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PZC Packet 061615
F Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda .4vo n Tuesday, June 16, 2015 COLORADO Avon Municipal Building - One Lake Street --Meetings are Open to the Public -- Call to Order - 5:0013m IL Roll Call 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda a. Removal of Case #SRU15001 for Lot 37, Block z, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. The item has been rescheduled for the July 7, 2015 PZC meeting. IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda: VI. Case #SGN15005 Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block z, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Property Address: 245 Chapel Place, Building C, Avon, CO 81620 Zoning: PUD Applicant: Roaring Fork Sign and Lighting, LLC Owner: Wells Fargo 1o1 Federal Street Suite 201o, Boston, MA 02110 Description: This is an application for a new master sign program for the Wells Fargo Building in Chapel Square to update the signage in accordance with corporate rebranding efforts. VII. Work Session • Follow up discussion from June 3 joint meeting with Council to provide direction to staff for Wildridge. • Comp Plan Update VIII. Meeting Minutes Approval • June 2, 2015 Minutes IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Agenda posted on June 12, 2015 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building -Avon Recreation Center -Avon Public Library -Town of Avon Website www.avon._org - Please call 970-748-4030 for Directions A Staff Report: Ava n CmLOX 90 Case #SGN15005 Master Sign Program Amendment June 16, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project type Master Sign Program (MSP) Amendment Zoning PUD Address 245 Chapel Place, Avon CO 81620 Location Lot 22AB, Chapel Square Subdivision Prepared By Brian Garner, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: 1. SGN15005: Master Sign Program Amendment for the Wells Fargo Bank at Chapel Square PUD with a MSP originally approved in March, 2004. This application seeks to amend that portion specific to the Wells Fargo Bank property on Lot 22AB. Background A Master Sign Program for retail tenants of the Chapel Square commercial center was originally approved March 2, 2004. In December, 2014 the PZC approved a MSP amendment for Tract A of Chapel Square pertaining to the monument sign located adjacent to Beaver Creek Place. Summary of Request Representing the property owner, Chapel Square Building C, LLC, is Roaring Fork Sign and Lighting (Applicant). The Applicant has submitted a Master Sign Program Amendment Application (Exhibit A) for several changes to the existing signage throughout the Wells Fargo Bank property (the Property). The amendment proposes to retain some signage, add new signage, remove existing signage, or reface existing signage for the Wells Fargo Bank in conformance with corporate branding standards. Master Sign Programs Sign programs are encouraged for all projects, and are required as a part of the design review process for all proposed projects. Sign programs shall be in accordance with: • Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate individuality. • Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual business. June 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 11 245 Chapel Place - Lot 22AB, BMBC • Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association. • All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and number of signs for the site and buildings. • Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant. Planning Commission Review Criteria The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; Staff Response: The proposed signage improvements are suitable to the bank structure. The materials are proposed to be high-quality and in character with other commercial signage improvements in the Chapel Square development. 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; Staff Response: Adjacent and neighboring improvements use quality materials and design similar to that being proposed in this application. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; Staff Response: The application proposes the use of high quality materials including aluminum and acrylic that are consistent with improvements found throughout the Chapel Square development. 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; Staff Response: The signage is intended to be visible to traffic in the vicinity without having an overwhelming or dominating appearance. Additionally, the proposed signage is intended to improve way -finding for bank customers. 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; Staff Response: Aesthetic values should not be impaired as the improvement is exclusive to the Wells Fargo Bank building but remains in character with other signage in Chapel Square. 6. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; Staff Response: The type, height, size, and quantity of signs are generally compliant with the sign code and will occupy less sign square footage than allowed by the sign code. The quantities are consistent with sign code limitations and appropriate for the project as proposed. The following table analyzes a comparison between general sign code June 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 12 245 Chapel Place - Lot 22AB, BMBC requirements and improvements proposed by the Applicant. Overall, there are only two (2) new signs proposed with the remainder of signs being updated. PROPOSED SIGNAGE COMPARED WITH SIGN CODE — CHAPTER 15.28 AVON MUNICIPAL CODE Total Business Signs Total Sign Sq Ft Total Existing Pylon Monument Directional Lineal Sign Signs Signs Frontage (2 Existing) Dev Code Signs shall not exceed 1 sq Signs shall not exceed 1 This sign type is Allowed per Not addressed ft sign area per lineal foot sq ft sign area per lineal no longer allowed approved Chapel of building front foot of building front Square MSP AS Two (2) 29.2 sq ft 134' west Existing pylon No tenant panels A few Proposed side sign: Chapel proposed informational/ Square Sign directional signs Program are proposed that Approved by PZC are not currently 3/2/2004. addressed by the Application existing Chapel proposes sign face Square MSP change to existing tenant panel @ 24 sq ft 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response: The signs are oriented to vehicular and pedestrian traffic and this orientation is appropriate given the location within Chapel Square. Staff Recommendation for Case #SGN15005 Staff recommends approving the proposed Master Sign Program Amendment Application for the Wells Fargo Bank at Chapel Square. Findings: The following findings may be applied: 1. The MSP amendment was reviewed in accordance with §15.28.080(16), Sign Programs, and found to be in conformance with the recommendations and requirements of the Sign Code. 2. The design of the proposed MSP amendment complies with the review criteria set forth in § 15.28.070, Design Review Criteria, of the Avon Municipal Code; 3. The proposed MSP amendment is compatible with the site and provides consistent quality and aesthetics to other improvements in Chapel Square. Recommended Motion: I move to approve Case #SGN15005, an application for a Master Sign Program Amendment for the Wells Fargo Bank at Chapel Square to update existing signage throughout the bank property. Attachments • Application Materials • Chapel Square MSP Approved by PZC March 2, 2004 Chapter 15.28 Sign Code from Avon Municipal Code June 16, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 13 245 Chapel Place - Lot 22AB, BMBC UUIUrL BE # 102490 Avon Chapel Square 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Avon, CO 81620 Leased Site after COAST SIGN I N C O R P O R A T E D Sign Existing Sign SF Recommended Sign SF Qty. E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 NE01 NE02 Multi -Tenant Pylon Multi -Tenant MonumE Multi -Tenant MonumE Suspended Sign Suspended Sign Informational Directional Clearance ATM Informational None None 24 6.5 6.5 14.6 14.6 5 5 2 .4 Reface Leave As Is Leave As Is Panel W/Push Letters Panel W/Push Letters Leave As Is DS -20-48 Clearance Leave As Is Remove Only Welcome Sign ATM 24 14.6 14.6 2.7 3.3 [: Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing #' I 'loll-, c o R R o R A T r D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W:\Wells Fargo 2012\Art\0raw1ngs\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 1 102490 My Replacement Face(s) Remove existing faces from DIF sign. Install (2) new routed out faces with acrylic back-up and decorated first surface with vinyl. Faces attached with screws thru face around perimeter. looking north �+1rFd FALiGO � I 1 r A� looking south COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: ❑VINYL:......... 3M #3630-4039 TRANSLUCENT YELLOW PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS YELLOW MP66985, SEMI GLOSS fV ■VINYL:......... 3M #3630-2236 TRANSLUCENT RED PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS RED MP65837, SEMI GLOSS ALUMINUM FACE 01 ACRYLIC 10 BACK UP FACE WITH FIRST SURFACE VINYL COUNTERSUNK SCREWS" FACE DETAIL 12'-0" Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR t COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' ' , NC o R P o R A T e D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W:\WellsFargD 2012\Art\3rawings\ Designer:JCU PM:BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 Leave As Is (Qty 1) Leave existing sign as is, no work required. Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR AtCOAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # MEMMI I N D 0 R P 0 R A T e D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W1'NellsFargD2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 Leave As Is (Qty 1) Leave existing sign as is, no work required. Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR AtCOAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' I N D 0 R P 0 R A T e D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV WAWellsFargD2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 9110 Aluminum Panel with Push Thru Letters (Qty 1) Remove existing sign, patch and repaint fascia to match existing. Install routed out aluminum sign with push thru letters. 7"X 7"X 18"TRANSFORMER BOX POWER SUPPLY & TOGGLE SWITCH 0 3/8"-16 X 12"THREADED ROD W/2" X 2" X. 1 25"ALUM ANGLE EXISTING ---\ .063" MILL FINISH ALUMINUM 11/2 LED's PUSH THRU ACRYLIC .125" MILL FINISH ALUMINUM ALUMINUM BACK 1/4" WEEP HOLE PER UL -48 PLATE JUM TUBE PLATE C c looking away (west) 101-011 Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' ra D o R P O R n r E D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W:\WellsFargD 2012\Art\0rawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 990 Aluminum Panel with Push Thru Letters (Qty 1) Remove existing sign, patch and repaint fascia to match existing. Install routed out aluminum sign with push thru letters. 7"X 7"X 18"TRANSFORMER BOX POWER SUPPLY & TOGGLE SWITCH 3/8"-16 X 12"THREADED ROD W/2" X 2" X. 1 25"ALUM ANGLE �. 1 EXISTING ---- \ PATCH & PAINT AREA: 10 SQ. FT. i RESTORATION AREA ------------ looking away (northwest) Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' I N D O R P O R n r E D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV WAMIlsFargD2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 Leave As Is Sign to be replaced at Landlords expense. BTW k 24 F LO N k .080 Aluminum stop sign k GRADE Sign Face Sq. Footage = 5 Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' File Location: N o R R o R A r r o R9-ReferPathfinder 1-27-15JTV WW ells Fargo 2C12�rt\Drawings\ Desi ner:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 R10-Referer A To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV 9 P 9 DS -20-48 (Qty 1) Remove existing sign and install new directional sign. Refer to breakdown for panel and lower section of support tube colors. Support tube to be buried in ground and set in augered concrete footing. Installer to repair landscaping as needed. © Drive -Up Teller © Drive -Up ATM 2'• V-8" MR6 A I b Align Arrows with Post Edge I MOW STRIP: Provide additional concrete as part of footing 1"above ground to prevent damage to the painted post. Only when installed on grass. Sign Face Sq. Footage = 5 M2.7 Side View Street Side View FT. COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: VINYL:.......... 3M #7725.0262 OPAQUE WARM GRAY PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WARM GRAY MP20148, SEMI GLOSS 3M #180.10 OPAQUE WHITE ❑VINYL:......... PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WHITE MP11477, SEMI GLOSS ❑ PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS LIGHT BRONZE MP75296 , SEMI GLOSS End Cap 2" x 2" x .25" aluminum tube aluminum (paint match with 45'mitered corner support tube) ground smooth -----LT ------- This section of U -Channel painted Matthews MP20148 Warm Gray Semi Gloss 3" x 1" aluminum .080" aluminum panel U -Channel painted Warm Gray screw mounted on inside -- with Clearcoat, Semi Gloss; to aluminum tube frame Matthews Paint MP 20148 Copy May Vary. Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' ' File Location: N o R R o R A r r o R9-ReferPathfinder 1-27-15JTV W:\WellsFargo2012�Art\Orawings\ Desi ner:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 R10-Referer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV g P 9 Drive-Thru Clearance Sign (Qty 1) Remove existing clearance wall sign and install new 1/8" thick flat aluminum panel with vinyl copy. Panel is flush mounted to wall. EQ 413/16" EQ Existing sign measures 8" x 36" COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: ■VINYL:.......... 3M #7725-0262 OPAQUE WARM GRAY PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WARM GRAY MP20148, SEMI GLOSS ❑VINYL:......... 3M #180.10 OPAQUE WHITE PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WHITE MP11477, SEMI GLOSS 5'-0" 3.33 SQ.FT. 8" PATCH& PAINT AREA: 4SQ. FT. 1------------ RESTORATION AREA ------------ 1/8"1 ALUM. VELD STUD DNE ADHESIVE Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 COAST SIGN City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' File Location: " o R R o R A r r o R9-ReferPathfinder 1-27-15JTV WW ells Fargo 2012�rt\Orawings\ Desi ner:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 R10-Referer A To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV 9 P 9 Leave As Is (Qty 1) Leave existing sign as is, no work required. Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR AtCOAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' I N D 0 R P 0 R A T e D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV WAWellsFargD2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 Remove Only (Qty 1) Remove existing sign, patch and repaint fascia to match existing. Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # MEMMI I N C 0 R R 0 R A T e o R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W1'NellsFargo2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 Drive-Thru Welcome Sign (Qty 1) Install new 118" thick flat aluminum panel with vinyl copy. Panel is flush mounted to wall. Angle Clip Mounting Detail eq COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: ■VINYL:.......... 3M #7725-0262 OPAQUE WARM GRAY PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WARM GRAY MP20148, SEMI GLOSS ❑VINYL:......... 3M #180.10 OPAQUE WHITE PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WHITE MP11477, SEMI GLOSS 14'-0 " (Expandable up to 14' maximum) 8'-0 " (Minimum Length) 5 Welcome to Wells Fargo I I 1" eq wlt MIN 8" above Idow mullion Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' ' I N C o N 1 0 1 A T e D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV W:\Wells Fargo 2012\Art\0raw1ngs\ Designer:JCU PM:BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 CHSP-ATM-10 (Qty 1) Remove existing sign, patch and repaint fascia to match existing. Install staging panel with internally illuminated face -lit letters. Specifications are listed below. Panel is mounted flush to fascia. A Power Supply Housing B GE 12V power supply C 1/2" flexible conduit D listed disconnect switch E primary electrical source F 2" x 2" aluminum angle frame G letter return (see chart below) H face retainer (see chart below) 12V secondary supply wire J GE TetraminiMAX LED module K .177" clear acrylic with vinyl L weep holes (2 per letter) M Mounting (see chart below) N Alpolic ACM background panel �as°r°meta\ 3/8"BoltsThruWall 3/8"Lagsw/Shields 3/8"Lagsw/Bolts 3/8"ToggleBolts Mounting Hardware Chart COLOR SPECIFICATIONS: Letter Backs Letter Returns I 3M #3630.2236 TRANSLUCENT RED ■VINYL:......... PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS RED MP65837, SEMI GLOSS 3M #7725.0262 OPAQUE WARM GRAY ■VINYL:.......... PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WARM GRAY MP20148, SEMI GLOSS .177" Clear Acrylic VINYL: 3M #3630.20 TRANSLUCENT WHITE F-1 PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS WHITE MP11477, SEMI GLOSS 10re Lr'Lrt Lt'91�2tt 3M #3630.22 BLACK ■VINYL:.......... PAINT:.......... MATTHEWS BLACK MP30132, SEMI GLOSS Z-2' Letter Faces Letter Backs Letter Returns I Face Retainer Ltr. Illumination • • - V .177" Clear Acrylic (.063"IMaxxbrite High ReFlective White (.040")MReflectiveWhiSheeting wlHigh Reflective White Interior Jewel-IiteTac Cap 314" Black GETetra GEMM71-MAX, GEMM71-1 AA��f�®C CHSP-ATM-IO 10re Lr'Lrt Lt'91�2tt Ir�rr Vrt 3rr Revisions: R11 -Refer To Pathfinder 03-09-15 RR �COAST SIGN R8 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-26-15 JTV R12 -Refer To Pathfinder 04-17-15 KH Date: 11-21-14 City/State: Avon, CO 81620 Drawing # ' I N c D R P D R A T F D R9 -Refer To Pathfinder 1-27-15 JTV File Location: 1 R10 -Refer To Pathfinder 2-5-15 JTV WAWellsFargo2012\Art\Orawings\ Designer:JCU PM: BM Address: 245 Chapel PI Bldg C Site Name 102490 REC EIVE1.3 CHAPEL SQUARE SIGN PROGRAM — SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA 1 GENERALINTENTC in Y L) t, i U U U i 1, prll',mmt, These criteria have been established with the intent of assuring visual harmony for the mutual benefit of all tenant leases. Conformance to these criteria will be enforced by the Lessor and any nonconforming or unapproved signs will be brought into conformance at the expense of the Lessee. Existing signs which conform to the previous sign guidelines will still be considered to be conforming signs and will be accepted by this amended sign program. The purpose of these amended criteria is to allow tenants to have individual identity in their exterior signage, something which is critical to the success of their retail and/or restaurant businesses. 2 GENERAL REGUIREMENTS A The Lessee shall be responsible for the fulfillment of all signage requirements and specifications. B All permits for signs and their installation shall be obtained and paid for by the Lessee, C The Lessee shall submit to the Lessor for approval two 12) copies of a detailed shop drawing, to scale, of all proposed signage and/or graphics prior to fabrication and prior to making application to the Town of Avon for review. These drawings shall indicate size and style of lettering, installation details, colors and logo design. The Lessor shall retain one III copy of the approved drawing and return the other to the Lessee. 0 All signage shall he approved by the Lessor and all local governing authorities prior to fabrication. Lessee shall be responsible for any and all permits if necessary. E Logo decals, hours of business, credit cards, emergency telephone numbers, etc shall be limited to a total of 144 square inches (one square foot) per single door entrance. Handwritten signs will not be permitted; these signs must be professionally produced and installed. F Advertising devices such as attraction boards, posters, banners and flags are not permitted. G Flashing, animated, audible, revolving signs or signs which otherwise create the illusion of animation are not permitted. H Signs with exposed bulbs or light sources are not permitted. I The Lessee shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all signs as well as the operations of their sign contractor. 3 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS A SIGN TYPE A: Monument Signs (by Lessor, not Lesseel Tenant) I See site map for proposed monument sign locations (Sign Type A). 2 Monument signs are internally illuminated and are provided and maintained by the Lessor. 3 Tenants will be allowed, on a space available basis, to have a sign placard identifying the Tenant included on a monument sign. Tenant to contact the Lessor to make such a request. 4 If space is available, Lessor will provide the Tenant with size parameters for the particular placard location that is available. Tenant shall submit to the Lessor two (2) copies of detailed drawings, to scale, of the proposed placard prior to fabrication. 5 All tenant identification Placards on monument signs to have a white sign face and a bold contrasting color for their logo/type. A bold sign face with white or contrasting logo/type will also be considered. 6 Refer to Sign Drawings At, A2, A4, A5 and A6 for details related to specific monument signs, E P<t i inua,aA nn np na B SIGN TYPE B: Tenant Identity Signs (by Lessee I Tenant/ I Location of exterior signs must be centered within the archway of each location, 2 Identity signs will be made up of one cabinet (see enclosed drawings for shape). 3 A maximum of one (1) cabinet sign will be permitted per tenant entrance. 4 The size of the cabinet signs will be 2 'rest high and 10 feet long (wide); see attached diagram. 5 Bottom of sign cabinet will be 8'-13" above the finished sidewalk. If any sign elements project beyond the elliptical boundary of the sign cabinet, these elements will maintain a minimum clear distance of T` -F above the finished sidewalk. Refer to Diagram B attached, 6 Sign cabinets will be made from 1/8" thick aluminum. The color of the sign cabinet will be metallic bronze to match existing sign cabinets. 7 The color of the sign face, individual letters, numbers or symbols within the sign face may vary to meet the individual needs and identity of the Lessee. Tenants are encouraged to develop a sign that clearly and creatively identifies their business — using bold and easily readable fonts /typefaces, contrasting colors, and logos or other graphic elements which visually describe their business and create an appealing sign to attract customers. 8 Identity Signs: Major Single Tenant -Identity Signs: Any future single -tenant occupying the previous WalMart space shall conform to Town size requirements (currently this refers to Gart Sports, Office Depot and Pier I Imports). C SIGN TYPE C: Tenant Identity Signs — Arcade/ Blade Signs (by Lessee/Tenant) I Tenants with storefronts set back under arcades will be allowed a maximum of one (1) hanging arcade blade sign per tenant entrance. Blade signs should be 2 -sided (readable from both directions). 2 Maximum size of blade sign to be six (6) square feet. Dimensions of sign to be eighteen (18) inches high by forty-eight (48) inches wide/long. Bottom on sign shall hang above the walkway at a clear distance of 8'-6". Refer to Diagram C attached, 3 Blade signs shall be perpendicular to the tenant storefront and centered within the arcade width between the tenant storefront entrance and the arched colonnade of the arcade. 4 The color of the sign face, individual letters, numbers or symbols within the sign face may vary to meet the individual needs and identity of the Lessee. Tenants are encouraged to develop a sign that clearly and creatively identifies their business — using bold and easily readable fonts /typefaces, contrasting colors and logos or other graphic elements which visually describe their business and create an appealing sign to attract customers walking along the arcade. 5 The color / finish of the hanging hardware to be metallic bronze. D SIGN TYPE D: Directional Signs -Banners (by Lessor, not Lessee/Tenant) I Directional signs will be the responsibility of the Lessor and may be implemented as fabric banners (Tyvek or similar) mounted on light posts. Refer to Diagrams for Sign Type D and Drawing SK -1 for detailed information about the fabrication and mounting of these directional banners. 2 Directional signs are intended to offer general direction to retail shops, restaurants and parking; these signs are not intended to be tenant ID signs and will not display any tenant names or logos. 3 Lessor shall retain the right to change out the banners for special events and/or holiday seasons, the design and colors of which shall require approval by the Town m Avon — Community Development Department, which shall not be unreasonably withhold or delayed; the banner designs submitted as a part of this sign program package are otherwise intended for permanent year-round display, Seasonal Christmas banners may only be displayed from November Vithrough January 31" each year, i qct ii,,Hit ,i na np na 4 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS I Sign Types A and B shall be internally illuminated. Sign Types C and 0 shall not be directly illuminated. 2 Electrical service to all illuminated signs will be off the Lessee's electric meter. 3 No exposed junction boxes, lamps, tubing transformers, raceways, neon or gas-filled tubes of any type are permitted. 4 All signs must be U.L. listed and bear the U.L. label. 5 Installation must comply with all applicable building, electrical and sign codes. 5 The Lessee's sign contractor must sea! off and touch up all mounting holes and leave the premises free of debris after installation. The Lessor will be authorized to correct all such work at the expense of the Lessee. 7 Lessee is responsible for the removal and repair of the premises to its original condition at Lessee's expense. if Lessee shall fail to the return the premises to its original condition, Lessor shall have the right to perform such work, and upon completion thereof, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as additional rent upon demand the cost of overhead attributable to the making of such repairs. I act f €nri ato r3 n,4 no na #6ENTIf. T;i$, s Identify key tenants in Chapel Square (to drawl people From outer areas, and help direct them as they approach ChSq) a m N ; N M1 Flan Sign Type Al i 1 I i i I C? fONCRE7EFOUNDATION WALL AND FOOTER .� — —— ——— — —— — —— —' 19'-8 314 " Elevation Sign Typo Al (one sided) "set No. Project No Issus Date: 03,101,C 11,100a i -: Revisions EL55TOMEKIC PAINT ON STUCCO TO Chapel Square 97 Main St. Unit W104 - y; MATCH EXI5TING YELLOW ON 5TOREFRONT5 '.. ALUMINUM — CHAPEL M1Q'J — UNDER BUILDING ARCADE Tftlo� SIGN TYPE Al LIGHT BOX; 500APE / -.rove J'�"w' a BRONZE 1=1NI5H — LOGO REMOVABLE BACKLIT 6IGNAGE; Fax. 970 9211 2y m / WHITE FACE WITH o `T LIMESTONE 8.1 DOLOR TEXT � _... _.... _ __-- GAF --� -- ALUMINUM LIGHT BOX; BRONZE FINISH ART SPORTS fic DEPOT ° 6roNEro TENANT TENANT MATCH EMOTING - I N BUILDING5 l - ` TENANT TE�IA �T TENANT TE�JAi�T o TENANT l ECJ 4t�T �. !I i �_. �, - HD PIANO ' TYPE HINGE i 1 I i i I C? fONCRE7EFOUNDATION WALL AND FOOTER .� — —— ——— — —— — —— —' 19'-8 314 " Elevation Sign Typo Al (one sided) "set No. Project No Issus Date: 03,101,C 11,100a FMonument Signs -: Revisions Chapel Square 97 Main St. Unit W104 Al Edwards, CO 816al Tftlo� SIGN TYPE Al Co Avon, COK -.rove J'�"w' a Fax. 970 9211 2y m I n B Plan Sign Type A2 ALUMINUM CHAPEL LIGHT BOX; ( 5QUARE BRONZE FINI5H ---� LOGO MATCHTO 7b` ELA5TOMEKIC PAINT ON STUCCO TO MATCH Fx15TING LIMESTONE ' % MATCH EX15TING YELLOW ON OTOKEFKONT5 eUILDWG5--L CAP I �% UNDER BUILDING ARCADE a -- Outback Steakhous\q= TENANT �( TENANT TE�IAE�T 11 TENANT TELA T � i raiwaE^r i^rAta�iT �� `--- FID PIANO TYPE HINGE m ry i I ! I �_ I 1 �- Configuration Plan ,v - REMOVABLE BACKLIT 516NAGE WHITE FACE WITH COLOR TEXT ALUMINUM LIGHT BOX; BKONZE FINI5H I-- - -- - ------------ -- - - -', -- cONCeETEFauNunraN ------------------------) — WALL AND FOOTE2 ,-- 16 8 3/4 " }, Elevation Sign Type A2 (two sided) v` -not No. Project No. 03.101.CS7 Issue Data! 11 1003 Revisions: Title, SIGN TYPE A2 Scala: 1/4" = 1'-0" ument Signs Chapel Square Avon, CO 97 Main St. Unit W104 Edwards, CO 81832 Phone: 970,92@.2194 Fax 97&926 2169 5'-2 112 " I Plan Sign Type A3 LIMESTONE ALUMINUM rCHAPEL .CAP------ LIGHT 50X; / SQUARE STONE TO .l BRONZE FI1115H-.j ' LOGO CQnfigUrati0n Plan ELASTOMERIC PAINT ON STUCCO TO MATCH EXIS BUILD!NG5 TING MATCH EXI9YItJG \ , 6 / YELLOW GN 5YOREFRONYS ' -, HD PIANO TYPE HINGE I I I I \i r CONCRETE FOUNDATION —�� WALL AND FOOTER -------------- r .,p -U Elevation Sign `type A3 l =,et No. I Project Na. 03. i01.CSQ III issue Date. 11. 10.03 Revisions. Title: SIGN TYPE A3 l Seale. 1/2„=1'0” Monument Sign Chapel Square Avon, CO s 97 Main St, Unit W104 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970,926.2194 Fax. 970.926 2169 UNDER BUILDING AKCADE 0 112' 3'-2 516 " 6" 4 1'2;1/2' TENANT 'y TENANT E ® � — ---�._ REMOVABLE TENANT '� DACKLIT 5IGNAGE 1 .< WHITE FACE WITH TENANT�V '� COLOR TEXT AND II r DIRECTIONAL IC TENANT ARROWS TENANT ALUMINUM " TENANT I LIGHT 30X; i. 1 -BRONZE FIN15H HD PIANO TYPE HINGE I I I I \i r CONCRETE FOUNDATION —�� WALL AND FOOTER -------------- r .,p -U Elevation Sign `type A3 l =,et No. I Project Na. 03. i01.CSQ III issue Date. 11. 10.03 Revisions. Title: SIGN TYPE A3 l Seale. 1/2„=1'0” Monument Sign Chapel Square Avon, CO s 97 Main St, Unit W104 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970,926.2194 Fax. 970.926 2169 { 5'-4314 6-2 9/2 _... 30 CUT LETTERS PEGGED OUT FROM BACK EACH 510E Plan Sign Type A4 LIME5TONE — ALUMINUM LIGHT BOX; CAP j 3RONZE FINISH. STONE TO \ t ARTWORK TO BE EL,A5TOMERIC PAINT ON PROVIDED BY DESIGNER MATCH EX15TING STUCCO TO MATCH EX15TING BUILDINGS \ ry`/ YELLOW ON STOREFRONT5 UNDER BUILDING ARCADE - a c CONCRETE FOUNDATION - 'HALL AND FOOTER h I h I I Elevation Sigh `type A4 yet No. I Project No. IIII` �—SNOWFLAKE LOGO I r CARVFD IN EIF5 I Issue Date: Il 10,03 DIMENSIONAL LETTF_R5 PINNED 1'2112" Chapel Square OUT FROM BAGK; FONT TO BE i Title: ! c CONCRETE FOUNDATION - 'HALL AND FOOTER h I h I I Elevation Sigh `type A4 yet No. I Project No. IIII` �—SNOWFLAKE LOGO I r CARVFD IN EIF5 Monumof Sige d Issue Date: Il 10,03 DIMENSIONAL LETTF_R5 PINNED 1'2112" Chapel Square OUT FROM BAGK; FONT TO BE i Title: ! SIGN TYPE A4 --ts, SPECIFIED BY DESIGNER; pt 112"=1`0" I L �� - 1 BRONZE FIN15H TO MATCH EX15TIMG SIGNS CHAPEL PLACE PELL CHAPEL SQUARE ' PROFESSIONAL BUILDING w NOTE _ LIGHTING FOR DIMENSIONAL LETTFR5 TO BE PROVIDED IN LANDSCAPE AREA NEAR 13A5E OF SIGN c CONCRETE FOUNDATION - 'HALL AND FOOTER h I h I I Elevation Sigh `type A4 yet No. I Project No. IIII` 03.101.CSQ I Monumof Sige d Issue Date: Il 10,03 Revisions'. Chapel Square i Title: ! SIGN TYPE A4 Avon, CO Scale'. 112"=1`0" 97 blain St. Unit. VV104 Edwards, 00 81632 Phone: 970.926.2194 Fax 970.926 2169 REMOVE EXISTING EIF5 FROM STRUCTURE - o iQN TZ -O" ---- --11 /' OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE GART TS is T �Pi r/]--Im its --------------------------- L i_ I I I I I I Elevation of Preewa "heet Na. Project No. 43.101 CSQ ssue Date: 11103 Monument Sign i n Revisions Chapel Square Title. SIGN TYPE A5 Avon, CO Scale, 1/4"=V-0" EXISTING LIGHTBOX W! TWO TENANT 51GNEi NEW LIGHT BOX W/ TWO TENANT 5IGN5; BRONZE FRAME TO MATCH EXISTING; WHITE FACE W1 COLOR TEXT EIF5 WRAPPED LINTEL AND SIGN 6A5E; MATCH EXISTING EXISTING ROCK FACED COLUMNS EXISTING FOOTING AND STEM WALL 97 Main St, Unit VV104 Edwards, CO 81892 Phone; 970,926 2194 Fax: 970.926.2169 FAG TEN FRAME OF STONE VENEER TO CURVER STRUCTURE AND MATCH EXI5TING- LIGHT 3OX TO CMU W( �1 BUILPING5- 5 EXPAN51011 ANCHOR5 t EVERY 2'-O" —I 1 U5E METAL TIES 2° A5 REOUPW t 4" GVUU - 6 CMU 1� rr , 2" TUBE METAL _ FRAME FOR CURVED — — 5TRUCTURE?ROVIDE 1" L CR055 BRACING EVERY 2'-0" BRONZE FWI5H ON FRAME AND LIGHT BOX 51GHAGE LIGHT13OX TO MATCH EXISTING / 51GNAGE --- —/ Detail a@ Column V v 1.-T `<heet No, Project No. 03,101 CSO Issue Date. 11.10.03 Revisions: Title : SIGN DETAIL ',... Scale: 1" = 1' W Monument Sign Chapel Square Avon, CO SIGNAGE LIGHTBOX HP PIANO HINGE TO ACCE551NTERIOR OF LIGHTEOX 97 Main St. Unit VV104 Edwards, CO B1632 Phone: 970,92€i.2194 Fax: 970.926,2169 Elliptical Tangent ID Signs s Sign Type I Elliptical sign cabinets to match existing sigi,,S�Jalin fi rcabinets Of 1/9, aluminum with metallic bronze finish. setbe UL rated and bear a UL label. Bottom of sign cabinet to hang at 8'-0" above the finished walkway. Any elements that extend beyond cabinet shall extend a maximum of 6" below the bottom of the sign cabinet Ia minimum of T-6` above the finished walkway. see Section Diagram Da SIGN TYPE B - TENANT IDENTITY SIGN - ELLIPTICAL e 4`-0" 1 (48') The total area of an arcade / blade sign to be six (6) square feet per face. Arcade / blade signs should be 2 -sided (able to be read from either direction). Mounting hardware to be metallic bronze finish. Bottom of signs to hang a clear distance of 8'-6" above the finished walkway of the arcade and shall hang perpendicular to the tenant entry and centered in the arcade between the tenant storefront and the exterior arched colonnade. See Section 3-C of the Tenant Sign Design Criteria for general specifications. Diagram Q SIGN TYPE C - TENANT IDENTITY SIGN - ARCADE /BLADE Banner 01-B Westbound Traffic East -Facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair Banner D2- Westbound Traffic East -Facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair Banner 03 - Westbound Traffic East -facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair Banner R -B Westbound Traffic East -Facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair Danner size: 32" wide x 80" tall (finished face, each panel/side - add tube space at top and bottom) Colors: White Lt Purple - PMS 2726c Yellow - Pled 1225c Dk Purple - PMS 2735c ® Letter sizes: Ripper case - 4" tall Lower case - 2-1(2" tall • Font: ITC Off4cina Sans Bold Signa Type 0 - Directional Banners 1Dt-D M -D4) Banner 05-B Westbound Traffic East-FacingSide of 2 -Panel Pair bUJIVII East -Facing Side of 2 -Pane I Pair Banner DS- Eastbound Traffic West -Facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair of 2 -Panel Pair Northbound Traffic South -Facing Side of 2 -Panel Pair I Banner DB -B Northbound Traffic South -Facing Side of 2 -Pane! Pair * Banner size: 32" wide x 80" tall {finished face, each panel/side - add tube space at top and bottom) Colors: White Lt Purple - PMS 2726c Yellow - PMS 1225c Bk Purple - PASS 2735c ® Letter sizes: Upper case - 4" tall Lower case - 2-112" tall Font: ITC Officina sans Bold Signs Type D - Directional Banners (D5-D&W-DB) Banner D1 Side A Banner D1 - Side B Banner D2 - Side 8 ® Banner size: 32" wide x 94� tall ®� atter sizes: Upper case - 4" tall Lower case - 2-112" tall Font: ITC Officina Sans Bold Colors: White Bed - PMS 1795c Lt Green - PMS 376c Dk Green - PMS 364c *These banners are shown for seasonal color and gene layout they do not show all variations of text and arrow on all the faces for all 8 pair of banners (DI - DO I Sign Type D - Directional Banners - Christmas Holiday Season (may be displayed November 1 stthrough January 31st each years Hot Christmas Banner 01-B Banner size: 32" wide x 80" tall Letter sizes: Upper case - 4" tall Lower case - 2-1/2" tall HotChrisonas Banner 02-B —71 Sign Type 0 - Directional Banners - Christmas Holiday Season Where existing, and where possible, horizontal metal bar to move up to be level and aligned w/lamp holder on opposite side of pole; see SK -9 for mounting details Letter heights: Upper Case - 4" high Lower Case - 2-1/2" high Banner size: 32" wide x 30" high Sign Type 0 - Directional Banner on Typical Existing Light Pole Where existing, ,horizontal metal bar to move up to level required to achieve the noted clearance below in some cases, the metal arms may need to move to the opposite side of the pole from where they now exist to locate the banners as shown on the site map and as shown here (under the light fixture); see drawings SK-I*ad=5K4- for mounting details Letter heights: Upper Case - 4' high Banner size: 32" wide x EQ" high Sign Type D Directional Danner on Taller light Pole dnpar Fiasta .laligcn! Banner 61-A Banner 42-A ® Banner size: 32" wide x 80" tall Upper case - 4" tall Lower case - 2-1/2" tall * Font: ITC Off icina Sans Bold * Colors: White Yellow - PMS 1225c Lt Purple - PMS 2726c Dk Purple - PMS 2735c DAMMMM i r, - Banner DI -B Banner D2 -B MV C PAHMNEO 2735 C 6962 9Z6'OL6 Kai ww4 � u 'v m C tr6LZ 9Z6'OL6.auayd i zz OPB10100 �UOAV W z z C � NPi ®� pryY N � N W w✓o z Z ei Z£9L9 00 'spieMp3 464M a}m5 x O wn sjenbS lede o rs o IS UIBA L6 ®®. ii. �9� to E r 0 0 N eff a > o-� m< Z waw<wm m 3 w z Tow U X ,D z Fz<Li , Z w Z - < W=04 O U Z H _4<u z sJx Z w < ww�cn= I z�'dz3 _ z<W <Z n nn< Uffi /,VM`1lVM ONI19IXA O -L NV370 „E ,9 0 n p[ J w cw J J li wU' II � zz rox zm U' <iUZ �w i Qgyw-S Zyj0d J M ! ffi Z 4 W Onn< W Z J � u W z - ZQ4QQNW YS ¢n Qn<O, i'- I=oW w QwQ< u G ww4 � u 'v m C i zz -<Xwww W z z C � NPi ®� pryY N � N W w✓o z Z _ z<W <Z n nn< Uffi /,VM`1lVM ONI19IXA O -L NV370 „E ,9 0 n p[ J w cw J J li wU' II � zz rox zm U' <iUZ �w i Qgyw-S Zyj0d J M ! ffi Z 4 W Onn< W Z J � u W z - ZQ4QQNW YS ¢n Qn<O, i'- I=oW w QwQ< u G ww4 m h o m Q zz -<Xwww W z z (c31.0N SV 03HOV11V (] ro `,Oz maw w' ).19N3SSV 93NNV9 HMM 319VNIV190 NnKXVN 39 OJ- NOISN3Ni0 G 1 J � ,IVM�'lVM �JNU-SIX3 O -L N 3lD'NIN „9-,6 e r � =S�iz wocx_ z u; O 4 } K K�t9w< z Z x O wn h NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. Accurccy of this survey limited due to .snow and ice conditions on December 22, 2003 SCALE 1 "=10' Z U U a. 0 a s < S o Z o M U o Q � ¢ U Q U Z vJ N OF O J W CD W J ' Q Q U W U SURVEYORS CERT19CATE I, Duane Fehringer, a duly registered land surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey shown hereon was done by me or undermy direct supervision and the horizontal and vertical measuregohts are accurate to the best of my knowledge e* and belief. '-17-C) �+ 03-0127 uane ehringerP.E. & P.L.S. 26- C+ CHR/ SPO/ 100, I/ \"-ROAD I TOP BACK / I CENTERLINE LOT 21 f. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shnwn hereon. 7503.4 Accuracy of this survey limited due to snow and ice conditions on December 22, 2003. SCALE I"--10' SURVEYORS CERTF9CATE I, Duane Fehringer, a registered land surveyor in tt Colorado, do hereb.� ,rtify that,, the, survey shown herec done by me or ea;iniy,dired supe sion and the hoi vertical measur eQis ai'e. aaourafe to'Ahe best of my and belief. _ �.y i ROAD / CEN TERLINE Accuracy of this survey limited 1 due to snow and ice conditions on December 22, 2003 1 1 I1Z \W 11 TOP eack RIGHT OF 1 \ \ o OF CURB WAY I BEA t/ER CREEK PLACE 1 \ h \ o �I ro \ NI 5175 \ i6.6 \ \ I II CONC \ 1I \ II PAD II ^, i 7516 O 7571.5 � � _ 133 q � _ n. TRACE' A S,, -iu TSA G PROPOSED ou SIGN SIGN A2 A TION NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must`�commence any legal action based upon dqy defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the 93 �Y 514- 5 Duane F ea duly registered land surveyor in the State of Colorado, doo hereby y certify that the survey showy hereon was done by me or under my direct supervA ion and the horizontal and vertical measurements are accurate td -:,the best of�my knowledge and belief. - ^,. } sPF "ehnnger& 7511. 03-0127 SCALE 7 70 B IL `n 5 a N MZ M o Q OJ <O >o Z (�( v1 0 N J S 3 p 0 U w J W "The latest editions of Rescheck and Comcheck Software, as developed by the United States Department of Energy, may be used to demonstrate compliance with the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code." (Ord. 10-02 §3) 15.27.040 Section 503.2.2.1— Snowmelt boilers. Section 503.2.2.1 is hereby added to read as follows: "All gas-fired boilers, used for snowmelt, shall have a minimum efficiency of ninety-two percent (92%) AFUE." (Ord. 10-02 §3) CHAPTER 15.28 Sign Code 15.28.010 Short title. This Chapter shall be known as, and may be cited as, the "Sign Code of the Town of Avon." (Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) 15.28.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings: Building front means the lineal distance along the exterior face of a structure housing an individual business or businesses that is adjacent to and most nearly parallel to a lot front. A building shall be considered to have as many building fronts as the property upon which it is situated has lot fronts. Handbill means a written or printed notice or advertisement, traditionally distributed by hand, but, for the purposes of this Chapter, shall also include all such notices or advertisements when posted, tacked or otherwise affixed to poles, posts or other public fixtures. Individual business lot means a business located on a separate lot and contained in a single building or area. Joint directory means a sign which may list tenants in a building, and/or may be used as a guide for persons to the location of an individual or tenant in a complex or building. Lot front means the portion or portions of a property line that are contiguous to a public street or mall. Multiple business lot (business center) means a lot or series of lots, buildings or units containing separate businesses that are attached or physically related and operated as a group. 15-42 Reflective surface means any material or device that has the effect of intensifying reflected light, such as Scotchlight, Day-Glo, glass beads and luminous paint. Sign means an identification, description, logo, illustration or device that is affixed to, or represented directly or indirectly upon, a building, structure or land, and that directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution or business. Sign area means the entire surface within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem or any figure or a similar character, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed. The sign area for signs with display area on more than one (1) side shall be the largest total area of all sides which could be visible from a single point. Sign, business means a sign that directs attention to a business, profession, service, product, activity or entertainment, sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located. Sign, commercial lot entrance means a sign that is placed at an entrance to a commercial lot, that identifies the primary vehicular entrance. Sign may include the name of the property or business, in addition to directional information. Sign, component means a sign that is composed of more than one (1) individual sign, on a common background or structure. Sign, development means a sign with the intent to identify a proposed project or project under construction, or potential development on vacant land. Sign, directional means a sign that is located on the property to which it relates, and that only gives direction and information for traffic (pedestrian and vehicular) control. Sign, freestanding means a single- or multi -faced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or embedded in and extending from the ground, or detached from the building. Allowable size may include supporting structure. Sign, home occupation means a sign that advertises a home occupation in a residence. Sign, illuminated means any sign designed to give forth any artificial light, or designed to reflect such light from an artificial source. Sign, indirectly illuminated means any illuminated sign for which illumination is derived entirely from an external, artificial source. Sign, kiosk means a freestanding, permanent structure that contains a sign or signs that serve and relate to exclusively pedestrian areas. Sign, political means a sign that advertises or refers to persons or issues involved in official elections. Sign, portable means a sign that is not permanently affixed to a post, wall, fence, building or other structure. A sign on a self-contained stand or vehicle of any sort, located and used for commercial purposes. 15-43 Sign program means a comprehensive, narrative description of allowed sign types, and scaled drawings of any building, lot, parcel, collection of parcels or other premises, showing the number, size, description, color, materials and location of all signs thereon. Sign, projecting or hanging means any sign attached to a building and extending, in whole or in part, more than eight (8) inches. Allowable size does not include supporting structure. Sign, public means a sign, located within a right-of-way of a public street or road, that gives direction or information for a public use area, including parks, schools, churches, public meeting rooms, fire stations, hospitals, government buildings or other public places or activities. Sign, real estate means a sign for the intended purpose of selling, leasing or renting property. Sign, residential project entrance means any sign that identifies a subdivision or residential building or buildings. Sign, temporary means any sign, banner, pennant or other device that directs persons to a special event, location or offering, that is not permanent in nature. Sign, wall means any sign painted on, or attached parallel to, the wall facing of a building and projecting not more than eight (8) inches. Sign, window means a sign affixed on, or located within thirty-six (36) inches of the interior surface of a window fronting a public way. (Ord. 88-6 §1; Ord. 86-3 51 (part)) 15.28.030 Prohibited signs. The following signs shall not be permitted, erected or maintained in the Town: (1) Signs that incorporate projected images, emit any sound that is intended to attract attention or involve the use of live animals; (2) Signs not permanently affixed or attached to the ground or to any structure, except for window signs, temporary barriers utilized for emergency purposes and temporary signs, in accordance with this code; (3) Any sign or structure that: a. In any way obstructs the view of, may be confused with or purports to be, an official traffic sign, signal or device or any other official sign; or b. Creates in any other way an unsafe distraction for motor vehicle operators; or c. Obstructs the view of motor vehicle operators entering a public roadway from any parking area, service drive, private driveway or other thoroughfare; or d. Is unsafe or constitutes a hazard to safety or health for any reason; or e. Is not kept in good repair; 15-44 (4) Any sign that obstructs free ingress to, or egress from, a required door, window, fire escape or other required exit way; (5) Off -premises advertising signs; (6) Any sign not pertinent and clearly incidental to the permitted use on the property where located; (7) Any sign that is in violation of any county, state or federal regulation; (8) Distribution of handbill advertisements placed on autos, poles, buildings, etc., not authorized by the Town; (9) Private signs in the public right-of-way; (10) Any prohibited, illegal or nonconforming sign, as defined herein. (Ord. 86-3 51(part)) 15.28.040 Exempted signs. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following signs: (1) Memorial signs or tablets, not exceeding two (2) square feet of total area, and permanently attached to the building, listing name of building and date of erection; (2) Official governmental notices, notices posted by governmental officers in the performance of their duties and governmental signs to control traffic, to identify streets, to warn of danger or for other purposes; (3) Temporary decorations or displays when they are clearly incidental to, and are customarily and commonly associated with, any national, local or religious holiday or celebration, provided that such decorations are maintained in an attractive condition and do not constitute a fire hazard, as determined by the administrator; (4) Temporary or permanent signs erected by public utility companies or construction companies to warn of danger or hazardous conditions, including signs indicating the presence of underground cables, gas lines and similar devices; (5) Any sign located in the Town, currently maintained in satisfactory condition, that was approved and erected under previous regulations, unless it is determined to be nonconforming or illegal as hereinafter defined; (6) The use or operation of nonconforming or illegal signs shall be terminated as follows: a. By obsolescence. At such time as any sign becomes obsolete. A sign becomes obsolete with the discontinuance of the business, service or activity that it advertises; removal of the business or activity from the location to which it directs; or for other similar reasons, provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to seasonal closings; b. By abandonment. Abandonment of a nonconforming sign shall terminate immediately the right to use or operate such sign; 15-45 c. By destruction, damage or alteration. The right to continue use or operation of any nonconforming sign shall terminate whenever the sign is altered in any way, or damaged or destroyed by more than fifty percent (50%) of its replacement value; d. By violation of this Title. Any violation of this Title shall terminate immediately the right to continue a nonconforming sign; e. By condemnation. The Town Council may choose to condemn a nonconforming sign. Recommendations for condemnation may be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission; £ By amortization. The right to continue to use or operate a nonconforming sign shall terminate five (5) years after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter or the annexation of the area in which the sign is located to the Town. (Ord. 86-3 51(part)) 15.28.050 Sign code administration. (a) Establishment of sign code administrator. There is established a sign administrator of the Town, to be a member of the Town staff, appointed by the Town Manager, designated to administer and enforce this Chapter. (b) Application and approval required. Applications that require review by the Planning and Zoning Commission: (1) Application for design review approval of a sign shall be made in accordance with the procedures, rules and regulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the sign code. Design review of all new buildings or projects shall include design review of all proposed signs or a sign program. (2) In the case of multiple businesses on a lot, or a business center including more than one (1) business under separate lease, the applicant shall submit a sign program for signing of the entire building, buildings or business center. Upon approval of such a sign program by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and upon determination by the sign administrator that an individual sign complies with the program, an installation permit for that sign shall be approved by the sign administrator. (c) Application procedures — sign installation permit required. A sign installation permit shall be required, prior to the placing, erecting, moving, reconstructing, altering or displaying of any sign within the incorporated limits of the Town, unless expressly exempted by the provisions of this Code. Application, and appropriate installation permit fees, as determined in accordance with the International Building Code fee structure, shall be filed with the sign administrator by the owner of the building or his/her authorized agent. Said applications shall contain, or have attached thereto, the following information: (1) The name and address of the owner or other person in control or possession of the real property upon which the sign is to be constructed, erected, operated, used, maintained, posted or displayed; (2) The name of the person, firm, corporation or association erecting the structure, the total area of the proposed sign, in square feet, and the height of the proposed sign structure from ground level; (3) The legal description of the property upon which said sign is to be located; (4) The type of sign (i.e. freestanding, hanging, projecting, etc.); 15-46 (5) The proposed location of the sign on the property identified, and the location and total surface area of all other permitted signs existing on the property or buildings; (6) Three (3) copies of detailed drawings, drawn to scale, containing complete plans and specifications to show methods of construction and anchoring to building or ground; (7) The sign elevation, which must indicate overall and letter/figure dimensions, colors, materials, proposed copy and illumination; (8) A site plan, which must indicate all signs existing or proposed for the site, with dimensions, colors, materials, copy, illumination and required landscaping; (9) Building elevation, with sign depicted. (Ord. 86-3 51 (part)) 15.28.060 Sign design guidelines. (a) Harmonious with Town scale. Sign location, configuration, design, materials and colors should be harmonious with the existing signs on the structure, with the neighborhood and with the Townscape. (b) Harmonious with building scale. The sign should be harmonious with the building scale, and should not visually dominate the structure to which it belongs or call undue attention to itself. (c) Materials. Quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit, individual plexiglass -faced letters; or three-dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting, are encouraged. Sign materials, such as printed plywood, interior - lit box -type plastic and paper or vinyl stick -on window signs are discouraged, but may be approved, however, if determined appropriate to the location, at the sole discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (d) Architectural harmony. The sign and its supporting structure should be in harmony architecturally, and in harmony in color with the surrounding structures. (e) Landscaping. Landscaping is required for all freestanding signs, and should be designed to enhance the signage and surrounding building landscaping. (1) A minimum of five (5) lineal feet out from, and around the perimeter of, the sign shall be landscaped. (f) Reflective surfaces. Reflective surfaces are not allowed. (g) Lighting. Lighting should be of no greater wattage than is necessary to make the sign visible at night, and should not reflect unnecessarily onto adjacent properties. Lighting sources, except neon tubing, should not be directly visible to passing pedestrians or vehicles, and should be concealed in such a manner that direct light does not shine in a disturbing manner. (h) Location. On multi -story buildings, individual business signs shall generally be limited to the ground level. (Ord. 86-3 51(part)) 15-47 15.28.070 Design review criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: (1) The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; (2) The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; (3) The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; (4) The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; (5) The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; (6) Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; (7) Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. (Ord. 86-3 51 (part)) 15.28.080 Sign allowance. Signs are permitted as follows: (1) Individual business lot sign. Sign or signs shall not exceed one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of building front. (2) Multiple business lot signs. a. Total building or project identification sign area shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building front for the first thirty-two (32) feet and one-third (%3) square foot per lineal foot of building front in excess of thirty-two (32) square feet. Total building or project identification sign area shall not exceed a maximum of sixty-four (64) square feet per lot front unless approved as part of a sign program by the Planning and Zoning Commission. b. Each individual ground -level business shall be permitted four (4) square feet of sign area in pedestrian -oriented locations or twenty (20) square feet of sign area in vehicular -oriented locations. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make the determination with regard to the orientation of location. c. Total sign allowance for an individual business may be increased by a sign program approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Generally the increased total sign allowance shall not exceed one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of the portion of building front that is contiguous to the interior space occupied by the individual business. 15-48 (3) Multiple signs. More than one (1) sign may be permitted, in writing, by the Planning and Zoning Commission, provided the total sign area does not exceed the total allowed for the lot or building. (4) Kiosks. Kiosks shall be located only in exclusively pedestrian -oriented areas. The display area shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, and shall not exceed four (4) feet in any horizontal direction. (5) Window signs. Window signs are permitted, provided that no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the exterior window area is covered by signs, and further provided that the wording thereon is not repetitious of other signs in the immediate vicinity. Window signs conforming with this criteria may be approved by the sign administrator without review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (6) Component signs. Component signs are permitted provided that the total area does not exceed the permitted maximum for any building or lot calculated cumulatively with all other signs. (7) Development signs. Development signs are permitted, provided that: a. Only one (1) sign per parcel, lot or group of contiguous lots under one (1) ownership, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet of display area and eight (8) feet in height; b. Signs must be removed within thirty (30) days of land sale or upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy; c. In no case may a sign be retained for more than two (2) years unless an extension is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission; d. The sign administrator may issue a permit for a development sign meeting these criteria without Planning and Zoning Commission review; e. Development signs not meeting these criteria may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission only upon a determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission that a variance should be granted pursuant to Section 15.28.090(b) of this Code. (8) Real estate signs. Real estate signs are allowed, as follows: a. Multi -family buildings containing three (3) or more residential units: 1. Signs not exceeding two (2) square feet of area may be displayed from inside a window. b. Single-family, duplex and vacant land: 1. Only standard signs, of licensed real estate companies, are allowed; 2. Sign area shall not exceed six (6) square feet per side; 3. No more than one (1) sign, per tract of land under single ownership, may be displayed. c. Real estate signs meeting the above criteria may be installed without review or permit. Proposed real estate signs not meeting the above criteria shall be considered under regulations for development signs. 15-49 (9) Residential project entrance signs. Residential project entrance signs are permitted; provided that: a. One (1) sign, located adjacent to the primary entrance, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height; b. One (1) sign per secondary entrance, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (10) Political signs. Political signs are permitted, provided that: a. Sign shall not be installed more than ninety (90) days before the election or event to which it relates; b. Signs shall be removed within ten (10) days following the election or event to which they relate; c. No permit or approval shall be required if the above conditions are met. (11) Lot entrance signs. Lot entrance signs are permitted, provided that: a. A maximum of one (1) sign per entrance is permitted; b. Sign shall not exceed five (5) feet in height and four (4) square feet of display area. (12) Temporary signs. Temporary signs are permitted, provided that: a. A business may display, on a one-time basis for not more than thirty (30) days, one (1) temporary sign per calendar year. Such temporary sign shall have a maximum area of not more than thirty-five (35) square feet. b. In addition to permissible temporary signs as set forth in subparagraph a of this Section, during the permitting and installing process for a business's permanent identification sign, such business may display one (1) temporary sign with a maximum area equal to the business's permanent identification sign's allowable square footage. Such temporary sign will be allowed to remain in place for not more than thirty (30) days. c. The sign administrator may issue a permit for a temporary sign meeting the criteria in Subparagraphs a and b of this Section without Planning and Zoning Commission review. d. Temporary signs not meeting the criteria in Subparagraphs a and b of this Section may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission only upon a determination by the Commission that a variance should be granted pursuant to Section 15.28.090. (13) Joint directory signs. Joint directory signs are permitted, provided that: a. Sign area for individual tenants shall not exceed one (1) square foot; b. Total sign area shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet. 15-50 (14) Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs will generally be allowed only in vehicular -oriented areas. In general, sites shall be limited to one (1) freestanding sign with an area of forty (40) square feet and a height of eight (8) feet. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have discretionary powers to approve more than one (1) freestanding sign when a property has entrances from more than one (1) front lot line. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall also have discretionary powers to approve a freestanding sign with a maximum total area of sixty-four (64) square feet and a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. Freestanding signs may not exceed the height of the tallest building on the site. (15) Setback limitation. Freestanding signs shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from all lot lines. (16) Sign programs. Sign programs are encouraged for all projects, and are required as a part of the design review process for all proposed projects. Sign programs shall be in accordance with: a. Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate individuality. b. Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual business. c. Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association. d. All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and number of signs for the site and buildings. e. Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant. (Ord. 98-3 §IV; Ord. 88-6 §§2, 3; Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) 15.28.090 Maintenance, variances, construction code. (a) Sign maintenance, repair and removal. (1) Violation — notice. If the sign administrator finds that any sign is maintained in violation of the provisions of this Code, said administrator shall give written notice of the violation, by certified mail, to the owner or person entitled to possession of the sign, or the owner of the property where the sign is located. (2) Failure to comply — Town abatement. If the person fails to alter or remove the sign so as to comply with this Code within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice, the sign administrator may cause the sign to be altered or removed at the expense of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property or sign, and shall, upon determination of the expenses, certify them to the Town Clerk. (3) Lien. The Town Clerk shall notify the owner or person entitled to possession of the sign or property of the total costs incurred for the alteration or removal of the sign. If that person fails, within thirty (30) days after the date of notification, to pay the entire costs and expenses of the repair, alteration or removal, then the costs and expenses shall become a lien against the property, and the Town Clerk 15-51 shall certify them to the County Treasurer for collection in the same manner as general property taxes are collected. (4) Costs. The amount certified by the Town Clerk to the County Treasurer for collection shall include the actual cost of repair or removal of the sign plus fifteen percent (15%), and, in addition thereto, shall include an amount equal to ten percent (10%) representing penalty and interest for the cost of collection. (5) Maintenance required — enforcement. All signs in the Town shall be properly maintained, to the satisfaction of the Planning and Zoning Commission, at all times. The Commission shall have the authority to order the painting, repair or removal of a sign, and accompanying landscaping, that constitutes a hazard to safety, health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence or abandonment. Their decision shall be subject to review by the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.16. Notification shall be by certified mail. If, within fifteen (15) days, the maintenance orders are not complied with, the sign administrator may order the sign removed, at the owner's expense, under the provisions of Subparagraphs (1) through (4) of this Subsection. (b) Variances. (1) Purpose. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have authority to grant variances from this regulation to prevent or lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships, inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter, as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement. (2) Approval criteria. Before acting on a variance request, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following factors: a. The relationship of the requested variance to existing and potential uses and structures in the vicinity; b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity; c. Such other factors and criteria as the Planning and Zoning Commission deems applicable to the requested variance. (3) Findings required. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: a. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity; b. That the variance is warranted for one (1) or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter, 15-52 2. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the vicinity, 3. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the vicinity. (4) Conditional granting. The granting of a variance may be conditioned on action by the applicant. (c) Construction code. The International Building Code, and the codes incorporated therein, shall be used in determining the use of materials and construction methods in the erection or placement of signs. No sign shall be placed unless or until construction plans have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and a building permit has been issued by the sign administrator, unless the sign is exempted herein. (Ord. 04-07 §9; Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) 15.28.100 Liability not relieved. The provisions of this Title shall not be construed as relieving, or limiting in any way, the responsibility or liability of any person, firm or corporation erecting or owning any signs from personal injury or property damage resulting from the placing of the sign, or resulting from the negligence or willful acts of such person, firm or corporation, his, her or its agents, employees or workmen, in the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of any sign erected in accordance with a permit issued under the provisions of this Chapter; nor shall it be construed as imposing upon the Town, its officers, employees or the Planning and Zoning Commission, any responsibility or liability by reason of the approval of any signs, materials or devices under the provisions of this Chapter. (Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) 15.28.110 Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof during which any infraction is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code. (Ord. 07-03 §18; Ord. 02-08 §8; Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) 15.28.120 Captions. The captions and paragraph headings used throughout this Chapter are for the convenience of reference only, and the words contained therein shall in no way be held or deemed to define, limit, describe, explain, modify, amplify or add to the interpretations, construction or meaning of any provision to, or the scope of intent of, this Chapter. (Ord. 86-3 § 1(part)) CHAPTER 15.30 Outdoor Lighting Standards 15.30.010 Intent and purpose. (a) The purpose of this Chapter is to reduce offensive lighting sources and reduce light trespass beyond property lines, including unnecessary upward lighting. The Town is experiencing a significant increase in the use of exterior illumination. Town residents and guests value small town character and the qualities associated with this character, including the ability to view the stars against a dark sky. They recognize 15-53 F Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes .4vo n Tuesday, June i, 2015 COLORADO Avon Municipal Building - One Lake Street --Meetings are Open to the Public -- I. Call to Order - 5:0013m IL Roll Call • All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Minervini. 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda a. Case #SRU15001 for Lot 37, Block z, Benchmark at Beaver Creek was removed from the agenda and rescheduled for the June 16, 2015 PZC meeting. IV. Conflicts of Interest • None V. Consent Agenda: • None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #MJR15007 Property Location: Lot 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Property Address: 5040 Wildridge Road East Zoning: PUD Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects Owner: Wildridge Lots, LLC Description: The previous application (Case #PUD'4007) to amend the PUD for a different configuration was not approved by the Town Council so the Applicant intends to exercise the existing development rights with one (1) duplex on Lot 38 and two (2) duplexes on Lot 39. At this time, the Applicant is presenting one (1) new duplex proposed for Lot 39• • Action: Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Major Development Plan with three (3) conditions and the three (3) findings of fact as listed in the staff report, and one additional finding of fact: o Conditions: 1. The 3rd car garage on the west unit of the duplex shall be recessed one (1) foot behind the front fa4ade of the living room to be in conformance with Sec. 7.28.o9o(i)(2)(i) of the Avon Development Code. 2. The metal roofing material may be as proposed (corrugated Corten) or changed to standing seam or flat seam Corten metal with staff approval at building permit. 3. The base material on the north side elevation may be changed to stucco or stone to wainscot height to the bottom of the windows for increased winter durability and may be approved by staff at building permit. Findings of Fact: 1. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code. 2. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. 3. The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 4. In concurrence with Sec. 7.28.030(2)(c)(1&2) of the Avon Development Code, the PZC finds the proposed driveway acceptable to cross grades over 30%, if applicable, as: • No alternate location for access is available; • No significant adverse visual, environmental or safety impacts will result from the driveway crossing, either as originally proposed or as a result of incorporation of remedial improvements provided by the developer to mitigate such impacts. Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and at vote, five (5) were in favor with one (i) Commissioner in opposition. The motion passed. VII. Work Session • Staff provided an update on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan update project and was provided further direction from PZC on next steps. VIII. Meeting Minutes Approval • Commissioner Hardy made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 19, 2015. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonidy and all Commissioners were in favor. The motion passed. IX. Other Business • There was a brief discussion to prepare for the June 3, 2015 joint meeting with Town Council. X. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05Pm