PZC Minutes 100201Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
October 2, 2001
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Wolfe.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the September 18, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Karow seconded
the motion. The motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Klein abstaining.
A. Design Guidelines - Affordable Housing
Applicant/Owner: Traer Creek LLC
Bill Post, representing Traer Creek, spoke about the design guidelines and the affordable
housing. He said we have bypassed some of the procedures due to the fact we have been
heavily involved with Engineering and all the permits and applications associated with this
project. We intend to get the Planning and Zoning board representative, Mr. Karow, very
involved in the process. We already have been working heavily with the Town staff. The
affordable housing has been on a fast track due to the timeline. The state bonds that have
become available have a December 31 timeline. We are working on updating the guidelines for
K &L parcels and soon, the affordable housing. It is our intention to bring in everything else for
your review and input and have all of the design guidelines in place and have you work with us
on the design. Our Design Review Board has just recently been formed.
Next Tuesday from 11:00 -1:00 we have set a joint meeting with us, the Planning and Zoning
Commission and Council regarding the affordable housing.
The Commissioners discussed with the applicant what could be changed on the architecture of
the affordable housing design without changing the timing. Mr. Post said some things have
been presented to HUD and the state for the bonds; those are the outlines of the site planning
and the infrastructure planning that cannot be changed.
Commissioner Sipes said a major objection we have is the massing of the buildings. They are
too blocky. He asked if the applicant could deviate from the footprint of the buildings at this
point and if there are square footage constraints with HUD.
Gerry Flynn, of Corum Real Estate, a partner with Wintergreen Homes in developing the
affordable housing, said we had to do a detailed market study to submit to HUD. The state
granted a large allocation to Avon and if we cannot close the bonds, we won't be able to get
them back. In order to retain the bonds, we have 244 units and there are many constraints to
the site itself. We have submitted extensive documents to HUD and need to avoid changing
unit mix and number of buildings. We can make some architectural changes to those buildings
to respond to some of the comments we have been getting.
Jeff Spanel of Wintergreen Homes commented HUD is in the middle of doing their accessibility
review and to change the floor plans at this point would be difficult and could possibly put the
bonds in jeopardy. He said there are strict limitations on the rents imposed by the Town and by
the bonds. There is a ceiling we have to work under. The current design and structural
engineering is done. We prefer not to enlarge the units themselves. Maybe we could enlarge
the decks to break it up. HUD's focus is on the inside of the buildings. We can work with you in
making changes on the outside of the building but if we start changing the inside of the units,
the floor plans and layouts it would set us back with HUD's review and we could lose the bonds.
Rick Pylman of PJA Land Planning was also in attendance.
A. LOT C, Avon at Beaver Creek
Project: Sheraton's Mountain Vista
Applicant: Vistana, Inc.
Address: 160 Beaver Creek Boulevard West
Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development, said the applicant submitted modifications to
approved plans at the last Planning and Zoning meeting. The Commission denied the
modifications. The applicant has modified their application to include more details and
clarification on the changes. Staff recommends approval.
Jeff Edwards, Director of Construction for Starwood, made a presentation. He stated they have
concerns themselves with the exterior of the building. It is not to their satisfaction. They have
taken measures against the contractor and have held monies from them. Corrections will be
made. He said we like the archways and the arcade the way they are now.
Chairman Evans asked the applicant about the second entry arch. He said it has the same
vertical member with a different support condition that doesn't relate to it. He also noticed the
arcade has changes from the approved plans.
Tom Obermeyer of Oz Architecture said when we drew the original plans that were approved,
we thought the truss would be attached to the building but the builder said we could not do that.
The proportions are good. Solid members are better looking than glue lams.
Minutes of P &Z Meeting
October 2, 2001
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Commissioner Sipes said flashing curve at the roof should be installed to keep water from
cascading off the roof.
Aleksandr Sheykhet, architect with Oz, gave responses to the Commissioners questions
regarding the glue lam, the arcade and the beams.
Commissioner Sipes commented on the columns, the truss and the glue lam versus the raft
beams. He is ok with the change from 10x10 to 6x6. A big issue for him is the truss. It looks
like a mistake. To redo the truss would be impossible at this point. One of the two solutions
Alexandr drew could work. He did not like the curved pieces added to the truss. He could
support the truss change if they come up with a different means of support.
Commissioner Klein said the 6x6 columns are fine. We need to be notified before changes are
made. The steel around the bases is not a good idea. The center element needs to wrap all
the way around.
Commissioner McClinton commented he agrees with what is proposed with the posts and glue
lam. But the truss that is being proposed does not look attractive.
Commissioner Macik likes the way the building looks but is concerned about what else has
been changed. If a homeowner does not build according to the approved plan, we make them
redo it the correct way. The same should hold true for you. The arch looks ridiculous. The
proportions of the columns are fine. He did not have a problem with the raft beams.
Commissioner Karow said the arcade is fine as long as you don't have the metal at the base
and you wrap the keystone all the way around. He asked if there would be soffits under the
roofs on the employee housing. He said these must be included. The exposed rafter tails must
be covered. The arch looks ridiculous. It is the first thing that anyone sees. The entry does not
work like this. It is not what we approved and he cannot support it.
Chairman Evans said agrees with the enclosing of the roof structure on the employee housing.
We are supposed to have battered stone columns not straight as they are currently constructed.
This is another deviation from the approved set of plans. The arch looks ridiculous. It was the
cheapest solution for the builder. He is very concerned about the number of changes they are
seeing. The details that were supposed to make this project look good are not being
Commissioner Klein moved to approve changes for Lot C, Sheraton's Mountain Vista for the
columns, the arcade and the stone bases with the metal strapping on the center of the arches
only, and the employee housing changes with the condition that the underside of the decks and
roof canopy be enclosed. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion was
unanimously approved.
Commissioner Sipes moved to table the changes on the entry truss so the applicant can come
back with another design. Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -1
with Commissioner Karow opposing.
Tom Obermeyer objected to the comments made that Oz has been disingenuous about their
changes and their architectural responsibilities.
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October 2, 2001
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A. Lot 41, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Split Rail Fence
Applicant/Owner: Shawn and Michael Walkowicz
Address: 2121 -B Long Spur
Ruth Borne said this application is in response to neighbors' concerns for a fence for a home
day care. The SRU approval for the day care is being appealed to Council. Staff has proposed
a new ordinance to Council to revise home day care requirements. Staff recommends approval
of the fence with the condition that the SRU be approved.
Commissioner Karow said this fence application should be reviewed as a regular fence
application, not special for the day care.
The Commissioners asked Staff about the property line between the duplex. Staff said they
would look at the plat to confirm the property lines. Commissioner Sipes said it looks like a big
fence. Commissioner Macik said it is too large. Chairman Evans said it is within the lines of the
easement and off the property lines. He is in support of the application. Commissioner Karow
said it meets the definition for a fence.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the application. Commissioner Klein said he would like
to add a condition that if a day care is not approved, the fence not be installed. Commissioner
Karow would not go along with that. Commissioner Klein said he would not approve the chicken
wire mesh on the fence. Commissioner Karow said we cannot approve wire mesh. Ruth Borne
said you have to have wire mesh because of the children.
Commissioner Karow withdrew his motion. Discussion ensued over the chicken wire.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the application as submitted without any conditions.
Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -2 with Commissioners Macik
and Klein opposing.
A. Aspens Village Mobile Home Park
Project Type: Roof Framing
Address: 901 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Ruth Borne said there have been problems with adding new roofs to old mobile homes. George
Hoyt, the Town Building Official, has been working with the mobile home park owner to design
new standards for reroofing. Mr. Hoyt said the state requires any additional structure to be
independently supported. The solution we have come up with is basically a carport covering the
home. The Commission reviewed the proposed plan.
B. Staff Approvals:
1. Lot 44, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
4725 Wildridge Road West
Siding, Deck Extension and Remodel Rear of Home
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October 2, 2001
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2. Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
2311 Old Trail Road
3. Lot 31, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
730 Nottingham Road
Thul Electronics
C. Code Enforcement Item
Commissioner Karow commented that he saw at Lot 77, Block 1, Unit C, the Orchard Town
Homes, there is a new deck with a privacy wall. He wondered if the deck and privacy wall were
approved. He said the new doors and windows are green. He asked if they have an approved
color change. All the other windows and doors on the project are white. Eric Johnson said he
would check on it.
Commissioner Sipes moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner McClinton seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cecelia Fenton
Recording Secretary
APPROVED: October 16, 2001
Chris Evans /Z:::: -7)
Minutes of P &Z Meeting
October 2, 2001
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