation and stated that staff recommends approval. Chairman Evans responds to the letter that the Commissioners have received regarding "the hump" and talks about the ridge lines vs. the height of this hump. Applicant Michael Farr explained the time that he has spent on this design to achieve the best views and architectural style. He has also spent a great deal of time designing according the Design Review Guidelines and feels that he has achieved the best possible design for that lot. Chairman Evans asked if there was any public comment regarding this application. Dave Wilkenson, who lives on the corner, feels that the Commission needs to take an average of the landscape and grading for this site. He also feels that "the hump" sits up there pretty high and it should be taken down and that the grade also needs to be amended. The project will affect his view corridor. Chris Cook states his concern is the natural grade and "the hump" as well. The hump needs to be re- graded and leveled so that the house does not stick out, he would like to see a lower ridge line impact so that his view corridor may be saved as well. Chairman Evans states that if the applicant wanted to build on the "hump" that he could, also, that he is not exceeding the 35 foot height with his design. The applicant responds that those are true statements. They discuss that if he grades down further it will cause problems with the drainage around his house and design of his house. Commissioner Wolfe states that he only has one comment and that is, that the whole back (south) side of the house is 32 to 33 feet above grade, and he feels that this completely complies with the zoning and design review criteria and he strongly approves of the design. Commissioner Karow, states that this applications does indeed meet and comply with design review guidelines. Commissioners Macik, Smith and McClinton, agree with the other Commissioners and have no comment and agree with approval. Commissioner Karow motions to approve this sketch plan with conditions 2 - 7 of the staff report. Commissioner Wolfe seconds the motion and it carries unanimously. VII. Final Designs A. Lot 8, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 331 Nottingham Road Split Rail Fence Applicant: Colin Doyle Moved to the Consent Agenda. VIII. Zoning — PUBLIC HEARING (6:20pm to 6:30pm) A. Resolution No. 02 -08 — Rezoning Application Lot 6, Mc Grady Acres 0086 Nottingham Ranch Road (0085 Post Boulevard) Applicant: Burt Levin for Edinburgh Corporation 78 Mr. Katieb gave a brief staff presentation, stating that there are also maps on the wall for those who would like to view the portion that is in question. Staff has reviewed application and is recommending approval. Burt Levin, the applicant's Attorney, appreciates the staff report and the time they have spent reviewing the application and really does not have anything further to add. Chairman Evans opens the Public Hearing. Chairman Evans opens the Public Hearing. Buz Didier, states that none of the neighbors have a problem with the rezoning, however we would like to see some buffering done to help separate the commercial areas from the residential, for instance a berm or some trees, etc. Amy Phillips, resident, states that she would like to insist that they do some sort of buffer along with some sort of public right of way, either a walk/bike path or something that would provide public access to the commercial area from Eaglebend. Chairman Evans, explains that the buffer is something that if the owner wants to put that into the resolution he can, but that the Commission has no way of insisting that they do a buffer. He goes on to explain at the time of design review perhaps these items could be addressed. Commissioner Wolfe then questions the applicant about going on the record with the buffer requirements. Mike Bowen, Applicant, states that at this time they do not wish to go on record with buffer requirements. However, at some point he will put a berm or trees in, they are just not ready to go on the record. Commissioner Karow, states that this application meets our zoning considerations and recommends approval. Commissioner Macik, Smith and McClinton agree with the other Commissioners and have no comments to add. Commissioner Karow motions to approval Resolution 02 -08 with two conditions as noted in the staff report and resolution. Commissioner McClinton seconds the motion and it carries unanimously. IX. Other Business A. Minor Projects 1. Lot 83, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 2458 Draw Spur Road Color Modification Applicant: Jeff Manley 2. Lot 47, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 2540 Old Trail Road Deck and Parking Addition Applicant: Vincent and Amy Guercio B. Sign Permits 1. Lot 45, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 480 Nottingham Road Applicant: New Life Assembly of God Eric Johnson, Planning Technician gives a brief presentation /description of the items under other business. There are no nl jestinnc fnr staff, Commissioner Wolfe inquires about the possible East/West connection in Avon. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Wolfe motions to adjourn. Commissioner Smith seconds and the motion, and it carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Sincerely, Darcy D. Tennant Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Mike McClinton C Secretary