PZC Minutes 080415Av on
I. The meeting was called to order at 5:45Pm
II. Roll Call
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Avon Municipal Building — One Lake Street
• All Commissioners were present with the exception of Chairman Clancy.
• Vice -Chair Minervini led the meeting.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
1. The Public Hearing scheduled for case #MNR15014 is rescheduled to the August 18, 2015 PZC meeting.
z. The Public Hearing scheduled for case #MJR15oo8 is rescheduled to the August 18, 2015 PZC meeting.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
• None
V. Case #SGN15010
Property Location: Lot 1A, Buck Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 5o Buck Creek Lane
Zoning: Mixed -Use Commercial
Applicant: Stacey Hall, Avon MOB, LLC
Owner: Avon MOB, LLC
Description: The Applicant is proposing a temporary sign to advertise available space in the Buck Creek Medical Plaza
currently under construction.
Action: Commissioner Lubbers made a motion to approve the Application for a variance for a temporary sign located at
5o Buck Creek Lane together with two (z) conditions and the following findings:
a. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on
other properties in the vicinity;
b. That the variance is warranted for one (1) or more of the following reasons:
z. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do
not apply generally to other properties in the vicinity.
Specifically, the following exceptional or extraordinary characteristics are found:
• The large-scale commercial development is the first of its kind in the neighborhood
• The building is a high-profile 50,000 square foot medical facility
• The site is zoned mixed-use commercial and is adjacent to a right-of-way on three (3) sides.
1. That the temporary sign is restricted to no more than 50 square feet in size.
z. That the sign shall be removed the earlier of either twelve (12) months or at the time a temporary certificate of
occupancy is issued for the building.
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and at vote, five (5) were in favor and one (1) against. The motion passed.
VI. Case #SGN15oo6
Property Location: Lot 69, Block z Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 51 Beaver Creek Place, Unit #3, Avon, CO 81620
Zoning: Shopping Center (retired zone district)
Applicant: Brittany, Colorado Meat Company
Owner: Hal Allen
Description: The Applicant is proposing a business sign that is not in conformance with the existing Master Sign
Program for 51 Beaver Creek Place.
Action: Commissioner Bonidy made a motion to approve the individual sign for the Colorado Meat Company at 51
Beaver Creek Place unit #3 with the allowance that the Applicant may increase the overall dimensions up to twice the
size proposed for a maximum size of fifteen (15) square feet which may be approved administratively.
Commissioner Hardy seconded the motion and at vote all were in favor (6-0). The motion passed.
VII. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #PUD14005 (Tabled from 1/6/15 PZC)
Property Location: Lot 44, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Property Address: 5123 Longsun Lane
Zoning: PUD
Applicant: Bruce Baca, 5123 Longsun Lane
Owner: Bruce Baca, 5123 Longsun Lane
Description: The Applicant is proposing a PUD Amendment to change the building form of Lot 44 allowing two (2)
single -family -detached units in lieu of one (1) duplex.
Action: Commissioner Minervini made a motion to recommend denial of the Minor PUD Amendment for Lot 44, Block
4, Wildridge with the finding that the Application does not confer a substantial benefit to the Town as required by the
Review Criteria stated in Development Code Section 7.16.o6o(e)(4)(i).
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and at vote, five (5) were in favor with one (1) opposed. The motion passed.
VIII. Work Session: Wildridge Standards
• Steep slopes standards
• Duplex design standards
IX. Meeting Minutes Approval
• Commissioner Struve made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 21, 2015. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Barnes and at vote, all were in favor (6-0) and the motion passed.
X. Other Business
XI. The meeting was adjourned at 9:oopm
Approved this 18'n Day of August, 2015