06-09-2015 Memorandum of Agreement regarding cost sharing of a joint Fire-Police Station Facility between the Town of Avon and the ERFPDMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT REGARDING COST SHARING FOR PROGRAMMING, DESIGN AND PRE- CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF A JOINT FIRE- POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into on June 9, 2015, ( "Effective Date ") by the Town of Avon, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( "Avon ") and the Eagle River Fire Protection District, a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado organized under Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes ( "Fire District ") (collectively, the "Parties," and each individually a "Party "). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Fire District and Avon desire to design and construct a regional fire station and police station facility on Lot 1 B, Buck Creek PUD, Avon, Colorado ( "Joint Public Safety Facility "), the Parties have executed a contract with Davis Partnership Architects to conduct programming, design and construction administration for the Joint Public Safety Facility, and the Parties intend to enter into a contract with a general contractor; and, WHEREAS, Avon and the Fire District desire to set forth the terms and conditions for Avon and ERFPD concerning the apportionment of costs, revision of the apportionment of costs and the responsiblity for payment related to contracts for architectural, pre - construction management and other services related to design and pre - construction management of the Joint Public Safety Facility; and, WHEREAS, the Parties acknowledge and the agree that the initial apportionment of costs may be adjusted when appropriate depending upon changes to the character, size and scale of the Joint Public Safety Facility and each Party's respective portion of the Joint Public Safety Facility; and, WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement for a Joint Fire - Police Station Facility Between the Town of Avon and the Eagle River Fire Protection District ( "IGA "), dated April 28, 2015, and desire to amend and supplement the terms of the IGA by and through the adoption of this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized pursuant to §29 -1 -201 and §30 -11 -101, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, and Article XIV, Section 18, of the Colorado Constitution. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Effective Date. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date. ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL —June 9, 2015 Page 1 of 6 2. Apportionment of Costs. The apportionment of costs for all architectural services, pre - construction management services, and other related pre - construction services which arise from contracts entered into by both Avon and the Fire District ( "Pre- Construction Contracts ") are based on Exhibit A -1: Apportioned Cost ( "Apportioned Cost ") which shall be in accordance with Exhibit B with respect to various identified portions of the project until adjusted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement: 3. Adjustment to Apportionment of Costs. The Parties agree that the Apportioned Cost shall be adjusted when the actual designs for the Joint Public Saftey Facility indicate a different square footage and different ratio of shared space, police department and fire department space. Such adjustment shall be applied to work performed from the date of adoption of a replacement Exhibit A -(x): Apporportioned Cost, unless another method of allocation is mutually determined appropriate. The updated replacement Exhibit A -(x): Apportioned Cost shall automatically replace and supercede any previously adopted Exhibit A -(x): Apportioned Cost and shall automatically become a part of this Agreement. Any updated replacement Exhibit A -(x): Apportioned Cost shall be number sequentially to denote the most updated version (e.g. A -1, A- 2). The Parties agree to work cooperatively in good faith to consider the equitable allocation of cost to each Party for any change in the design, which may be based on square footage as depicted in Exhibit A -1: Apportioned Cost or may be based on another method or formula as mutually determined appropriate to achieve the purpose of this Agreement. The Parties agree that any additional cost resulting from a change order or amendment to any Pre - Construction Contracts which is requested by, and which primarily concerns, one Party shall be paid for by such Parry and shall not change or affect the Apportioned Cost for the remainder of the Pre - Construction Contracts unless the Parties mutually agree that another method or formula is appropriate. 4. Payment Responsibility. All Pre - Construction Contracts to which this Agreement is applicable shall state that Avon and the Fire District are each responsible and liable for payment and costs under such constracts only to the extent of each Party's respective Apportioned Cost and that the Parties are not jointly and severally liable for the entire cost of Pre - Construction Costs. 5. Term. This Agreement shall expire upon final and full payment of each Party's respective Apportioned Cost. 6. Amendment to IGA. In accordance with Paragraph 14 of the IGA, the Parties hereby amend the IGA by the adoption of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the langauge in this Agreement and the IGA, the language in the IGA shall control. Furthermore, the Parties agree that any revision or update to Exhibit A: Design & Construction Manager Process of the IGA shall be deemed to be an approved amendment to the IGA upon approval by each Party's designated representative. 7. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or should be construed to confer or give to any person or corporation or governmental entity other than the Fire District and the Town, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason hereof or by reason of any covenant or condition herein contained, nor limit in any way the powers and responsibilities of the Town, the Fire District, or any other entity not a party hereto. ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL —June 9, 2015 Page 2 of 6 8. Severability. If any portion of this Intergovernmental Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction as to either Party or as to both Parties, such portion shall be deemed severable and its invalidity or its unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions; such remaining provisions shall be fully severable and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid provisions had never been inserted into this Agreement. 9. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended from time to time by a written agreement duly authorized and executed by all the Parties to this Agreement. 10. Survival of Terms. The Parties understand and agree that all terms and conditions of the Agreement that require continued performance, compliance, or effect beyond the termination date of the Agreement shall survive such termination date and shall be enforceable in the event of a failure to perform or comply. 11. Assignment. The Parties agree that neither Party hereto can assign this Agreement, or any right or obligation contained herein, to another party without the express written consent of the other Party and any attempt to do so shall be void and ineffective. 12. Complete Agreement. This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of the Parties, and supersedes any prior agreements, discussions, negotiations, representations or understandings of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. 13. Governing Law, Venue. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. Venue for any District Court action shall be in Eagle County, Colorado. 14. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, consents and other communications hereunder shall be transmitted in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when hand - delivered or sent by certified, United States mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested, or sent via electronic transmission provided that such transmission is acknowledged by the receiving Party, addressed to the Parties as follows: TO ERFPD: The Eagle River Fire Protection District 351 Benchmark Road Post Office Box 7980 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Karl Bauer E -Mail: with copy to: James P. Collins Collins, Cockrel & Cole ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL —June 9, 2015 Page 3 of 6 390 Union Boulevard, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80228 -1556 E -Mail: jcollinsgeccfirm.com WIT.1 erN Town of Avon One Lake Street Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Virginia Egger, Town Manager E -Mail: veggergavon.org with copy to: Eric J. Heil, Avon Town Attorney One Lake Street Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 E -Mail: ericgheillaw.com [EXECUTION PAGE FOLLOWS] ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL —June 9, 2015 Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT A: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT EXECUTED as of the date first written above. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Jenn ancher, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Eric J. Heil, Es o Town Attorney ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL — June 9, 2015 Page 5 of 6 ATTEST: M-7i 141"mo Debbie Hoppe: To n Clerk ATTACHMENT A: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT EXECUTED as of the date first written above. EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BY: ATTEST: Jennifer Cartmell Hays, Chairperson Clark Shivley, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: James P. Collins, Esq. ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL — June 9, 2015 Page 6 of 6 EXECUTED as of the date first written above. EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BY: / ATTEST: Bau6r, Fire Chief APPROVED AS TO FORM: es P. Collins, Esq. ERFPD -Avon MOA re: Apportioned Costs FINAL — June 9, 2015 Page 6 of 6 Clark Shivley,'Secretary ..__� Avon Public Safety Building DRAFT PROGRAM Proportional Share Percentages .,■.. WINNE DAVIS Exhibit A: Cost Apportionment MORIN PARTNERSHIP �� ■EMO0 ARCHITECTS DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Room Name Proposed Notes NSF # Total Policeand Fire Station Combined Basement Armory Room 200 1 200 Storage /Equipment Storage Room 400 1 400 Holding Cell 100 3 300 Sally Port 600 1 600 (2424) Bookin /Fibn erphnting /Intoxiyzer 200 1 200 Mechanical / Boiler 200 1 200 Shared Electrical 150 1 50 Shared Elevator 100 1 100 Shared Elevator Machine Room 120 1 120 Stair 250 1 250 Shared ERFD Storage 3,500 1 3,500 Fire Suppression, Tech. Rescue, Hazarfdous Materials, Wildfire and Deployments, Respiratory Protection, EMS /Exposure Control, Fire Investigation, Community Safety Outreach, Record Retention and Administration. Subtotal (x1.15) 6,923 Ground Floor Front Office 200 1 200 Workstation 50 2 100 Workstation for (2) with fingerprinting area Records Room 300 1 300 Locker Room 400 2 800 Evidence Room 110 2 220 Interview Room 100 3 300 Audio video capacity Public Restroom 150 2 300 Shared Lobby 300 1 300 Shared Elevator 100 1 100 Shared Stair 250 2 500 Shared Tower and Bay Storage 1,850 1 1,850 Aparatus Bay 6,400 Ladder Truck is 50'+ (16' hight doors) Includes BC Buggie, Rescue Engine, Tower, Type 3 Engine Subtotal (x1.15) 11,658 Second Floor Sleeping Rooms 200 10 2,000 Storage Room 200 2 400 Restroom 200 2 400 Day Room 500 1 500 Dining 300 11 300 Walk in Refrigerator 150 1 150 Pantry 150 1 150 Kitchen 300 1 300 Lobby 300 1 300 Shared Elevator 100 1 100 Shared Stair 250 2 500 Shared Subtotal (x1.20) 6,120 Third Floor Police Ready Room 300 1 300 Patrol Report Wrriting Room 1,400 1 1,400 (14) cubicles @ 100 sf /cube Sergeant Offices 120 3 360 Detective Offices 100 2 200 Chief Offices 140 1 140 Deputy Offices /Conferenc 140 1 140 Conference Table Conference Room 200 1 200 Training Squad Room 1,000 1 1,000 Shared Training Room storage 200 11 200 Recreation / Fitness Workout Area 8001 11 8001 Shared Fitness storage 2001 11 200 Avon Public Safety Building DRAFT PROGRAM Proportional Share Percentages Exhibit A: Cost Apportionment mango ■■omm DAVIS 111111111111I.E PARTNERSHIP Bonn ARCHITECTS m®mi1s DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Room Name (Split Equally) Proposed Notes NSF # Total (In Red Above) Stair 250 2 500 Shared (Split Equally) Elevator 100 1 100 Shared library Woork Stations 150 1 150 Storage 2001 1 200 Cleaning and office Supplies Lt Engine Office 1201 1 120 Battalion Conf Room 100 1 100 Ladder Rescue office 120 1 120 Battalion Chief Office 140 1 140 Battalion Chief Quarters 240 1 240 w/ Murphy bed and bathroom Training Chief Office 240 1 240 w/ Murphy bed and bathroom Training Division Offices 120 2 240 Crew Work Station Room 500 1 500 4 to 6 work stations in one room Subtotal (xl.20)1 9,108 Grand Total 1 33,809 Total Shared 5,720 (Split Equally) Total Police Department 6,360 (In Blue Above) Total Fire Department 18,000 (In Red Above) Total without Circulation 30,080 Circulation 3,729 (Split Equally) Grand Total 33,809 Proportioned SF 32.79% 11,085 Proportioned SF 67.21"/ 22,725 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT: IGA UPDATED DESIGN PROCESS UPDATED JUNE 25 2015 EXHIBIT A: DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PROCESS WG: Working Group [Jennie Fancher, Buzz Reynolds, Clark Shively, Jennifer 3/31 Cartmell -Hays, Virginia Egger, Chief Ticer, Justin Hildreth, Matt Comments on Architectural Services RFP Due Pielsticker, Eric Heil, Chief Bauer, George Wilson, Todd Goulding, Jim WG Collins] BOD: Board of Directors of the Eagle River Fire Protection District ERFPD: Eagle River Fire Protection District ATC: Avon Town Council Avon: Town of Avon FD Rep: Goulding Development Advisors TASK DATE RESPONSIBLE PARTY Draft Architectural Services RFP 3/31 Avon Comments on Architectural Services RFP Due 4/2 WG Advertise and Distribute Architectural Services RFP 4/3 Avon Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Tour 4/17 (9:00 a.m.) Avon & ERFPD Architectural Services Proposals Due 4/24 (5:00 .m.) Avon Distribute copies of Architectural Services Proposals 4/25 (9:00 a.m.) Avon Select Architectural firms to interview and determine interview process and questions 4/28 (9:00 a.m.) WG Interview Architectural firm 5/1 8:00 a.m.) WG Finalize Selection Recommendation for Architectural Firm & Negotiate Professional Services Agreement 5/12 WG Professional Service Agreement Architectural Services Approval 5/21 5/26 BOD ATC Closing on Lot 1B, Buck Creek PUD 6/8 ERFPD Draft Construction Manager at Risk RFP 6/1-6/15 Avon/FD Re Design Kickoff meeting 6/11 & 6/12 WG (as needed) Comments on Construction Manager RFP 6/17 WG Advertise and Distribute Construction Manager RFP 6/18, 6/25 & 7/2 Avon/FD Re Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Tour 7/6 Avon/FD Re Construction Manager Proposals Due 7/10 Avon/FD Re Distribute copies of Construction Manager Proposals 7/10 Avon/FD Re Select Construction Managers to interview and determine interview process and questions 7/13 WG Interview Construction Managers 7/17 WG GC Selection Recommendation 7/20 WG Finalize Selection Recommendation for Construction Manager & Contract 7/28 WG Construction Manager Contract Approval 7/28 BOD & ATC Construction Manager Begins 8/1 GC Architect to Provide 100% Programming/Concept/SD 9/1 WG GC Pricing for Programming/Concept/SD 9/15 GC Architect to Provide 90% Design Documents 11115 WG GC Pricing DD Set Submitted 12/7 GC TENTATIVE — BOND ELECTION 5/5/2016 m N m \ a) a O Y C O C a ., a Ln E L O O1 L Ln a o tD m LL rj 4.+ C m W u C u o L Q1 Gl c Ln N O r1 t a a o a - a o O1 O 01 U- K T W lD f\ Y V Y ra C Y V LO YO Cc � as 7 > 0 U cc 0 u U m u v- U v L aJ u aj fl- Y C O, O N d Y i� -Q Q 0 Q Q N a) 0 O O m u cli Ln Ln Y O O O ii a Ln Ln > > V*� V1 V'� 1- —11411, 00 00 0 0 LSD O O N Ln u1 Ol N n r1 in V*� V} V*� o °o V O r1 Dl n N V V a V^ i^ i ti O a O m W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Vf Ln J O H 0 � N H ar O '^ Z m t a m c ar l7 o > o B Ln C ° ar +� a no m ° m i ar J a �•��, �W E 0� u in Ln 2 �' ATTACHMENT: IGA UPDATED DESIGN PROCESS AVON PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY - WORKGROUP Town of Avon Jennie Fancher Buzz Reynolds Virginia Egger Bob Ticer Eric Heil Matt Pielsticker Justin Hildreth jfancher @avon.org breynolds @avon.org vegger @avon.org rticer @avon.org ericheillaw @gmail.com mpielsticker @avon.org jhildreth @avon.org Eagle River Fire Protection District Jennifer Cartmell Hays jbcartm @vail.net Clive Shively shivleyavon @aol.com Karl Bauer kbauer @eagleriverfire.org George Wilson gwilson @eagleriverfire.org Todd Goulding tgoulding @gda- co.com