08-10-2015 Town of Avon MailFinance Lease Agreement.pdfSection (H) Services Section (G) Postage Meter & Postage Funding Information Company Name Town of Avon Phone (970) 748-4000 Billing Address 1 Lake Street City State Zip+4 Avon CO 81620 Section (B) Billing Information Contact Name Email Address Fax Town of Avon Section (C) Installation Information (if different from billing information) Tax Exempt Online Postal Rates Online Postal Expense Management Online E-Services NeoShip Software Advantage 3562606 Section (F) ACH Direct Debit for Lease Payments PO # DBA Phone (970) 748-4000 Installation Address POB 975 City State Zip+4 Avon CO 81620 Contact Name Email Address Fax Main Post Office Name DBA Maintenance Section (D) Products Section (E) Lease Payment Information & Schedule Bank City State Post Office 5-Digit Zip Code Bank Name Bank Contact Name Online E-Services with Electronic Return Receipt Section (I) Approval Existing customers who currently fund the Postage account by ACH Debit will not be converted to NeoFunds/TotalFunds unless initialed here ________. This document consists of a Product Lease (“Lease”) with MailFinance Inc.; and a Postage Meter Rental Agreement (“Rental Agreement”), and an Online Services and Software Agreement with Neopost USA Inc.; and a NeoFunds/TotalFunds Account Agreement with Mailroom Finance, Inc. Your signature constitutes an offer to enter into the Lease and, if applicable, the other agreements, and acknowledges that you have received, read, and agree to all applicable terms and conditions (version DealerLease-06- 13), which are also available at http://www.neopostusa.com/terms/DealerLease-06-13.pdf, and that you are authorized to sign the agreements on behalf of the customer identified above. The applicable agreements will become binding on the companies identified above only after an authorized individual accepts your offer by signing below, or when the equipment is shipped to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Authorized Signature Print Name and Title Date Accepted ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Accepted by Neopost USA and its Affiliates Date Accepted Form L51186e-07/13 Terms Revision R-06-13 (PF)MailFinance, 478 Wheelers Farms Rd, Milford CT 06461 Product Lease Agreement with Meter Rental Agreement Section (A) Dealer Information Dealer Office Number 9480 Dealer Office Name Complete Mailing Solutions Phone # 3037610681 Date 08/10/2015 Contact Title Contact Title (Attach Voided Check) Certificate attached Taxable Monthly Quarterly Annually Billing Frequency: Tax Status: Billing Method: Standard Government Payment in Arrears Bank Routing Number Bank Account Number Postage Funding Method: Bill Me Prepay by Check ACH Debit Attach ACH Authorization Form OMAS / CPU POC New TMS Existing Existing Account Number: Postage Funding Account: Rate Protection None Covered Product: iMeter Apps Software Covered Product: Services Current Lease Number N10121337 New Lease Number Company Name Bank Contact Phone Installation/Training OMAS Agency Code Attach USPS CPU Authorization Letter IN600AF10P85 Subscription Qty NLEqptDetailIDLeaseID Description (include Serial Number, if applicable)Model / Part Number 1 (MS85LP) IN-600 Base w/ Autofeeder and INWP10IN600AF10P85 Number of Months Monthly Payment (Plus applicable taxes) 60 $183.95First