PZC Minutes 020502Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
February 5, 2002
6:00 PM
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception Commissioner Mack
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
No additions or amendments
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Chairman Evans has a conflict with Item VII, Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, The
Avon Car Wash Project
V. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Wolfe moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Klein seconded
the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sipes abstained.
VI. Final Design
Applicant: Tanavon Corporation /Fieldstone
Barrancas Project
Lot 40, Block 1, BMBC
491 Metcalf Road
Tambi Katieb, Planner, said that this file approved as a PUD on September 18, 2001, and this
project is being reviewed under the old Design Review Guidelines since it was submitted prior to
the new Design Guidelines being adopted. He states that staff recommends approval with
Commissioner Klein states that he wants conditions to clarify size and types of materials on the
finished product.
Drew, representing Fieldstone Development made the presentation. He notes that there is no
approval for colors or materials at this time. They agree with staff and accept all conditions that
staff has put forth. He handed out a sketch for the address sign, trash enclosure, and roof
element over stair.
Commissioner Wolfe asked for an explanation of what has been handed out. He stated that
the earlier submission was much more traditional, and asks how they have moved away from
that design. He stated that this is very different. Given the fact that there is no pitch to the roof
etc., that these are very different from any other residential design. Concerned that the open
exposed stairways will deteriorate with time, and that it will be used for storage. The second
element of concern is about the details. If this is approved, it should be contingent upon more
finished details being provided.
Rick Dominic for Fieldstone Development states that this project has been designed for
affordability and maintenance.
Drew from Fieldstone then talks about the materials that are to be used. The chimneys are
stucco with traditional lath, the majority of the building is stucco, windows are white vinyl, green
corrugated siding and roofing, metal garage doors and front doors, steel railings and stringers
need to have some engineering done. Details on columns will be addressed after the
engineering is complete.
Commissioner Sipes once again states that they must have more information on finished details
and this must be a condition of approval. If we can agree that these items can be included on
the mock up we could possibly move forward.
Ray Neilson of Tanavon acknowledges that would be acceptable providing they can move
forward with approval.
Commissioner Evans wants to know how the stair tread attaches to the building?
Commissioner Sipes states that when they provide drawings in the future they need to provide
notes and scales that indicate size and durability. Discussion as to overhangs, he states that he
does not deem this as pitched roof, therefore the overhang requirement does not come into
play. Commissioner Sipes states that the drawing does show an overhang of at least 6 inches.
Commissioner Karow states that given the fact that there are 14 conditions he feels that is
application cannot be approved, and is concerned about item #10, how the deed restriction can
be tied into the approval.
Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development states that these conditions are part of future
development to satisfy employee housing and that the other conditions are items that must be
satisfied prior to building permit issuance. It is a good idea to have this list there for the
applicant so that there are no surprises down the road.
Commissioner Sipes wants to amend the restriction so that it states "if they choose to tie it to
future develop, it would then become deep restricted property, and if the applicant chooses to
transfer to deed restriction housing, he must do so prior to TCO ". This would protect the town
and make it part of the record. He would like to see the conditions organized by items to be
done prior to building permit, prior to TCO, etc.
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February 5, 2002
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Commissioner Karow - Landscape plan which is condition #5. He would like to see the
landscape plan approved by the Commission instead of staff. Also since the color board has
not been approved at all, he recommends that final colors be approved by the Commission as
well. The 8% grade for the dumpster enclosure may make it impossible for these to be serviced
and dumped. Therefore, the grades will have to be flattened leading to the dumpsters in order
to be serviced.
Commissioner Evans speaks about the walls being terraced for visual aesthetics with planters,
he will not approve this without the walls being terraced. Also, the overhang that is represented
on this drawing is 2" or flush and is not acceptable. All metal is to be finished along with
concrete. Doubts the height requirements have ever been re- visited and is disappointed that
items that have been discussed in past have not been dealt with.
Ray Neilson states that most of the retain walls will be below Metcalf and will not be visible.
Commissioner Sipes states that he does not have a problem with the style, after walking the
site. This style is very appropriate and he likes the size, materials and agrees with applicant
that this style definitely makes the project more affordable. Agrees on the sloping roof, going
towards the back, however, the drip edge needs to be extended away from the stairway.
Extending it another 12 inches would make it better for the residents. Would like to see that as
a condition. Sizes and reveals, details need to be taken to the next level and submitted back to
the commission with scale, sizes, etc. The glu lam beam is out of place, instead of wood it
should be steel and bracketed. With this being the only wood piece on the building, it does not
Commissioner Klein states that the lighting cut sheet is not provided, and must be at mock up.
He is against what is being proposed for lighting. Sheet A2.3 notates concrete being unfinished
and this is not acceptable, concrete walls must be finished. He is concerned about the lack of
detail. He feels that the landscaping should use more items that will be green year around and
that the numbers of tress are not adequate.
Commissioner Evans states that our options are to deny, approve, or table the project as a
Commission Sipes motions to approve the final design for Lots 38, 39, 40 and 41, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek with the following conditions:
The following items will be reviewed and approved by Staff prior to the issuance of any
building permits:
1. Submission of an approved Stormwater and Pollution Control Plan prior to submission of
plans for building permit.
2. The guardrail on Lot 41 will require modification to provide a barrier for traffic on Metcalf
Road prior to the issuance of any building permits.
3. Clarification of the barriers at the edge of pavement above all retaining walls must be
submitted on revised plans prior to the issuance of any building permits.
4. A construction - staging plan will be required for submittal and approval prior to the
issuance of any building permits.
5. Lot 38 will be conveyed and dedicated as open space to the Town of Avon prior to the
issuance of any building permits.
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February 5, 2002
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6. The PUD condition regarding the inclusion of separate access lane from Metcalf Road
will require review and approval by the Town Engineer and Town Council prior to the
issuance of any building permits.
7. A deed restriction agreement specifying the quantity and prices of employee housing
units must be submitted and approved by the Town prior to the issuance of a TCO
(Temporary Certificate of Occupancy).
8. The Army Corps of Engineers must approve all wetland disturbances and issue a permit
for all required disturbances prior to the issuance of any building permits.
9. Adequate water pressure to service this project must be adequately demonstrated prior
to the issuance of any building permits for this project.
10. Building permit plan submittal shall include debris flow mitigation measures to address
issues identified in Geologic Hazard Study prepared by R.J. Irish Consulting.
The following items will be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning
Commission prior to the issuance of any building permits:
1. All final colors, materials, and details shall be separately reviewed and approved by the
Planning Commission after an on -site mockup is constructed. All of the details shall be
dimensioned and indicate materials and their sizes and means of assembly. Sufficient
details shall be included to accurately depict the construction of the particular item in
2. An on -site mock up shall be construction that is large enough to clearly indicate all of
the anticipated exterior finish and structural materials including the window condition.
The building elevations shall be resubmitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission
for review as needed to make the following clarifications and /or revisions to the
materials for the project:
a. Trash enclosure.
b. Sign.
c. Roof element over stairs.
d. Sunshade.
e. The stucco accent reveal.
f. Stair details.
g. Window details in both stucco and metal siding (head, jamb /sill).
h. Detail of overhang on sloped roof element, which will extend a minimum of 18"
on all sides per the design guidelines.
i. Boulder wall details including a section.
j. The revised detail and specific material of the pipe at the cantilever, which will
include the specific length and diameter and be part of the mockup. The pipe
must be a 6" minimum diameter.
k. All exposed concrete walls must be finished. The proposed finish shall be
indicated on the mock up.
I. The proposed lighting fixture is rejected. Provide cut sheets on a new fixture
that shall be of a "full cut -off' type.
m. Because the wood beam and stair stringers are out of character with the
proposed design, the Commission recommends revising these materials to
steel. These changes shall be indicated on the revised elevations.
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February 5, 2002
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n. The metal siding shall be factory finished (baked -on or better), and shown on
the mock up.
3. The drip edge of the roof element over the stairs must extend a minimum of 12" past
the outside edge of the guardrails below, or alternately the roof must pitch toward and
drip onto the primary roof.
4. Submit revised grading plan clearly indicating the location, height, and configuration of
all retaining walls to the Planning and Zoning Commission for specific approval. All
retaining walls will be separately approved for their use of materials and architectural
facing. Retaining wall details will include sections, proposed facing material, include
proposed planting terraces, and must be to scale, dimensioned, and stepped with
sections not to exceed 8' each without specific approval by the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Indicate on this plan the extent and location of 'squared' vs. 'river'
boulders. Additionally, all walls over 4' in height must be designed by a certified
professional engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits.
5. Submit revised landscaping plan that meets Town standards for caliper, size, and
height for specific approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The plan will be
revised to include more evergreen trees in front of the buildings and parking areas for
screening from Metcalf Road at a minimum. Also, the plan should not include the
grading information for clarity during review.
Commissioner Wolfe seconds the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
VII. Design Review —Sketch Plan
Avon Car Wash
Applicant: Steve Grow
Lot 30, Block 1, BMBC
710 Nottingham Road [Tab 31
Eric Johnson, Planning Technician states that staff recommends tabling of the Sketch Plan for
Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, due the significant grading, drainage, and
encroachment issues that must be resolved along with the other issues stated on the staff
report. Also, the two revised sheets which were passed out to the Commissioners, staff has not
previously seen these nor have we had time to review them.
Charlie Acevedo representing JMP Architects, states the major items that have been brought
up, such as grading is because the plan that we were working with needed to be signed and
stamped, the site was re -shot by the surveyor, and it showed some differences and that is
reflected on the revised sheets which have been provided to you. Also, the revised sheets
show the water flows north to south, the size of the catch basin is roughly 24 ", to address the
Towns concern that the water is kept from the paved area.
Commissioner Sipes indicates that there may need to be a secondary basin, in case the first
basin freezes or becomes clogged. Maybe needs to be at the NE corner. He would rather see
an engineered solution instead of using electricity to heat the basin to keep it from freezing.
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February 5, 2002
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Commissioner Wolfe wants to clarify that all materials are different from SRU colored stucco
except for the metal fascia which is blue. Asked if housing units have open full height in curve
roof, used to be attic, trusses are exposed, chimney stacks A7. There are fireplaces in the
units. We would also like to see some sort of landscaping on the second level, maybe propose
to tree boxes. The transition between the commercial residential now look very slick and the
landscaping that was shown previously added better transition and earthiness to the project.
Commissioner Sipes states that the transition on this project goes from residential to
commercial with a drainage easement. The barrel vaults are not addressing the neighbors at
all, outside of the form of building the materials have gone entirely to stucco. Doesn't like the
direction that this is going being all stucco. If this was final design I would not approve this. If
roofs are going to be metal we need more information on that material.
Commissioner Klein states that he wants to see more landscaping. He does not have a problem
with the style of the building, since it sits next door the to Pet Center is actually blends.
Commission McClinton asks how they got to this new design?
Charlie Acevedo states that when we drove from one end of the street to the other, there really
does not seem to be any consistency with the style of the buildings.
John Perkins states that they feel the barrel vault softened the look and it needed to done to go
along with the Pet Center Building. However, if the Commission likes the look of the gables we
can go back to that. He feels that the contemporary look of the barrel vault would go better
overall, he says that he felt that it worked for this building overall better than the original plan.
Commissioner Sipes asks if can we require a model. Wants to know what the linear distance of
the easement is.
Charlie Acevdeo states the he believes that the linear distance is approximately 60 feet, and the
length of building is approximately 200 feet.
Charlie Acevdeo and John Perkins agree to create a model no smaller than 1/8" scale and will
also try to include the massing around the Car Wash model.
Commissioner Karow is ok with the barrel vault, retaining wall 22 to 24 feet on the west side
makes is necessary to provide some natural lighting in the housing units. Landscaping on the
second level terrace is a must, along with some landscaping along the retaining wall. Wants to
clarify the deed restricted units.
Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development states that the first priority would be to the
employees of the Car Wash, then to residents of Avon and then to residents of Eagle County.
Commissioner Wolfe moves to have this tabled. Commissioner McClinton seconds the motions.
The motion is carried unanimously.
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February 5, 2002
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VIII. Other Business
A. Staff Approval — Minor Project
Applicant: Dave Dantas
Lot 69, Block 1, Wildridge
2421 Saddleridge Loop
Windows deleted and added.
B. Expiring Terms
Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development speaks about terms expiring for
Commissioners Klein, Sipes, Macik and Evans, and that we will begin advertising for these
spots soon.
Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Mc Clinton seconded the
motion. The motion was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Darcy Tennant
Acting Recording Secretary
Chris Evans
Paul Klein
Minutes of P &Z Meeting
February 5, 2002
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