04-28-2015 Revised IGA for Joint Public Safety Facility& PLANNING,LC M E M O R A N D U M TO: Honorable Mayor Fancher and Town Council members FROM: Eric J. Heil, Town Attorney RE: Revised IGA for Joint Public Safety Facility DATE: April 28, 2015 Summary: The Intergovernmental Agreement with the Eagle River Fire Protection District is presented to the Council for approval. The Council reviewed the revised draft of the IGA at a work session on April 21, 2015 and did not indicate any desire for changes or further revisions. The Eagle River Fire Protection District approved this Intergovernmental Agreement at its last meeting. The Charter requires Council to approve this Agreement by the current vote of five Council members. Thank you, Eric Attachments: Final version of IGA with Eagle River Fire Protection District Heil Law & Planning, LLC Office: 303.975.6120 3445 S. Clermont St. Fax: 720.836.3337 Denver, CO 80222 E -Mail: eric @heillaw.com INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT FIRE- POLICE STATION FACILITY BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into on April 28, 2015, ( "Effective Date ") by the Town of Avon, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( "Avon ") and the Eagle River Fire Protection District, a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado organized under Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes ( "Fire District ") (collectively, the "Parties," and each individually a "Party "). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Fire District is under contract to sell Lot 1A, Buck Creek PUD, as described and defined in the Plat recorded December 30, 2009, at Reception No. 200927819, County of Eagle, State of Colorado ( "Lot IA "), and in accordance with the terms of a purchase and sale agreement with Avon MOB LLC ( "Avon MOB ") with an effective date of February 25, 2015; and the Fire District is under contract to acquire Lot 1B, Buck Creek PUD, as described and defined in the Plat recorded December 30, 2009, Reception No. 200927819, County of Eagle, State of Colorado ( "Lot 111"), and in accordance with the terms of an assigned purchase and sale agreement between Avon MOB and Buck Creek Associates LTD, a Colorado corporation ( "Buck Creek Assoc. ") with an effective date of February 25, 2015, which sale of Lot lA and acquisition of Lot 1B is intended to enable the Fire District to proceed with the design, financing and construction of a joint Fire District fire station and Avon police station facility on Lot 1B ( "Joint Facility "); and, WHEREAS, Avon desires to support and facilitate the Fire District's ability to sell Lot lA and acquire Lot 1 B and pursue a Joint Facility with Avon for reasons which include but are not limited to: (1) establishing an improved fire station facility to serve the Avon region with a location that can improve response times and with a facility that can house a ladder truck to improve response time to tall buildings in and near Avon; (2) establish a joint public safety facility with the Avon police department and thereby promote significant efficiencies in cooperation and coordination as well as improve operational efficiencies through shared space; and, (3) facilitate the relocation of the existing Fire District regional fire station located in Avon from property owned by Avon in the central core area to enable Avon to plan and reuse this site for other municipal and/or public purposes; and, WHEREAS, the proceeds of the sale of Lot IA are insufficient to repay in full the existing debt on Lot lA and the Fire District has requested that Avon provide temporary financing in an amount not to exceed $830,000.00 ( "Temporary Financing ") to assist the Fire District's ability to sell Lot I and to acquire Lot 1B while maintaining reasonable Fire District reserves; and, WHEREAS, Avon and the Fire District desire and intend that Avon and the Fire District will diligently design a Joint Facility and will cooperate on all matters related to determining the optimum programing, financing and construction terms for the Joint Facility; and, ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 1 of 10 WHEREAS, Avon represents its desire and intent to aquire an undivided or proportionate interest in Lot 1B upon completion of the design and closing on construction financing for a Joint Facility ( "Construction Closing ") and to apply the outstanding balance of the Temporary Financing towards Avon's proportionate share of the Joint Facility for the Avon police station as such amount is further defined in this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Fire District has taken actions to appropriate funds as required in this Agreement and has taken action to approve the purchase and sale agreement for Lot IA, Buck Creek PUD and the purchase and sale agreement for Lot 113, Buck Creek PUD; and, WHEREAS, Avon has taken action to appropriate funds as required in this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, Avon and the Fire District desire to set forth the terms and conditions for Avon and ERFPD concerning the terms of short term financing provided by the Town of Avon and the design, construction, ownership and operation of a joint fire and police station facility; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized pursuant to §29 -1 -201 and §30 -11 -101, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, and Article XIV, Section 18, of the Colorado Constitution. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Effective Date. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date. 2. Intent. It is the intent of Avon and the Fire District to jointly design, finance and construct a Joint Facility in accordance with the following terms and schedule: a. Fire District to sell Lot 1 A and purchase Lot 1 B by June 8, 2015, or as of any date to which the closing may be extended, which is anticipated to be a simultaneous property closing ( "Property Closings "). Avon agrees to provide Temporary Financing to assist with the sale of Lot 1 at the Property Closings. b. Fire District and Avon to commence design of a Joint Facility promptly after the Property Closings and to complete design of a Joint Facility by June 1, 2016. C. Fire District and Avon to jointly bid the Joint Facility project in the third or fourth quarter of 2016. d. Fire District and Avon to determine the best available construction financing and to determine the terms for ownership and repayment by and between the Fire District and Avon by the first quarter of 2017. e. Provided that all construction financing for the Joint Facility has been approved and both the Fire District and Avon have obtained all necessary approvals for permanent financing of the Joint Facility, Fire District and Avon to enter into a contract, or contracts, to construct the Joint Facility, close on construction financing, and commence construction by the second quarter of 2017. Provided construction financing and all approvals for permanent financing are in place, Fire District intends ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 2 of 10 to convey an undivided interest in Lot 113 to Avon based on site design and proportionate share of site usage. Fire District and Avon agree to revise, amend, modify and/or update the terms for ownership and repayment of Construction Financing as determined appropriate. f. Provided all conditions for commencement of construction have been satisfied as provided above in a timely manner, Fire District and Avon to complete construction of Joint Facility and move in to new facility in the third quarter of 2018. g. Avon hereby acknowledges and confirms that that both the sale and conveyance of Lot 1 A and the acquisition of Lot 1 B by the Fire District are exempt from Avon's real property transfer tax which shall not apply when the transfer is one in which a district or other political subdivision of the State is either grantor or grantee, Section 3.12.060(1), Avon Home Rule Charter and Code. Avon agrees to provide whatever documentation may be required to confirm this exemption to any title company or closing agent for either transaction. h. Fire District represents that it intends to continue to budget and appropriate approximately $400,000 per year towards the design and construction of a Regional Fire Station Facility to be located on Lot 113, including the repayment of the Temporary Financing and the lease - purchase agreement into which the Fire District expects to enter to finance the acquisition of Lot 113; or, if repayment of the Temporary Financing is no longer necessary upon Construction Closing as is further defined in the terms of this Agreement, for payment of the Fire District's proportionate share of the capital costs for a Joint Facility for the fire station as such amount is further defined in this Agreement 3. Temporary Financing. a. Appropriation of Funds by Avon. Avon has appropriated [EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($830,000.00)] and represents and agrees that such amount is available to the Fire District for temporary financing ( "Temporary Financing ") to be used exclusively for the pay -off of the existing financing on Lot lA by defeasance of the outstanding Certificates of Participation issued in 2009 and which Temporary Financing shall be provided subject to the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. b. Tender of Funds at Closing. Avon agrees to provide and make available good funds in an amount not to exceed $830,000.00 at the Closing on Lot lA by wire transfer to the Closing Agent for Lot IA. C. Terms of Repayment. The Fire District shall enter into a promissory note ( "Note ") with Avon with the following terms: i. The Fire District and Avon are both governmental entities representing the same taxapayers as regards this project within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Town of Avon; therefore, these parties agree that the funds advanced by Avon shall be ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 3 of 10 repayable by the Fire District without interest, with the exception that interest due in the event of default shall be at the rate of EIGHT PERCENT (8 %) per annum. ii. Payment shall be made in semi - annual payments commencing on December 1, 2015 and continuing on June 1 and December 1 thereafter until the principal balance of the Promissory Note is paid in full. Each semi - annual principal payment shall be equal to not less than ten percent (10 %) of the original principal amount of the Temporary Financing provided by Avon, without interest and with no penalty for prepayment. A payment schedule shall be prepared and approved by both parties after the financing of the District's purchase of Lot 1B is finalized. iii. Avon agrees that any repayment of the Temporary Financing received by Avon shall be earmarked and pledged as a contribution towards Avon's proportionate share of the Joint Facility until this Agreement expires. iv. If the Parties proceed with the issuance of Construction Financing for a Joint Facility as contemplated below prior to the full repayment of the Temporary Financing and expiration of the Term of this Agreement, then the outstanding balance of the Temporary Financing may be extinguished and such amount may be applied as a credit for the benefit of Avon for Avon's proportionate share of the cost of Lot 1 B and cost of the construction of the Joint Facility. d. Collateral for Payment of Promissory Note. Fire District agrees that collateral for repayment of the Promissory Note shall consist of the dedicated land for a Fire District Facility in the Village (at Avon), described as Tract E, Final Plat, The Village At Avon Filing 3, according to the plat thereof recorded on June 29, 2004, at Reception No. 882176 ( "Tract E "). In the event that the Fire District is in default in the repayment of the Temporary Financing for a period of more than 12 months, then the Town may submit a written demand for conveyance of Tract E. Upon receipt of a written demand by the Town, the Fire District shall take action within ninety (90) days to either (1) cure any and all default in repayment of the Tempoary Financing, or (2) execute and record a Quitclaim Deed conveying Tract E to the Town. e. Appropriation for Repayment. The Fire District agrees to appropriate not less than ONE - HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000.00) for repayment of the Temporary Financing for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. f. Payment Obligation. The Fire District's payment obligation to repay the Temporary Financing shall be subject to annual budget and appropriation, which shall be determined in the sole discretion of the Fire District. The Fire District agrees to consider in good faith including such payment in the annual budget for each year in which payments are to be made. 4. Pre - Conditions to Temporary Financing. As a pre- condition to Avon providing the Temporary Financing funds, the following contingecies shall all be satisfied: a. Development Application Approval for Lot 1A. Avon MOB LLC, as the development application applicant, shall obtain approval of an Avon Comprehensive ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 4 of 10 Plan amendment application, Rezoning application, and Development Plan application and other development applications for Lot 1A as may be applicable pursuant to Avon's regulations. This Agreement shall not operate to compel, restrict, or influence in any manner Avon's discretionary authority to review and act upon development applications in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures of the Town of Avon. The District acknowledges and agrees that Avon retains its complete discretionary authority to review development applications in accordance with the public process and in accordance with applicable review criteria. b. Development Application Approval for Lot 1B. The Fire District shall obtain approval of an Avon Comprehensive Plan amendment application and Rezoning application for Lot 1B. This Agreement shall not operate to compel, restrict, or influence in any manner Avon's discretionary authority to review and act upon development applications in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures of the Town of Avon. The District acknowledges and agrees that Avon retains its complete discretionary authority to review development applications in accordance with the public process and in accordance with applicable review criteria. C. Closing on Lot 1A. Any and all contingencies for the sale of Lot lA shall be satsified, including but not limited to pay -off of existing financing. d. Closing on Lot 1B. Any and all contingencies for the purchase of Lot 1B by the Fire District shall be satsified, including but not limited to closing on financing for acquisition of Lot 1 B. 5. Design. Avon and the Fire District agree to commence and complete design of a Joint Facility promptly after the Property Closings, in accordance with the following terms: a. Design Process. Avon and the Fire District shall mutually determine the proposed scope of work, minimum qualifications for designers, request for qualifications and/or request for proposals, procedure for selecting a designer, contract to retain a design, administration of the design process and acceptance of the work and final design. The design process shall result in a final Joint Facility design ( "Joint Facility Design ") that will be used by the Parties for construction bids, financing and construction of the Joint Facility. The design process is more fully described in Exhibit A: Joint Design Process which shall be subject to amendments, revisions and extensions as may be mutually agreed by Avon and Fire District. b. Appropriation by Avon. Avon has appropriated and agrees to make available $100,000.00 in 2015 in funds, or such additional amount or amounts deemed appropriate by Avon, for Avon's proportionate share of design of a Joint Facility. C. Appropriation by Fire District. Fire District has appropriated and agrees to make available $100,000.00 in 2015 in funds, or such additional amount or amounts deemed appropriate by the Fire District for Fire District's proportionate share of design of a Joint Facility. GRFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 5 of 10 6. Construction Bid Process. Avon and the Fire District shall mutually determine a construction bid process for the Joint Facility using the adopted Joint Facility Design. 7. Construction Financing. Avon and the Fire District shall cooperatively explore the best financing options for the construction of the Joint Facility, which may include consideration of any financing method legally available to Avon or the Fire District. Avon and/or the Fire District may be required to refer debt authorization to the each entity's electorate in accordance with Section 20 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution ( "TABOR"). Avon and the Fire District each reserve the right to refer a ballot issue on financing or any other matter associated with the Joint Facility to their respective electorate. 8. Sale and Conveyance of Portion of Lot 1B to Avon. If the Parties have agreed on a Joint Facility Design and have secured Construction Financing as hereinabove required, then it is the intent of the Fire District to sell and convey that portion of Lot 1B to Avon which is required to serve the Police Station facility as shall be mutually determined, along with a party wall agreement; which may include common areas of joint ownership including but not limited to: driveway access, parking, hallways, reception areas, break rooms, bathrooms, and meeting room space; and which may include a combination of a deeded portion of Lot 113 and common ownership; or, may include other property ownership interests as mutually determined appropriate by the Parties. The Parties agree that Avon's proportionate share shall be applied to the total cost of acquisition of Lot 113 by ERFPD and such amount shall not be adjusted for appreciation, depreciation or fair market value appraisal. 9. Construction. Avon and the Fire District shall mutually determine the form of construction contracts, the administration of the construction contracts and construction process, and the acceptance of the construction of the Joint Facility. 10. Term. This Agreement shall expire on June 2, 2020. 11. Arbitration. The Parties agree that any dispute that may arise under this Agreement will be resolved by arbitration. 12. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or should be construed to confer or give to any person or corporation or governmental entity other than the Fire District and the Town, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason hereof or by reason of any covenant or condition herein contained, nor limit in any way the powers and responsibilities of the Town, the Fire District, or any other entity not a parry hereto. 13. Severability. If any portion of this Intergovernmental Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction as to either Party or as to both Parties, such portion shall be deemed severable and its invalidity or its unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions; such remaining provisions shall be fully severable and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid provisions had never been inserted into this Agreement. 14. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended from time to time by a written agreement duly authorized and executed by all the Parties to this Agreement. ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 6 of 10 15. Survival of Terms. The Parties understand and agree that all terms and conditions of the Agreement that require continued performance, compliance, or effect beyond the termination date of the Agreement shall survive such termination date and shall be enforceable in the event of a failure to perform or comply. 16. Assignment. The Parties agree that neither Party hereto can assign this Agreement, or any right or obligation contained herein, to another party without the express written consent of the other Party and any attempt to do so shall be void and ineffective. 17. Complete Agreement. This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of the Parties, and supersedes any prior agreements, discussions, negotiations, representations or understandings of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. 18. Governing Law, Venue. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. Venue for any District Court action shall be in Eagle County, Colorado. 19. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, consents and other communications hereunder shall be transmitted in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when hand - delivered or sent by certified, United States mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested, or sent via electronic transmission provided that such transmission is acknowledged by the receiving Party, addressed to the Parties as follows: TO ERFPD: The Eagle River Fire Protection District 351 Benchmark Road Post Office Box 7980 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Karl Bauer E -Mail: with copy to: James P. Collins Collins, Cockrel & Cole 390 Union Boulevard, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80228 -1556 E -Mail: jcollins(2cccfirm.com FRFPD -Avon 1GA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 7 of 10 WGIRiiISIN Town of Avon One Lake Street Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Virginia Egger, Town Manager E -Mail: veggergavon.org with copy to: Eric J. Heil, Avon Town Attorney One Lake Street Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 E -Mail: eric&heillaw.com [EXECUTION PAGE FOLLOWS] ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 8 of 10 EXECUTED as of the date first written above. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO B : ATTEST: biz 4AL-Ie--- lqo Jen j2Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe: ToivdCIerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Eric J. H sq., Avon Town Attorney ERFPD -Avon IGA for Joint Public Safety Building Page 9 of 10 EXECUTED as of the date first written above. EAGLE RIVER FIR] EA PROTECTION DISTRICT BY: ATTEST: Jennifer ennifer Cartmell Ilays, Chairperson Clark Shivley, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: James P. Collins, Esq. EXHIBIT A: DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PROCESS WG: Working Group [Two elected members from the ATC & ERFPD, Appointed staff, FD Rep, legal counsel as requested.] BOD: Board of Directors of the Eagle River Fire Protection District ERFPD: Eagle River Fire Protection District ATC: Avon Town Council Avon: Town of Avon FD Rep: Fire District Owner's Rep TASK DATE RESPONSIBLE PARTY 2015 Draft Architectural Services RFP 3/31 Avon Comments on Architectural Services RFP Due 4/2 WG Advertise and Distribute Architectural Services RFP 4/3 Avon Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Tour 4/17 (9:00 a.m. ) Avon & ERFPD Architectural Services Proposals Due 4/24 5:00 .m. Avon Distribute copies of Architectural Services Proposals 4/25 9:00 a.m. Avon Select Architectural firms to interview and determine interview process and questions 4/28 (9:00 a.m.) WG Interview Architectural firm 511 8:00 a.m. WG Finalize Selection Recommendation for Architectural Firm & Negotiate Professional Services Agreement 5/12 WG Professional Service Agreement Architectural Services Approval 5/21 5/26 BOD ATC Closing on Lot 1B, Buck Creek PUD 6/8 ERFPD Draft Construction Manager at Risk RFP 6/8 Avon/FD Re Comments on Construction Manager RFP 6/17 WG Advertise and Distribute Construction Manager RFP 6/22 Avon/FD Re Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Tour 7/7 Avon & ERFPD Construction Manager Proposals Due 7/15 Avon/FD Re Distribute copies of Construction Manager Proposals 7/16 Avon/FD Re Select Construction Managers to interview and determine interview process and questions 8/13 WG Interview Construction Managers 8/27 WG Finalize Selection Recommendation for Construction Manager & Contract 9/7 WG Construction Manager Contract Approval 9/16 9/15 BOD ATC Architect to Provide 50% Preliminary Design 10 /1 WG Construction Manager Begins 10 /1 Architect to Provide 90% Design Documents 2/1/2016 WG TENTATIVE — BOND ELECTION 5/5/2016