PZC Minutes 103001Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session October 30, 2001 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road The Work Session commenced at 5:35 p.m. with Commissioners Evans, Macik, Klein, Wolfe, Karow, McClinton and Sipes present. A. VILLAGE AT AVON WaIMart and Home Depot Commissioner Ron Wolfe, Planning and Zoning representative to the Village at Avon Design Review Board, said the multi - family residential area is the next area Traer Creek is going to develop. Tonight we will be reviewing the proposals for Home Depot and WalMart. Commissioner Wolfe said he met Magnus Lindholm and his impression is that Mr. Lindholm is committed to a first class project at the Village. He does have specific ideas about what he thinks is good architecture. He likes Arthur Erickson's designs. Bill Post has stated his process for each design area is to acquire competitive, conceptual development submissions from three or four architectural firms. Rick Pylman is developing the guidelines. It appears that everyone is working toward a common goal. WalMart and Home Depot have presented their designs as typical big box following their standard architecture. They have given concessions to parking, type and intensity of lighting and access. Traer Creek's concept is to push the buildings as far back as they can in order to take advantage of the changing grade and minimize the visibility from the road. Linking the two buildings is a pedestrian covered walkway. Traer Creek is designing the site, WalMart and Home Depot are building the stores and the buildings will be leased back to WalMart and Home Depot. There will be a shared responsibility on who will be maintaining various aspects. A big concern of the Commission was the roof. There was opposition to the black roof. It should not be jet black; gravel ballasted and earth -tone is preferred. There is a concern of the snow loads on the flat roof. Home Depot has said no to stone on the roof. Lindholm's view is that a black roof will be the least visible. The Commission discussed some kind of pop -ups on the roof, or second story windows to minimize the look of the flat roof. It was suggested it may be better to do stepping in the walls. It needs something to break the fagade that would step it down to bring down the scale of the size. Roof pop -ups may possibly be a negative by drawing more attention to the roof. The Commission asked if the dimension of a person could be added to the 3 -D concept drawing for scale. Site lighting was discussed. The Commission agreed that as much as possible they should insist that all site lighting be metal halide versus sodium vapor. They agreed less intensity is better. They want minimal lighting and cut off fixtures. Commissioner Wolfe said Bill Post has said Traer Creek wants only enough lighting to be able to function and keep the area secure. It will be less intensely lit than the current WalMart. Parking has been negotiated down to 4.2 per thousand. Norm Wood, Larry Brooks and Bill Efting have negotiated the parking requirements. Comments regarding the signage were that the signs are low and appropriate for the site. Signage is standard on the building. We don't know what signs are on the backside facing the interstate; it is not shown. We need to find out what, if anything they are proposing that would be seen from the interstate. Are there any tall poles? Generally, the Commission was happy with the signage that is proposed. The pedestrian covered walkway is shown to be of a certain height spanning the two buildings. The canopy meets the full height of the building. It would be more human - scaled and make the building look better if the canopy was down below the top of the wall. It should be kept low across the face of the building to break up the facade and make the front more interesting. Will the water feature in the park be seasonal? What will it look like in the off - season? How will it be maintained? Trucking in and out of the northwest corner is supported. If the road passes through the park area, it should be made with pavers, or something besides asphalt. The front of the building and curbing should be landscaped, to soften it; but still accommodate the customers' loading areas. The landscape plan should use evergreens, not deciduous trees and should be used in areas where there is line of site. The berm above the buildings coming down along the side of the road is critical. There was concern what the two large buildings will look like from the interstate. Some of the nomenclature for different stages in the processes are; Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development and Final Design. It is very important in order for the Commission to be effective, Commissioner Wolfe be with Traer Creek when they are talking about ideas. Information should be extracted from Traer Creek early enough in the process to make the Commission's advisory comments useful. The Commission thanked Ron for his excellent hard work and time he is putting into the Village Design Review. B. LOT C, Avon at Beaver Creek, Sheraton's Mountain Vista Entry Truss Several variations of revisions on the entry truss were submitted by Oz Architecture. Chairman Evans said tearing the truss out is the right thing to do but is not realistic. If we turn it down, it would go to Council and they will approve it. We need to find an intermediate solution. We have to come to an agreement on this tonight and give direction to Staff. Minutes of P &Z Work Session October 30, 2001 Page 2 The Commissioners discussed various options. They suggested going all the way up with the stone. Jeff Edwards, Starwood Director of Construction, said if we go all the way up with the stone, these two columns would be the only columns with the stone all the way up. They would not go with the rest of the building. The Commissioners voted 4 -3 to flatten the cap as shown in Oz's drawing, SKA- 704 -R6, use a similar 4x4 timber treatment to the top of the transfer glue lam with bolts and decorative square plates which would make it look strapped in and complete. C. EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION PLANT Chairman Evans said someone mentioned to him the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facility has an above ground diesel storage tank without any containment. Staff said they will check on it and will get back to the Commission. The Work Session adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cecelia Fenton Recording Secretary APPROVED: November 6, 2001 Chris Evans Chairman T� Paul Klein Secretary Minutes of P &Z Work Session October 30, 2001 Page 3