PZC Finding of Fact and Record of Decision 03-23-2012AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 7vi FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS C O L O R A D O CONCERNING THE PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT APPLICATION FOR THE VILLAGE (AT AVON) The following findings of fact and recommendations are made in accordance with Avon Municipal Code Section 7.16.060(e)(3): 1. Application Submitted. A preliminary PUD Application (the "Application "), consisting of an Amended Planned Unit Development Guide for the Village (at Avon) ( "Amended PUD Guide "), was submitted to the Community Development Department of the Town of Avon (the "Town ") on March 23, 2012 by Harvey Robertson of RMT Architects, representing the owners of the Village (at Avon) property (the "Applicant "). 2. Determination of Completeness. Pursuant to Avon Municipal Code ( "AMC ") §7.16.020(c)(1), a determination of completeness was submitted to the Applicant by letter from Matt Pielsticker of the Community Development Department on April 3, 2012, within ten (10) days of the application submittal. The Applicant was informed that items remained outstanding. �l 3. Town Staff Initial Comments. Town staff provided the Applicant with initial comments on April 27, 2012. A letter from Eric Heil, Town Attorney, provided initial comments regarding title insurance exceptions. Additional comments were provided by Matt Pielsticker of Community Development Department and Justin Hildreth of the Engineering Department. 4. Application Complete. On May 7, 2012 the Application was determined to be complete. 5. Referral to other Agencies. The Amended PUD Guide was referred electronically via the Town's website, www.avon.org /referral, to other agencies for review and comment on May 8, 2012 pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(c)(2). The following agencies were notified for referral: Eagle County Planning, Eagle County School District, ECO Trails, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Eagle River Fire Protection District, United States Forest Service, Department of Transportation, Eagle County Health Service District, Department of Wildlife, Colorado State Land Board, Colorado Geological Survey, Colorado Mountain College, Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District, Eagle County Sheriff, ECO Transit, Eagle Valley Library District, Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, Buffalo Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation, Buffalo Ridge II, Xcel Energy, Holy Cross Electric, Comcast, Beaver Creek Metropolitan District, Beaver Creek Property Owners Association, Beaver Creek Resort Company, Vail Resorts, Union Pacific FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 1 of 7 Railroad, and the Public Utilities Commission. Referral comments were due May 29, 2012, twenty (20) days after referral. 6. Staff Comment Letters to Applicant. On May 17, 2012 Matt Pielsticker of the Community Development Department submitted revised Initial Review Comments to the Applicant. On May 21, 2012 Town Engineer Justin Hildreth submitted his second round of comments on behalf of the Engineering Department to the Applicant. 7. Joint Work Session with Town Council. On May 8, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission ( "PZC ") and the Town Council held a joint work session for an introductory presentation of the Amended PUD Guide and the Consolidated Amended and Restated Annexation and Development Agreement and overview of the review schedule. Version 8 of the Amended PUD Guide was submitted to both bodies at the May 8, 2012 meeting. 8. Notice of Public Hearing. On May 25, 2012, pursuant to §7.16.020(d), a notice of public hearing was published in The Vail Daily for the June 5, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to review the Traer Creek LLC Village (at Avon) Preliminary Planned Unit Development application. 9. Referral Comments Received. Two referral comments were received by the Community Development Department on May 29, 2012, including: A comment letter by Eagle County School District Board signed by President Jeanne McQueeny and a comment letter by Colorado Parks and Wildlife signed by Department Area Wildlife Manager Perry Will. Colorado Parks and Wildlife submitted comments regarding impacts on habitat and wildlife and lack of mitigation measures to reduce the impacts. The Eagle County School District Board submitted comments regarding amendments to the VAA PUD to change the school site dedication requirements. 10. Staff Report to PZC. Matt Pielsticker submitted a Staff report to the PZC dated June 1, 2012. On May 31, 2012, the Applicant submitted Version 9 of the Amended PUD Guide. Due to the receipt of the Version 9 of the Amended PUD Guide late in the day on May 31, 2012, staff was not able to review the changes in Version 9 and include such changes in the Staff report analysis for the application. At the request of Town staff, the Applicant submitted a memorandum on June 1, 2012 detailing revisions to Version 8 that are reflected in Version 9. 11. Preliminary Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. On June 5, 2012 the PZC held a public hearing on the Application and reviewed the Application for approximately four (4) hours. The PZC continued the public hearing to June 11, 2012 in order to further review the Application. 12. Applicant Response to Staff Comments. On the morning of June 8, 2012, representatives of the Applicant and Town staff participated in a four (4) hour conference call with the Applicant for the purpose of clarifying, addressing and resolving staff FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 2 of 7 comments. On June 8, 2012 and June 9, 2012 the Applicant submitted memorandums (4 ) detailing responses to staff comments on Versions 8 and 9. 13. Continued Preliminary Public Hearing. On June 11, 2012 the PZC conducted the continued public hearing and continued with further review of the Amended PUD Guide for approximately six (6) hours. At the conclusion of the meeting, PZC noted that PZC was not able to conduct a complete review of the Application but due to the stipulated schedule submitted to the Eagle County District Court, took action to provide the following recommendations to the Town Council: RECOMMENDATIONS: A. Vested Property Rights. The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE a 6 year extension to vested property rights based on the following specific findings and with the conditions set forth below: Specific Findings: (1) The extended vested property rights are included in the settlement term sheet which were approved by the Town Council; (2) The extended vested property rights make up for lost development time; and (3) The extended vested property rights and inclusion of the sunset clauses could create a benefit to the Town and encourage economic development. Conditions: (a) The role of the Master Developer in this PUD regarding land use and property rights is extensive and should also be subject to sunset provisions; and (b) Town Council should clarify and define time frames for and conditions of sunset provisions (c) A recommendation that the Town Council has a complete and thorough understanding of the implication of vesting, Master Developer and sunset provisions as part of the Town Council review. Dissenting Vote: (1) Commissioner Prince stated that he did not find benefit to the Town as to why the extended vested property rights should be approved, therefore could not vote to approve the extension as proposed. FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 3 of 7 B. School Site Dedication. The PZC recommends that Town Council NOT APPROVE the school site dedication with the following findings (1) Split parcel configuration is not acceptable; (2) 7.3 acres based on public input previously heard is a reasonable size predicated on its location; (3) Development pattern of the PUD is not known at this time and moving the site off Lotl, Filing 1 is not preferred; (4) The existing gas line is an issue of safety and welfare; (5) The Town will have the responsibility of determining the user of the school site; (6) The site needs adequate access and egress from the site; (7) The remaining dedication on Planning Area I is not an adequate site due to proposed standard of development for ingress and egress; (8) The timing of the school site dedication is unknown and needs to be further addressed and identified; and (9) The spirit of Ordinance 06 -17 regarding the development of a school site on (ter Parcel G is not being followed and should be followed in the PUD amendment. C. Planning Area J. The PZC recommends that Council APPROVE the change of park land on currently designated Planning Area N south to commercial and other development uses on proposed Planning Area J with the condition that the role of the Design Review Board and applicable minimum design standards for commercial uses on Planning Area J require further discussion and review by the PZC. D. DRB Powers. The PZC recommends that Council APPROVE revisions to the VAA Design Review Board with the following conditions: (1) The Town has representation on the VAA Design Review Board; (2) Meeting notices are consistent with Town Design Review Board and PZC procedures (3) VAA Design Review Board meetings are open to the public; (4) Section J.1 O.A of version 9 of the PUD Guide is removed from the proposed document; (5) Town oversight and review procedures as stated in Section I.7 of the 1998 Annexation and Development Agreement stay in effect; FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 4 of 7 (6) The VAA Design Review Board meet at least once a month in a public meeting; (7) Adequate public notice of the meeting is required; (8) Town Council clarify the referral process as cited in Section I.7.(d) of the 1998 annexation agreement; (9) Town Council clarify the enforcement of the VAA Design Review Board and its decisions; (10) All VAA Design Review Board meetings include recording and reporting processes to the Town; (11) The proposed design and development of a proposed gateway entrance to the Town in Planning Area J and the remainder of the zoning modifications should be available for public comment and be publicly noticed; and (12) The citizens of Avon should be heard on the proposed development, specifically those citizens directly adjacent to and/or within close proximity to each development area. E. Independent Design Review Board for Planning Areas K and RMF -1. The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE an additional VAA Design Review Board for Planning Area K and RMF -1 as set forth in the PUD Guide. F. Parkland Pl -P4: The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE the parkland modifications with the following specific findings and with the conditions set forth below: Specific Findings: (1) The proposed PUD Amendment provides less parks on the valley floor west of Post Boulevard than originally approved in the 1998 PUD; (2) Existing Nottingham Park and Proposed Planning Area B can serve as destination parks and large parks for the Town; (3) The proposed PUD Amendment appears to result in a net loss of a half -acre in total open space /park area; (4) Further defining the 5.8 acres for A, C, D, and E will help address further conflicts. Conditions: (a) 5.8 acres should be moved from I, J and K to A, C, D, and E; FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 5 of 7 (b) The definitions of Open Space and Parks need to be clarified and further defined; (c) The characteristics of parks as outlined in the AMC are not exempt from being applied to this PUD; (d) PZC questions the demand for large parks and recommends that linear or pocket parks are a more attractive option for the valley floor; (e) PZC accepts changing Planning Area N -south to commercial uses; (f) Trails in -lieu of formally defined parks is recommended for Planning Area K and is consistent with Wildlife Plans. G. Review Schedule. Given the accelerated schedule PZC was not afforded sufficient time to review the breadth of proposed changes. Accordingly, the following list includes some, but not all, of the items that were not addressed by PZC: (1) Special Review Use process modifications; (2) Dedication of Open Space Tracts OS -9 and OS -10; (3) 135' height for Planning Area A; (4) Road Access and Standards for Planning Area I; (5) Increased Hillside Density; (6) Consolidation and dedication of Planning Area B; (7) Narrowed E. Beaver Creek Boulevard (now "Main Street "); (8) Administrative Subdivision Process; (9) Analysis of Planning Areas C, D, F, G, H, I, RMF -1 and RMF -2; (10) Elimination of Commercial Square footage cap; (11) Village Residential to Mixed Use and Retail Zoning in valley floor; (12) Llist and understanding of Municipal Code exceptions in Exhibit G; (13) Monument Signage; (14) Master Developer concept, role, rights, duties, duration and impact on PUD; (15) Wildlife Protection regulations and revisions; and, FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 6 of 7 (16) analysis of Mandatory Review Criteria from §7.16.06(e)(4). H. Preliminary PUD Recommendation. The PZC is UNABLE TO RECOMMEND OVERALL APPROVAL to the Town Council on the Preliminary PUD amendment dated 5/30/12 with the following specific findings set forth below: Specific Findings: (1) The PZC has reviewed and worked through a number of items in two meetings some of which were recommend with conditions for approval and one of which was not recommended for approval; (2) The PZC received good cooperation from the applicant, but will require additional written documentation in the form of a revised and final PUD Guide and significantly more time before overall approval can be recommended; (3) The PZC directs Staff to formally write up the recommendation with findings and conditions that will be reviewed and approved by the PZC Chairman and submitted to the Town Council. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: ��✓ �'L . Chris Green, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRAER CREEK LLC VAA PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT Page 7 of 7