PZC Minutes 040400Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission April 4, 2000 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Klein. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Items A, C and D from Final Design Review and Item A from Extension of Final Design Approval were moved to the Consent Agenda as Items B, C, D and E. IV. Conflicts of Interest None V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Tract N, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project Type: Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant Office Building Applicant: Steve Isom, Isom & Associates, Architect Owner: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Address: 950 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Approved with the following conditions: 1. Additional landscaping will be provided to screen the new parking spaces on the West Side of the site if and when they are constructed. The landscape plan for this area shall be approved by staff prior to installation; 2. The building plans and site plan must be revised to accurately match the floor plans; 3. The color summary chart and color board must include all proposed building materials and colors, including the stucco trim and window trim color. C. Lot 111- C, Point View at Beaver Creek Project Type: Single Family Applicant: Gies Architects Owner: Andrew Hadley Address: 2011 Beaver Creek Point Approved with the following conditions: 1. Provide topographic elevations on the building elevations indicating proposed and existing grades; 2. Clarify the deck encroachments; 3. Submit culvert detail and revised drainage plan; 4. Clarify lighting types and locations; 5. Submit address detail. D. Lot 111- E, Point View at Beaver Creek Project Type: Single Family Applicant: Gies Architects Owner: Andrew Hadley Address: 2019 Beaver Creek Point Approved with the following conditions: 1. Clarify proposed and existing topographic elevations to clarify building elevations; 2. Correct datum information to clarify height; 3. Revise grading and landscaping plan to correspond to one another and conform to slope requirements and proper drainage; 4. Submit address sign detail; 5. Revise snow storage plan; 6. Submit lighting fixture and indicate locations on plans. E. Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: 4 -Plex Applicant: Sue Railton Owner: Steve Kaloz Address: 2900 June Creek Trail Approved with the following conditions: 1. Revise siding color; 2. Revise grading plan to conform to Town standards with regard to the driveway and overall complete grading plan; 3. Revise patio on Unit A to be within the building setback; 2 of 10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 4. Indicate addresses for each unit; 5. Add two deciduous trees on the north side to screen adjacent property. Commissioner Karow made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Macik and unanimously approved with Commissioner Fehlner abstaining on Item A. VI. Work Session: A. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Project Type: Time -share & Employee Housing Phase 1A -1C Project Name: Mountain Vista Applicant: Vistana, Inc. Owner: Vail Associates Investments Address: 0160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Ruth Borne, Assistant Director of Community Development, presented a summary on Lot C time -share and employee housing final design application. December 15, 1999 was the last time the applicant was before the Commission and PUD approval was recommended. On February 22, 2000 Council approved the PUD application requiring additional retail square footage and phasing requirements. Staff is concerned with the colors, materials, and details being proposed with this application. There are several technical items which must be addressed prior to final design approval. The Work Session is designed to provide guidance to the applicant for all of the design aspects of the project. Chairman Evans requested clarification on the phasing and how it relates to this application. The phasing plan remains binding on the applicant vis -a -vie the PUD approval. The application being presented is for the entire time -share building and employee housing. The applicant will not be able to proceed with Phase 1 B without approval of the retail /commercial building on Sun Road. Commissioner Karow requested clarification on the gas grills. The Fire Department may require exterior sprinkling for the gas grills on the time -share building. Tom Marcin, a member of the applicant team, presented plans which Staff had not reviewed. He outlined the revisions to the civil drawings pursuant to Staff's request. Chairman Evans requested clarification on the transformers. They are proposed in the planters and will be approximately 4'x 6'. 3of10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 Applicant Team attending was introduced: Jeff Edwards, Jim McKnight, Michael Mellon, Rob Rydel, and Tom Obermeyer. The applicant presented several color schemes to the Commissioners. Commissioner Karow would like to see a model submitted with the final design application. Commissioner Fehlner requested the applicant submit building sections and the wall sections with the next submittal. She was concerned with the materials and colors now being submitted. The PUD application had more architectural expression. In addition, she expressed concern with the metal materials conflicting with each other and the amount of split face masonry being proposed. Chairman Evans referenced the PUD application and the richness of the design and materials. He further stated that the current application is vertical with stark transitions. He is in favor of the muted colors, not pink and yellow. The corrugated metal will have a hard time being approved as metal siding due to its reflection. The richness of materials at the pedestrian level is missing. The Staff comment that a lot of wood presented at PUD is now missing is an accurate statement. The Commission was very specific on clarifying that the level of detail be maintained in the final design application. The applicant clarified that the sidewalk will be colored concrete Commissioner Karow was not in favor of the pink and yellow color scheme and concerned with various metal materials being proposed. Wood detailing is needed. Split face concrete masonry has not been approved in Avon — it is important to have a better look than Wal -Mart. A stone finish is recommended. He agreed with the comments made regarding the lack of architectural relief and articulation on the elevations. The pedestrian scale requires attention. The metal garage doors are industrial, they need to be dressed up. Regarding the entry elevations on east 1A, main entry feature, a large gable truss with stone base is the way to go. The blank walls on the ground level are not pedestrian friendly. He urged the applicant to get rid of blank walls, add landscaping or something. Applicant agreed the pedestrian level will be revised. Commissioner Karow requested the applicant submit drawings for the next meeting. Commissioner Macik again stressed the importance of architectural detailing. He wants to see a sample of the fiber cement shingles. Articulation is needed on the pedestrian level. There are too many materials fighting against each other. He wants to see the exact colors and materials with the next submittal. Commissioner Sipes believes the project needs a level of distilling. He is concerned with the detailing going in different directions with colors, materials and metals. A lot of things are fighting each other. A great deal has been lost on the pedestrian level. The 4 of 10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 brackets are lacking. Blank walls need to be fixed. Split faced block won't get his vote. The pedestrian level and roof line level need more attention. Chairman Evans asked the applicant what happened to the Clock in the PUD application? The richness of the detailing and massing is missing now. He went on to clarify that some architectural elements, arches, and structural supports on balconies must be revised and include wood consistent with the PUD. The level and richness of detailing being submitted is not what the applicant was originally proposing. This is a Concept review tonight, no formal action will be taken. Jim McKnight of Vistana requested clarification on the model. Commissioner Sipes cautioned the applicant to be as accurate with the outside of the building as possible. VII. Public Hearing Rehearing on Rezoning and PUD Application A. Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project Type: Rezoning and PUD - Private Residence Club Applicant: Robert Borg Owner: Robert Borg Address: 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Town Planner, Karen Griffith, gave the Staff presentation and basis for rehearing the application. Karen stated at the last P &Z meeting March 21, 2000 the Commission first voted 2 -4 to deny Resolution 00 -3, then a motion to approve tied 3 -3. The application is for a private residence club with 24 members. Each membership can be sold to an unlimited amount of people or entities. Staff does not believe the application meets residential use outlined in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. It is not a seasonal use. Staff believes the application fits within the Town's definition of a commercial use as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. For example, the Austria Haus in Vail is limited to commercial areas and further restricted by the amount of memberships — in no event may the memberships in Vail exceed 12. Staff is also concerned with the spot- zoning aspect of this application. Therefore, Staff is recommending denial of the application. Town Attorney, Burt Levin, outlined the basis for this recommendation. He does not believe the application as submitted constitutes spot- zoning. You cannot single out a piece of land for special use but can create an island in the zone if the conditions of PUD are satisfied. Spot- zoning has become synonymous with illegal zoning, specifically when you create zoning which is more intensive than the existing zone by singling it out. It is a matter of discretion for the Commissioners to make a recommendation to Council. 5of10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 Chairman Evans disclosed an ex -parte meeting with Mr. Borg at Evan's office. Evans stated it should not sway his opinion or vote. If anyone wished him to step down, he would. No one asked Chairman Evans to step down. Robert Borg approached the podium and confirmed that the Staff Report was consistent with the one at the previous meeting. Terry Borg read the applicant's statement. The applicant is trying to fulfill a need to provide an alternative to the high priced resorts and expensive time -share projects. The concept is a private residence club, which is service oriented designed to accommodate the mainstream visitor. This project for all intensive purposes is within the town center. We live next door and will manage the private residence club. There are private residence clubs permitted in Vail, Cordillera and Arrowhead; time - shares are not permitted. Each community has decided for itself how to accommodate this new feature. We are the first applicants to come along and we want to make this a positive experience. She expressed thanks to Bill Efting, Town Manager, for his assistance with this application. Chairman Evans opened the hearing for public comment. A letter was submitted by an adjacent neighbor recommending approval of the application. Commissioner Karow does not believe the application meets the re- zoning criteria. He stated that there is a real difference between short-term and seasonal people. Owners who vacation and who live there. Commissioner Sipes believes it is an existing residence and does not believe the use or intensity will be changed by granting this approval. He was not comfortable with the amount of memberships being proposed. Commissioner Morrison believes the application meets both the re- zoning and PUD criteria. Commissioner Macik expressed concern with Staff's emphasis on the time -share definition when the applicant is requesting a PUD. Karen Griffith noted that the compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan is the cornerstone of this proposal, which requires a determination of whether the application is a commercial or residential use. Mr. Levin clarified that what is decisive is the PUD criteria. The issue is whether the application meets the PUD criteria, not whether it is meets the criteria of a time - share. Commissioner Macik is additionally concerned with the amount of memberships being requested. Commissioner Fehlner believes the seasonal aspect of the town is not specific and is ever - changing. There are no restrictions being proposed with regard to season, the member can use the unit at anytime. She believes the project is viable if the memberships were limited. 6of10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 Chairman Evans believes the property is not a residential low- density area. He does not believe the parking is a concern. There is no existing definition for the private residence club in the Avon Town Code. He is in favor of this in this location primarily because of the neighborhood. Commissioner Karow moved to adopt Resolution 00 -3 with the recommended findings. The motion failed for no second was made. Chairman Evans asked for additional public comment. None were made. Evans closed the public hearing. Mr. Levin suggested to the Commissioners all that is needed is a recommendation to Council for this application. Commissioner Fehlner made a motion to approve the re- zoning and PUD Development plan with the findings that: 1. The proposed re- zoning is justified by changed or changing conditions of the area; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 3. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, which includes time -share and short-term rentals; 4. The proposal will not have a negative impact on the Town transportation system and facilities. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morrison. The motion passed 4 -2 with Commissioners Karow and Macik objecting. B. Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: 4 -Plex Applicant: Bob Mach Owner: Claus Holm Address: 2170 Saddleridge Loop Ruth Borne outlined the concerns with the project, specifically with regard to the grading plan. Commissioner Sipes was concerned with the application of materials and how they fail to wrap around the building thereby creating a base for the project. Clarification of the horizontal siding is required. Commissioner Morrison requested the applicant submit a complete application with specification of colors and materials on the elevations and the color board. The 7 of 10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 landscaping plans need to be embellished and (3) sagebrush are required every 100sq. ft. for re- vegetation. Commissioner Karow would like the applicant to submit a model for the project. At a minimum the project must be staked prior to the next meeting to clarify the building footprint to enable the Commissioners to understand the placement of the project on the site. Commissioner Sipes made a motion to table Lot 15, Block 1, in Wildridge Subdivision with direction for the applicant to: 1. Submit a revised grading plan prepared by a licensed engineer. As part of the grading plan, an engineer must verify whether a guardrail is required for the project; 2. Clarify the architecture, application of materials and colors, 3. Submit revised color board with specifications; 4. Stake the building footprint prior to the next meeting. The motion for tabling was seconded by Commissioner Karow. Commissioner Fehler opposed the motion. The motion carried 5 —1. VIII. Other Business A. Adoption of Updated Zoning Map Karen Griffith gave the presentation. She stated there would be additional changes to the map as follows: 1. The north -south leg of Benchmark Road is an actual easement on Tract G, rather than an actual platted road right -of -way. The area will be changed to blue to indicate it is not an actual road right -of- way; 2. The recreation center will be moved to the west side of Benchmark Road; 3. Include Ordinance 2000 -01, which was Grandview at Wildridge, an amendment to the Wildridge PUD, approving two duplex units instead of a four -plex on Lot 45, Block 2 of Wildridge. 4. Include Ordinance 99 -7, an ordinance amending Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, to combine the three lots into two lots and eliminate the development rights for Lot 14. A motion was made by Commissioner Karow to adopt Resolution 00 -5 of Series 2000 updating the zoning map. The motion carried unanimously. 8of10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 B. Update on Planning & Zoning Vacancies The current staff of Commissioners will have their last session together April 18th. Those Commissioners whose terms expire are: Chris Evans, Paul Klein, Gregory Macik and Brian Sipes. Commissioner Morrison advised he would be moving from the Town of Avon soon and resigning. The deadline for applications is April 14th. C. Staff Approvals- Ruth Borne outlined the following approvals: 1. Lodge at Avon Center - AT &T 100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Satellite dish and antenna installation 2. Lot 70, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Sierra Construction 4211 Wildridge Road West -West Duplex New deck and lower window 3. Lot 103, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Richard Ste -Marie 3023 Wildridge Road -Side B Window change 4. Lot 41, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Dantas 2121 Longspur Lane Minor modifications -moss rock, bracket supports. D. Inspection Update: 1. Lot 36, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 0248 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Status of Modifications Eric Johnson, Community Development Inspector, gave an update stating the Building Permit had expired and a letter was sent to the applicant to resubmit for another permit. 9 of 10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000 IX. Adjourn Commissioner Karow made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sipes and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 PM. Respectfully submitted, a -, -- �" - 6; Z� � � Cecelia Fenton, Recording Secretary APPROVED: 1911/1111 4cTiti,-� Chairman Greg Macik Secretary 10 of 10 Minutes of P &Z Meeting April 4, 2000